This is the epitome of the action horror genre and the Resident Evil series in general. The perfect balance between difficulty, inventory management, and world size/game length.
I dare you to find a single RELEVANT flaw.
This is the epitome of the action horror genre and the Resident Evil series in general...
Other urls found in this thread:
Inventory is too forgiving.
It has no horror.
It's fine, actually. Otherwise, you'd spend too much time tinkering, or just assign hotkeys.
The whole village area is one of the most memorable places in videogame history right next to undead burg in dark souls.
Yeah, I thought so.
inb4 re7marketer-kun
The last third, while not bad, is not as good as the rest of the game. Them regenerators, tho
>game about zombies in spoopy Spanish village
>not horror
this is why nobody takes you guys seriously
the things you say sound dumb to the rational human being
They became self aware that they were making B magic like the first few games and therefore 4 became silly shit
"He's not a zombie"
>tfw you have to autistically organize your inventory neatly
just did a playthrough using the chicago typewriter and gangster outfit
was a fuckin blast
Yeah OK but your weapon choice is objectively shit.
Regenerators in my first pro mode run after I beat the game on easy gave me nightmares, fucking Christ
the overwhelming praise for this game is a little funny to me
I played it when it came out and dropped it during the castle part, I think it was after some statue chased me
the game just bored me by that point, felt like it was just "get in new room, kill everything" over and over
the bosses were fun though
also, fuck escort missions
The CT has too much damage desu
Play on Normal without gathering treasures. Also get the Ultimate HD edition.
I just use what I prefer, games not hard enough on normal that I can't get away with sub-optimal weapon choices.
Game came out when your average Sup Forumsirgin was 13 so he was captivated by any and every game.
You'll notice the most circlejerked games all come from around the same time period, these people also seem to think in 20 years the average consensus will be the same when the average audience of the site is 20 years younger.
im pretty sure all the special weapons are meant for fun
the laser literally just evaporates everything in the room, cant really bring balance into that
im sure thats partially true, but games were actually especially good in the early to mid 2000s
Games were subjectively better back then because studios didn't have dozens of """"professional gamers""" and """honest reviewers""" to pander to.
And someone 10 years older than you would argue that time period is 10 years earlier.
There's no reasoning with people who can't adapt to entertainment past adolescence, it's why most people are jaded pieces of trash.
>Not turning the bullets of every weapon so you get a bright colored box related to the weapon rather than a stupid design.
Do you even manage your inventory?
>Single RELEVANT flaw
What is the point of this thread if you're going to name everything that just gets listed irrelevant?
But fine, I'll bite.
Quicktime events. There are moments in the game that are better off cutscenes but instead they're quicktime events. Like that one moment Leon runs away from a boulder in the village area and looks super fucking janky like you hit the fast forward button. This seems like less of a problem now through iterations of the game on different platforms that improve the technical aspects of the game, but back on the gamecube there were immersion breaking pauses in between when some quicktime events happened and when the video for the successful or failed quicktime event started.
No reason to use anything other than a TMP with a shot to a head and a roundhouse kick followed by a knife on the ground.
Ada is just kinda there as a Deus ex machina for Leon.
No way to separate the Gangster Leon suit from the armor ashley, maybe I wanna play as gangster leon without making ashley fucking invincible?
I still love the game immensely though.
>talks about RE
>HAS to mention darksouls somehow
No one really takes issue with RE4 though, just the legacy of shit it left in its wake as others showed you cannot simply trace over great works to reproduce it.
>Quicktime events break the immersion... that the game isn't just RMB + LMB and sometimes hold W
That's a feature you are rewarded with by getting gud
Believable transitions so as to avoid Leon (Mary) Sue Kennedy
>gangster suit
You're expected to play as you look - flawless, so Ashley getting hit is not an option.
RE4 typewriter soundtrack and Dark Souls character screen soundtrack are literally the same thing at different speeds
>whole village worth of people running after you, some guy in a sack mask with a chainsaw
>this plays
fuck you, it is horror
The village you go to for the beginning of the game and then never again? Literally every other area is more memorable.
You actually go through it two or three times and see it change
*boom boom crash*
Its a third person shooter with a low ammo count, and thats only if you suck.
I liked Dead Space, The Evil Within and even Resident Evil Revelations more in all honesty. RE4 doesn't have a strong enough horror edge for my tastes. It has its moments but I dunno, it's not a particularly unnerving game. I think it conflates horror with action all too often by pitting Leon against a massive wave of enemies but that just makes Leon look like a badass. Only parts like the invisible insects or initial regenerator encounters are even remotely affecting, though it does have one fantastic trick up its sleeve with the first time a headshot DOESN'T kill an enemy. Good shit the first time you see it. Still, I think the other games I listed do a better job of at least attempting to be horror experiences - even Revelations uses water to interesting effect here and there.
you guys have hyped up RE4 so damn much over the years that I genuinely cannot bring myself to play it because of course it's going to be a disappointment
>200 bullets
If you do, the biggest disappointment will be the controls straight out of 2005. Aside from that, it's still a pretty well designed game even now, though the other action games in the series did improve upon it mechanically as sequels are wont to do.
I literally played Silent Hill 2 for the first time, ten years after the original release and ended up finishing it within 24 hours.
Games were good.
I somehow found the two Revelations games in my steam account.
Are they any good provided I liked RE5?
The game carries the same tank controls from RE1, but it's very easy to get into even on KBM (which I recommend using).
Pirate the Ultimate HD version for sweet 60fps and try the "classic" aim style. It's supposed to make the mouse more responsive, but you'll see.
Can't move while shooting
No horror
Inventory is too big
Large part of the game is an escort mission
The last level is shit
I think they're underrated games, especially the first one. It was a 3DS game, so obviously limited in some respects, but I genuinely really enjoy the novelty of the nautical monsters theme that it uses, with sea goo dripping everywhere.
Rev2 is probably a straight up better game, and has fucking BARRY so fuck yeah. I disliked the mandatory 2 character system, but if you have a friend to bro-op with then it's good asymmetrical co-op and it's not that frustrating in single-player I suppose as the AI does a good job of not fucking about and getting you killed.
Just go in with low expectations to both of them, as really they're just low-budget RE4-style sidegames, but I think any fan of the series should get some solid enjoyment out of them both. Also raid mode in 2 is fucking great, never played raid mode in 1.
>provided I liked RE5?
Rev1, probably not. Rev2, maybe and that's a hard maybe. I can almost guarantee you'll like 2 more than 1 if you like 5. Doesn't help that 1 is natively a handheld game and it shows with its HD ports. Rev1 kinda plays like RE4 with a glance or two back at classic RE, while Rev2 is more like a heavily stripped down, horror-oriented RE6 with an asynchronous co-op component. Don't be too off-put by the RE6 comparison though, it's more soundly designed than that game is.
I saw Rev games had cash shops, how imba will it be to hack that gay shit?
>RE4 typewriter soundtrack and Dark Souls character screen soundtrack are literally the same thing at different speeds
Ill do you one better, and official:
The Resident Evil 4 save theme is a short loop taken from a longer bit of music from DMC1.
You can hear it here,
Listen from 0:50 onwards and try to pick it out, its there.
Oh shit yeah the faint ambient sounds.
Even if we treated RE4 as part of an action horror franchise instead of a survival horror one, it's still a bit arcadey. Including the Village, there's a lot of segments that are just big arenas. They could have done a lot more to make the level design feel a lot more natural.
Yup. No one ever seems to realise this. To be fair i only did a couple of years ago when i loaded up DMC for a replay
I have also noticed this because DMC1 and RE4 are some of my favouritest games
>and the Resident Evil series in general.
opinion discarded
Please respond
reminder that the Wii version is best version
>dat Wiimote aiming
>Shits over mouse and keyboard/controller
That shit got all KINDS of latency and jerkiness problems
Never noticed latency problems and I played through the Wii version from start to finish about 4 times (yeah I love it that much).
There is jerkiness with the crosshair on the screen if you use the Red9 without the stock, equipping the stock fixes it
Nah, cause of Plus the difficulty wasn't re-balanced for you having a persistent cross hair and you could turn Leon quicker than you could with a thumbstick. Making it far easier for me to get all the stars in Mercs mode
Not that, nigger. The controller design itself has noisy as fuck signals. That or it was half broken.
Can't say I ever had that probelm
Oddly, a lot of the music featured in RE4 is not orginal. The music used for charcters in its merc mini game is all straight from capcoms P.N.O3
alright so I just started playing RE4, went in the house, killed dudes, smashed boxes and stuff then helped out pupper before saving in the shed.
any essential tips I should know? particularly about movement, cause while I'm fine with tank controls, I've already found myself kinda stuttering about when trying to move diagonally at all
Best tip I can give is use the camera to look in the direction you wanna go and tap Aim. That throws you in that direction.
Otherwise, use up all grenades you get. They do more harm than good in your inventory and there's never a moment to save up for.
Don't buy RPGs, and use the knife often.
Also, notice how buying capacity upgrades replenishes magazine/drum ammo, and keep it in mind always.
The rest will be a fun learning experience.
Try professional mode.