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This game

Games of the generation

>Best Mom
Women dont understand kino
its a common fact

imagine pretending to be a japanese woman online for attention

I don't get it? I thought the disc was going to have Hideo Kojima plastered on it several times like usual, but I only see his name on there once

I do that shit all the time for free stuff in MMOs

Friendly reminder to report all social media cancer.

>No gameplay
Couldnt care less

No shit there's no gameplay, the game has been in active development for just a couple of months.

One inch asian penis acting like a twelve inch BBC.

it's some fag pretending to be a japanese woman

gamergate e-celeb clinging onto the hashtag because it's the only way he's ever amounted to anything in life

>kojima and his fanboy brigade will continue to hype this movie up for years to come

your rabid expectations will only end up causing harm once it's out

What is wrong with it exactly?

desu I had never heard of that eceleb until dunkey started retweeting a lot of stuff

but I was amused to find out that slant eye baited a bunch of the antigoober brigade into """doxing""" a bunch of fake information stating that the twitter owner is a fat white man, didn't someone get fired over participating in it?

Fucking pretentious.


>That feel when a kojima fanboy and remain cautiously optimistic about EVERYTHING I buy.
I think that's why I don't hate MGSV, I didn't think it would be jesus incarnate, I just didn't want it to be bad.
Honestly that's where the huge disconnect comes from, because MGSV is still 6-7.
It's just when niggers wanted it to be 11/10 and got a 6 they shat their pants.

Just came to say that Low Roar is fucking dope though I've only heard 0

Yeah that's what everybody thought would happen with MGSV. Kojima hasn't made a good game in like a decade.

He's a master of hype though. His games sell purely because of the trailers/hype. Ruseman.

You're both retarded.

Um...lol? Did you see the OP? Literally a record with the name of the game on it, all proudly. He's trying way too fucking hard

>Hasn't made a game worth playing in ober a decade.
>Ever again expecting a worthwhile game without Tomozaku Fukushima.

Kojimbo is like the definition of a hack held up by a good team. Tomozaku was literally the brains behind the development of MGS1-3.

>That feel when Konjima is going to screw EVERYONE
>all those tears and damage control

its gonna be good man

>>Hasn't made a game worth playing in ober a decade.

Nice meme opinion

You tell me if MGS 4 or 5 or PW is worth a fraction of a fuck compared to MGS1-3. Go ahead you hipster dickrider.

So? It's not the first game to get its soundtrack on vinyl.

I rather enjoyed MGS4, but I get your point. Not the other user btw

>not as good
>worth playing

pick one

They're really not worth playing. And if someone misses them, they'll have a higher opinion of the series overall.

mgs 2 is shit. 4 is the best


Do we even know what genre this "game" will be?

9volt pls go

>didn't someone get fired over participating in it?
There was some ubisoft guy who was involved in it

Don't know if he got fired though


Kojima hasn't put out a good game in 10 years.

He's lost millions for everyone who's hired him, since. He was fired from his last job for just giving his money to his friends.

I think the joke is that this song is only extremely tangentially related to the game in that it plays during the trailer, and that there's no need to have Kojima's name (or even the game name really) on it.


But MGSV was still a massive success and would have been an even bigger success if not for the Kojima vs Konami shitstorm

>marketing for a game is egotism
oh how naive

The difference is, there's no fucking game.
Seriously, I doubt that Kojima knows what this game will be himself. All we have is 2 trailers and interviews like "yeah yeah it will be greatu gamu, sandbox and multiplayer and many actors and it's a Hideo Kojima game!".
Look at MGSV, how many years was it in development? Why is this game is like Far Cry which Ubisoft is doing every year? Konami was right to kick him out, for Kojima game development is about traveling around the world and doing selfies while selling non-existant game merchandise using publisher's money. And yet it's hyped just because 'It's Kojima'.
This is just huge fucking ego

Open world action game

interactive ARG visual novel with rougelike aspects
also hentai expansion packs

Reminder Kojima said the gameplay would be a cross between TLOU and The Division. So get ready for open world fetch quests and crafting survival with cinematic takedowns.

yeah making vinyls of a fucking song used in a trailer is real good marketing, famm. there isn't even gameplay yet

It's marketing nonetheless, there are also t-shirts out.

Fuck you. MGSV was awesome.

walking simulator

No he said Uncharted and The Division


>I doubt that Kojima knows what this game will be himself
its a third person shooter that blends modern military aesthetics with esoteric imagery, and the main gameplay gimmick is the player characters' ability to 'plug in' to certain characters and objects via a scifi 'umbilical cable'

pay attention you stupid human

but it's a promotional pressing, in that kojima and his ruseteam funded the production of that single.

so technically you are wrong

how many levels of egoism are you on

>open world
>Death Stranding is a brand new idea that's 'best for the market', says Hideo Kojima
>Kojima says he's interested in the global spectrum at the moment, and is "afraid" of "politics moving to the right"—particularly in America

Why is Sup Forums excited for this again?

kojima's games always had a unique style and they were great for that, but his worship is beyond unreasonable. the way he carries himself and his name, and the way people worship him look like the beginnings of a serious cult. I have a feeling even if the game turned out to be objective shit, obvious one at that, people would pretend it's great and just assume the games greatness is something they just can't understand, so they join the cult and congratulate kojima.

is this stirner as an anime girl

All of them

Also this game will either be so horrible is just fucking explodes or so good that Sup Forums fucking explodes.



MGSV was such a huge flop

>A Hideo Kojima Movie
>With actual Hollywood actors this time
Why would you that?

Daily reminder.

>MGSV was awesome.


MGSV was fantastic

Joost's VR porn

I think he'd be pretty good at movies but I think maybe he thinks he can do crazier things in a totally digital medium than he would be able to do in film.

You have total control over a game or CGI whereas in a film there are a bunch of factors you don't have control over than can impact the final product.

In 3D or full CGI, the only real limit is imagination. Sets can be as grandiose as you want, any sort of shit can be made to happen.

FPS Tacticool Bloodborne

Thanks OP, I couldn't understand that image by itself without being put into an easily digestible meme format!

>Tomozaku was literally the brains behind the development of MGS1-3.
According to Sup Forums's asspulls.
Fukushima helped with the codec dialogue since there's hours and hours of codec in the first games, nothing more.

>being this new
You seriously never saw those when they were created?
Where are you faggots coming from?


>He's lost millions for everyone who's hired him
You do know MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day, right?
You have no sources on that claim, just like pretty much 100% of Sup Forumseddit's claims about Kojima.

>He was fired from his last job for
For not agreeing to making Pachinko and mobile shit.


Konami definatly did the right thing, because now Kojima won't be tied to MGS, and Konami has lost their last profitable franchise and can finally die.
MGSV is Konami's last succesful videogame.

>All we have is 2 trailers and interviews like "yeah yeah it will be greatu gamu, sandbox and multiplayer and many actors and it's a Hideo Kojima game!".
Look at that, two trailers and the game has only been in active development for about 6 months.
Who else offers that much in so little time?


The fact that he claimed they finally chose an engine back in June, which is Horizon's and Infamous Second Son's engine?
Really doubt you can do much aside from concept work without having an engine to work on.

Konami has almost monopoly of gambling in Japan. They aren't going anywhere.
Pachinko is making them as much or even more money than vidya with much less risks

Konami also makes slot machines, they have an office in Las Vegas even.

Step into a casino sometime and check the slots for Konami labels.

my brain hurts.
is this real>?

They probably mocaped and 3D scanned actors and worked on script and other art assets (aka pre-production stuff)

>Konami has almost monopoly of gambling in Japan. They aren't going anywhere.
They are leaving the videogame industry though, which is what i'm interested in.

Kojima is anti-Trump? How can I buy stock in his company?

Yea, congrats you fapped to a tranny, welcome to the other (good) side. Faggot.

The thing is, they aren't dying like you implyed
What is a shame, because they franchises are unlikely to come back (if they died they could at least sell the IPs)

Kojima is anti-everything.

are you fucking retarded?

Kojima hasn't made a good game in 13 years

No, their relevance and presence in the videogame industry is dying.
As long as they keep themselves out of here, they can do whatever they want.

MGSV was literally only about the US military presence in Afghanistan following 9/11 and its global consequences.

>Big Boss chases a terrorist into Afghanistan after after an event the event in ground zeroes.
>the conflict escalates as Diamond Dogs hear rumors of their enemies acquiring nuclear weapons
>killing Osama bin skullface solves nothing and the cycle of war that MSF started slowly spreads its tendrils across the globe as big boss realizes for the first time that he probably isn't a good person

Except MGS fans care too much what color gray fox's dick is to realize that the reason Kojima hates metal gear is because all the retarded continuity crap he has to put in his game means any meaningful statement he tries to make in a way that only video games can is obfuscated by how fucking retarded the metal gear Canon is

>Digitally mastered music
>puts it on a vinyl
Thats how you know the man has no idea what he is doing.

So you are saying that Kojima has no integrity as a creator to make what he wants to and that he is spiteful toward the people who made him successful for his shortcomings as a human being and decides to spite them by making shitty games?

>order one since im more of a fan of the band
>shipping service loses it


>Except MGS fans care too much what color gray fox's dick is to realize that the reason Kojima hates metal gear is because all the retarded continuity crap he has to put in his game means any meaningful statement he tries to make in a way that only video games can is obfuscated by how fucking retarded the metal gear Canon is

This, he literally wrote a line in MGS2 that says this.
>Listen, don't obsess over words so much, find the meaning behind the words, then decide.

No, he's saying that for Kojima, continuity is a hassel.
The point was never making a story about Solid Snake, or Big Boss, but you, the ones who claimed you wanted well written stories, just kept asking specific details about a story that you shouldn't care about.
There's no well written characters, the plot itself is nothing too original, what matters is the message.
On top of that you have a neat stealth game.


No, it's just the MGS fanbase should be playing games with stories that appeal to them, like Call of Duty.
Although I wonder if you'd need an entire general and one year of discussion to understand the plot of your average COD since the MGS fanbase is one of the most retarded there is.

What do you guys think the tweest will be this time?

It's set in the mgs universe.


Tatical Necromancer Mads with Cthulhu Cancer Tanks.
I don't care hou much of an auteur pretentious fag Kojima is, I will buy Death Standing just for that.