The game that killed Fire Emblem

The game that killed Fire Emblem


literally the game that REVIVED Fire Emblem, ya idiot.

If it didn't have waifu-ism, children from another timelines and weaboo armor/clothes design the latter being more realistic, it'd be a much better FE game. Prove me wrong.

Actually, I think the franchise getting Granblue'd might kill it.

Anyone who unironically uses the term "weeaboo," especially when using it to describe just Japanese things instead of its actual definition of obnoxious Japanophiles, is fucking retarded.

The woman that saved fire emblem

By making it into an undead cadaver?

The map design was trash, no objectives other than rout, and it was piss easy.
Even without the waifushit, retarded story, and terrible character designs it's still not a great game.

People do not fight in a war with an open cleavage and loose hair like that.

You mean the game that elevated Fire Emblem from a relatively unknown niche series into a first party Nintendo IP.

>not enjoying grinding to impossibly high levels and wiping out everything in your path with ease

>The game that saved Fire Emblem
I fixed that for you.

Don't even go there, lyn doesn't even wear pants. Hardly a trend that awakening/fates set. Fire emblem has always had pandering.

Oh but I do in Sacred Stones

She was a nomad woman and her outfit accentuated that. Light garb that's easy to ride a horse in.


degenerate. this is basically like wanting to be a bully, but being too weak in real life.

more like easy to ride a dick in lmao

I hope a game killed Metroid... oh wait

Other M raped and killed Metroid

That's true only if Florina uses a strap on.

Lyn even had boob jiggle in her promoted animations.


Not bullying. Just POWERFUL.

Go back to your SNES, grandpa.

>admits that SNES games were better than 3DS shit

>Digging this hard
Hows china old man?

The game that saved Fire Emblem.

>the game that saved the series but it's not as autistically rigid as older entries and has shit I don't like so I'll shitpost about it on Sup Forums till the stars burn out
Post tits or fuck off.

No, If only for the massive restrictions. It's okay for like 2 hours, then turns to shit.

It also killed metroid

Still better than Awakening and Fates combined.

>tfw enjoy new FE games and old FE games, from the translated ones to Heroes
>tfw i'll never be as butthurt as "MUH FIRE EMBLEM IS DED" faggots who havent stopped since 2013

>tfw you're supposed to use certain game mechanics to win a difficult/puzzle boss fight and you just brute force your way through that shit


Not really. Are you a complete memelord in real life too? People must find you annoying.

Nice argument, 3DSbabby.

the game's fine but the target audience changed
it's now aimed at horny otaku

I'd be fine with cashgrabs about waifus and boobs and stupid fucking artstyles if the funding went towards new Advance Wars games that'd be devoid of aforementioned things.

I'm not the one that likes Awakening/Fates. Gb2 gfaqs or reddit fag.

Right there with ya, dude. Can't wait for the Gaiden remake.

Too meta.


>it killed fire emblem by not being fates
Just play fates.

What is?

No, I'm saying I love Awakening and Fates for being able to do that.

Advance Wars has had a silly artstyle and waifus since day one. Even the edgy one had waifus.

So far you've gone around calling people 3dsbabies and using literal meme speech like "gb2 gfaqs", how do you think you are not a memelord is beyond me.

I'm sure you must be lost in your own memes, but if you actually stopped and used your head for a second, you'd realize that phone game can't really be better than awakening or fates no matter how you look at it.

But you are just a meme spitting crybaby who is taking a joke too far. Maybe you just don't have a brain, so all you can do is repeat memes.

I replied to the wrong person.
Please help.

If you try hard enough anything can be a waifu even a fucking lampshade. But there's a fine line between waifuism enforced by fans and being shoved into as a blatant selling point.

And you have 0 arguments.
The fact that it actually has likeable characters alone puts it far above that trash.

When people talk about "waifu" they include male characters too?

Because the growing female fan base seems key for the success of the franchise.


>The game that killed Fire Emblem
I mean as much as I agree with you modern FE is shit the franchise was on its death bed, Awakening had to sell well or it was going to be the last game.

I think the term for that would be husbando.
Not that I understand the concept in the first place. Do people ACTUALLY get THAT attached to the characters to the point where they think they're their spouse?
Like, I understand jerkin' it to porn of them, but seriously? I just don't fucking get it. They ain't real.

>likeable characters weights more than actual gameplay
I see you are just a waifufag then. How ironic. May I suggest you go read a VN as opposed to playing a video game?

did non perma death mode kill it for anyone else?
i welcomed it but my friend stuck with perma death because thats how it's always been but he still save scums the moment someone dies

to be honest i save scum on classic when total bullshit happens.

I never liked the permadeath mechanic in the first place, the games were just so good I looked past it and save scummed the hell out of the games.
Now that the option to turn that shit off exists, I think the games greatly benefit for it, especially since it's an OPTION, which means that people can experience the game the way they prefer.

On the same note, its kind of dumb that the AI will go all in on you just to take out a singular unit despite it being a complete suicide play. Takes most of the fun out of classic for me.

I still played Awakening with permadeath on. But it felt more like self-imposed challenge rather than something I had to cope with and struggle through despite it. So in essence, yeah, it kind of killed the feel that previous games had.

>So in essence, yeah, it kind of killed the feel that previous games had.
And yes, I meant it as a bad thing.

so u knew this information but chose to not act upon it and use bait strats. you don't like this genre of game user

>Tfw people saying how Gaiden remake will BTFO Awakeningfags because no Avatar
>The retards don't realise that Awakening was literally Gaiden 2 and that Gaiden has the worst maps in the series, worse than Awakening and Birthright
>And that Gaiden is Rout the Enemies: The Game

You want something you hate to save something you love, seemingly with no benefit to itself. It's like a poem about hating poetry and expecting shakspeare to suck your dick and be grateful for it.

Hey, at least it'll probably turn out better than Shadow Dragon did.


It's more like a bargain. Instead of losing 2 things I love altogether I'd rather have 1 irredeamably changed into something I hate to save something I love. Too bad it doesn't work that way.

do me next

>suicidal ai is a game feature

>shadow dragon


Also explain this

>sprites suck on nes and snes
>get upgraded on the GBA game
>get 3dish models on DS
>Get worse models on the 3DS