Final boss takes +200 hours to unlock

>Final boss takes +200 hours to unlock

Remember when developers were THIS confident that you would love their game? Now you're forcefed everything a game has to offer in the first 10 minutes, what happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

The widest possible audience has no attention span, gotta get that quick instant satisfaction so they can move on to the next thing ASAP

Literally what's the benefit of that

>unlock the final boss after reaching one fifth of potential play time

i quit most MH games around 100 hours.
Don't really know why, but i guess i'm just casual trash.for losing interest in MH.

>the game gets good after 200 hours I swear

That's literally every MMO.

In this case it would be

>The game stays good even after 200 hours

Only shitters aren't enjoying this game.

Who says this about monster hunter?

>that glass ringing intro bit


and not a single one is a good game

>Rathalos Plates

People who didn't collect all the Riddler trophies are pathetic, and the intellectual inferior of the incomparable Edward Nigma

no one is saying that retard

Which game is white fatty the final boss of?

>tfw collector and not even G-Rank after 350h on MHFU

Remember when developers were THIS confident that you would love their game on an actual console? Now you're forcefed rehashes on a pile of shit handheld, what happened?

You mean a hoarder.

Remember before gamers became so cynical and ads could just be

>This shit exists, go buy it

and still work?

There's no confidence in making games for dead platforms. Japs love their handhelds, and they don't care about what white pigs like you prefer to play their games, they don't even want your filthy gaijin money.
You should be thankful MH isn't a mobile app yet.

It gets good after 2 minutes

It gets great after 20 hours

It gets fucking amazing after 200 hours

It's not until you hit 2000 hours that you have to wait for the next game

Name a better handheld that isn't dead

>That's literally every MMO.
If an MMO isn't good within the first hour, then it's a shit MMO.

MMOs don't get good after a certain amount of time, they get steadily worse.

then i'm a hoarder, whatever
just need more longswords

But my neck though bro, my damn neck hurts and there's no external cable or something in order to connect my N3DS to a monitor/tv without doing some DIY shit which I can't be bothered to read up on.

Monster Hunter is literally the only reason I purchase anything Nintendo. So yeah, you're right there's nothing better.

You're hoarding literal garbage.

better than any twin blade weeb

>my neck
Just play it in the bed.
That's literally a non-issue. As long as your baby hands don't hurt when you're holding one, then you have no rights to complain.

If an MMO isn't MY OPINION within the first hour, then it's MY OPINION

MMO's don't get MY OPINION, they get MY OPINION

>playing MHFU on PPSSPP
>soloed my way to G-rank
>did all the arena missions to unlock the first Fatalis quest
>try going against it solo
>takes 6 attempts to bring him down
That was the point where I gave up on the game. I can't even imagine what going against the red and white one would be like

>LS user calling others "weeb"

>MH-player calling someone weeb

>touch scaly tail
>about ded

Black is arguably more annoying because of the breath attack. The other two just spam meteors/lightning which are easily avoided.
Although I guess fighting those in FU was a different story, because how poor the overall quality of the game was.

>>Final boss
Its a series where every fight is a boss fight

"final boss" means fucking nothing

White Fatalis isn't even a final boss, and Monster Hunter doesn't have a traditional game structure. Its enjoyable insofar as you enjoy it. You could honestly just play the one star quests and be having fun.

The attitude in the OP post, held by the poster or not, is indicative of why games will always be considered a childs toy, because people always expect one thing on the plate rather than experimentation.

>every fight is a boss fight
Yes, and? Are you stupid?
Final boss means literally that - it's the boss you fight last.

Going from FU to P3rd was pure bliss. Too bad about the lack of G-rank, though. How long until Cemu can run MH3U?

It literally isnt, the final boss fight is often a clusterfuck mission of 4 or more 'bosses'

>tfw I put 2000+ hours in to Portable 3rd HD
I don't know what was going on at that time in my life, I'm pretty sure it was one of the smallest instalments too but the ad-hoc party community was pretty tight.

Just get a 3DS for cheap somewhere and hack it.

gameplay is straight up good, it's lot's of fun alone and with friends, perfectionists and hoarders have a shitload of stuff to do... list goes on

content wise its a little thin but the overhaul to a LOT of the mechanics meant that you had to relearn again learning to play every weapon at a decent level took me like 500 hrs

Black Fatty is the easiest
White is okay
Red is the hardest

Damn, now I wanna crack open my PSP and play FU again. Haven't played it for 8 years

>playing MH on a 3DS
I can't. Not only is my eyesight too shit to play on handhelds anymore, I can't stand the screen crunch and clutter with all the HUD elements taking up more space than they should

Honestly, it's not too bad. I personally just don't even notice the low res or screen clutter, because I get absorbed into gameplay so much.
Sure, I'd prefer to hunt on a better platform like PC too, but it's perfectly playable on a 3DS.

Can't comment on the others, but you can move all the HUD elements to the lower screen, at least.

>Top tier DPS
>Top tier mobility
>Top tier reach
>Top tier accuracy
>Proof that you're not a shitter who plays online

Black Fatty is the only time a game has literally drawn blood from me. Clawing the D-pad cut up my finger.

>Proof that you're not a shitter who plays online
Because you got kicked out of every room you tried to join har har.


>Hammerfag bullying LSfag again

Never gets old

>White Fatalis armor mode gives me trouble
>Ask friends for help
>They tell me that gunlance shelling goes right through because bomb damage
>Suddenly it all makes sense
>Popcorn gunlance is one of the easiest and highest shelling level GLs you can make
>4-man hunts with 4 of these things making stupid noises while blowing up White Fatty

The very best.

This would be a harsher burn had I not been kicked out of rooms of monsters I could easily solo because "2ham 2para"

>tfw Hammer and LS are my two true weapons

Blockfags - Leave

You know, for all the hate Frontier gets I actually want it to get a western release, or a translation. I would actually put a lot of time into it.

I remember playing it when it was released through VPN, but I couldn't put up with figuring out what every menu was etc.

I'd rather MHO got localized than Frontier.
It actually looks good in terms of both graphics and being faithful to mainline games.

Never play Frontier but I remember many people saying it's way, way too grindy

>Every single one of the Extreme styles added in the Zenith update

Unfortunately it has ruined my ability to play Gen with my friends since I keep trying to do inputs that do nothing.

I'm triggered

White fatalis was the only monster i didn't kill in FU. He had a lightning bolt rain, it hit wherever it wanted, it was such bullshit

MH freedom 2 and it was dlc otherwise Akantor was final boss


who soloed this?

MH Dos for PS2

They were doing DLC exclusive monsters back then already? Guess I can't complain since it's free, but the time gating just kills me sometimes. It took them a whole fucking year to release hyper Jho.

It's more a result of developers changing their attitudes towards design to accommodate the maturation of the medium.

Only children and NEETs have the time to spend hundreds of hours obsessively playing the same game.

As the market expanded to include adults and people with actual lives who don't have time for that shit but still want a fulfilling gaming experience naturally the amount of time it takes to complete a game had to be reduced to average around 10-20 hours to 100 percent a game.

I never liked Monster Hunter though, the whole series is nothing but an elaborate skinner box of infinite grindy pointlessness with no meaningful context.

Back then at least you couldn't see weapons that required unreleased DLC monsters to make.

Unlike the more recent kicks to the dicks with stuff like G-rank Gold/Silver in 4U.

If you wanted G rank fatalis, you had to do this.

I "tried" but damn thing's too hard.

>Playing MH for the first time
>That moment when you go online and realise the offline is just the tutorial
I remember doing Lao for the first time and being blown away.

Never again.
Soloed all of FU. Shouldn't have done that.

I cheesed them with the Blangonga bow

>games will be just 3 hour movies in future
i will never not get unmad

Don't mind me, just posting the best monster theme

That's like saying real diving is shit because no one has time and money for training and doing it, and then who needs it when local pool exists
fuck off

I never finished FU, but it can't be harder than the Master's Test or Wrath of Rath, can it?

With decent gear it's not that bad.
It's just dual Rajangs.

But it's just the final quest of Low Rank Village anyway.

I did. I used an ice sns. Felt awesome.

No it's not.

Learning to dive and then actually going on dives for a weekend takes less than 200 hours for one thing. In fact it takes about 8 hours for the training and about 4 hours per dive.

That's an absolutely terrible comparison.

It's a lot more like saying that episodes of TV shows shouldn't be 8 hours each because most people don't have an entire day to dedicate every week just to keep up with one TV show.

Which is why TV episodes are 30 minutes to an hour in length. Because it's an amount of time that people can easily fit into their work and social lives when they work 40 hours a week and have friends and social commitments and responsibilities on top of that.

No one with a life has time for a 200 hour long video game. Only people who laze around the house all day and young children have that kind of time on their hands. This is a fact.

>on a monster that is a walking raw weakspot
Just because it isn't as resistant to ice as it is to the other element, doesn't mean it's an ice-weak monster.
Capcom will never ever make element anything more than a noobtrap.

I can see your point, but MH it's kind of a side game you pour one or two hours some days of the week and enjoy it a lot. It's not a story driven game with a plot to follow.

I did it that way, and it worked.

>Not using ice to break Rajang's tail and prevent him from going into rage mode

>Remember when developers were THIS confident that you would love their game?
never thought about it like this

So who is going to pick up MHXX when it comes out in the west on Switch


It won't.

MHFU was the best Monster Hunter by far
so much content
comfiest village
best soundtrack
most amazing battles

Only one of those statements is true.

>MHFU was the best Monster Hunter by far
this one

Wrong. You have two more tries.


I will pick it for 3ds.
The joke of that shit is transfering my save.

If you are right for some reason, i will gladly wait for the revision or the re-revision.

But it is a mobile app.
There's a monhun game for iOs.


very wrong.

I did using a shit ass akantor katana

I'm kind of joking. I mean it makes sense to put it on Switch since Japan love MH on portable since they love doing local shit. While Capcom said they are thinking of MH on home console because a lot of western gamers play on that. So Switch does both. But they might also just do a PS4 port and have them all able to fight together.

Rhyperior, go to bed.

It's okay. There's tons of variety, but legacy monsters and zones are a crapshoot on quality. Gen3 brought tons of improvement, from the kitchen/bath and farm to weapon damage and element balance. P2ndG is the all-star title for Gen1 and Gen2, but not the best showing of the series as of now.