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Best of Sup Forums

That's a f*ckin' epic screenshot, damn! Mind if I save it?

no it's copyrighted

Go ahead

Please watch your language. Children browse this website.

all yours, my friend :)

We had some interesting threads earlier... I plan on making more of these.

epic reply bro, saved for future posting

wow this is really funny XD


Let me get you started OP

Ironic shitposters fuck off back to plebbit





>2013 was 15 years ago

wow, that's not even an old post but there's a number of reactions I haven't seen in a while captured within it.

Where's the joke? Is this a LOL thread?

oi cunt do you got the guy that made the prison camp thing. that one was fucking gold

Afraid I don't. Wish I had it, that and the one from 2011 with Moe Lester.

I don't remember this, did it happen during E3 2013? Was that the one with the 90 minute xbox conference featuring half an hour on ESPN and Bing in spanish?




Not sure about the exact moment, but it was during E3. The general idea was to draw a vidya character on a banknote and then go buy something with it




>no reaction pictures
>clean crop, with only the posts in question and no EBINNN XDDDD replies

Best in this thread

Is any of this supposed to be funny? Jesus christ Sup Forums


yes im that guy who always posts this

Might as well dump all this shit too



>sanic was in 2011
Jesus fucking christ. I remember the constant spam and incredible butthurt of it.
When was Galo Sengen ? 2010 ?


I prefer the spoiler versionm


Galo Sengen was 2011 IIRC

Oh nevermind, I didn't see it there. Thought it'd be bigger.


And unsurprisingly 2016 is the shittiest one because Sup Forums didn't do anything

>is a phone poster
try again, fag. No need to give yourself (You)s.

thinking anyone will read your propaganda

go back to one of the 5 children's favourite sticker war threads or alternatively stab yourself in the throat

>they're gonna be waking up soon


I forgot about Liru project.

anyone have a link?

Anyone got the cap of the user who preordered that M&M kart racing game? Need it for my folder

included you in the screencap :)

what the fuck? i remember this image being much older

Fuck off, go start console shitflinging in another thread.



>188 shits of the rooster

Fuck (You)

>dem funny memes XD

return back to Sup Forums asap



Ironic shitposting is still shitposting



screencapping goes against imageboard culture. imageboards are about being there when it happens.

kill thyselves fagturds





This was magical
Then again the remake is still a long way from happening


Specially for r/Sup Forums:)




Wow, this is really making me think.


>Reddit collages


>racist mario

i fucking hate that shit
it's not funny and yet it has millions of views and youtube keeps recommending it to me cause it's in the "games" section


I'd forgotten how great these were. Sup Forums has definitely changed.

This get me everytime


Where's the joke sonny

Jesus Christ.

I cringed hard.

Got a link to the original thread?

>the burning fire of a thousand young suns sets upon my anal sphincter


This one's good

Gone Home

>cock juggling anal jester
I remember that.

I also remember the time machine powered by children's tears and the Virgilsaurus.


Someone was shitposting and saying Gone Home was a good game, they had a clever responsr that brought a lot of attention. Use context clues, user.


it's from 4+4 chan but who cares



Does anyone have the one where an user was all "english isn't my first language can someone help me?" and like 5 people replied to him with shit like dubango go click click and woki tiki mamo gambo? It was one of my favorites and I lost it

I have yet to see any jokes in this thread

Did he ever post the recipe?

that mom is a sadistic woman

would take a long time before i trust her again after some shit like this

hehehe that is an epic picture!! xD i love those wacky 4chainners! always saying silly things u don't expect! haha that's really funny user i am really laffin :^))) :D :D :D :)))))