good JRPG characters design thread?
hard mode : 2 belts max
good JRPG characters design thread?
hard mode : 2 belts max
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do the cuffs count as belts?
Even if you count the bra thingy he still only has two belts.
Crono, and all of the Dragon Quest protags. Especially 2's Hero.
I don't get people's problems with belts desu.
I mean, do you want Battleborn tier characters?
There's something about Japanese character design, that, even if ridiculous, they can still be very appealing. Even the best designs in the west have a bit of weeb of influence, look at Overwatch.
And now, compare that to the characters in that smash knockoff by Wavedash games, whose art Director is some dude from Riot, and is trying to mimic the OW design. They all just look so bland.
So, laugh at belts, but the Nips are onto something imo.
So stylish.
Find me an outfit that screams adventure harder than this. Similarly, find me an outfit that encompasses the Hero motif better than DQIII's hero.
And the Bra thing is actually practical so is not like you can complain about it
Not exactly a JRPG, but still one of my all time favorite designed characters.
>outfit that covers about 10% of her body
>literally just underwear, arm sleeves and knee high socks for the fetish
>good JRPG character design
>literally a cape over school uniform plus hat
i liked that his design looked relatively normal till he actually started getting serious, at which point he transforms into grotesque abomination
Dragon Quest needs to bring back the Hero's crown though, the recent heroes have felt kind of plain and not very heroic design wise. DQXI's is a goddamn travesty
I still think this is one of the best outfits in any video game.
Get that edgelord out of here. Superior Cold Shit design
Granted the sword is somewhat bland but I loved the style this game had.
Nice skirt and chaps fag.
>open thread in hopes of some faggy belts and goofy underwear trinket armor on blue-haired teens
>cringe and/or laugh at retarded designs, having a good time
>notice OP reads "good"
That's pretty scary, I'm out.
Thats a girls outfit. Remove the black parts under the plaid parts of the pants and puff up his chest and thats a slutty female party member.
The best.
Was about to post him myself. Whole cast is well designed
Get a load of this faggot.
I know it's super plain, but I'm very fond of the female Sage from DQIII's. I feel it's one of the most iconic designs in japanese gaming history
Patrician taste my nigga.
Hey Travis it's a bad day!
Spicy Tuna Roll
>Find me an outfit that screams adventure harder than this
What do I win?
Ludger is pretty cool, but he can't top Jude, especially his Xillia 2 outfit
He gets bonus points for fighting with his fists, because weapons are for pussies. Punch god in the face.
oh shit I know what shes from. pretty good game desu
Not him but... "Adventure" ??? Really?
You're going to slog around the countryside in a 100lb suit of armor, with barely any fucking vision?
That screams "Stand outside the Throne-room door, because I'm a castle guard" that in no way screams "Adventure" AT ALL.
>Uses his hands to punch god
>Also uses his hands to please his god waifu
Jude is maximum alpha.
Literally perfect
/fa/ as fuck doctor.
me calling you a faggot for shoving dark souls down our throats when it was unwarranted
Wrong outfit, user.
Tactics Ogre: Let us cling together is one of the most aesthetically pleasing games to look at its character art (The sprites not so much). Nothing too outlandish, most designs are practical but still evoke a fantasy feeling.
The DS1 armor is one of the coolest armor designs overall, if not the coolest, but it doesn't necessarily scream adventure to me. It's a Knight's armour and Knights should be either seizing or defending castles or fighting some crusade, not exploring the world uncovering long forgotten secrets.
>literally perfect
>6 belts
good enough for me to remember it out of dozens of characters in games I've played
> especially his Xillia 2 outfit
Xillia 2 outfit is only one that up for debate. the first game outfit is fucking stupid
Firion has a very "Adventure" type outfit to him. But he looks like an experienced fighter, and a badass one at that.
I think its the turban/headband that sells the "adventure" look.
I like it but, honestly, he looks like a farmer boy, not a hero.
These are great.
>character design
Most of the rest are inoffensive but unremarkable animu stuff tbqh.
Seems like a good thread to post this in, what are some good JRPGS (not final fantasy) available on pc? preferably without denuvo.
What defines adventure outfit is usually long coat, long leather boots, hood and/or scarf. And bags and pouches too.
Great mix of 80's cyberpunk and japanese style. The re-design is cool as fuck, but it completely washes away the 80's punk feel.
I think Apocalypse tried to capture that again, but Doi is not the right artist to bring that style back to megaten
Still some of the best designs in any JRPG
The Last Remnant
Alright well then I'm now Nominating Firion from FF2 to have the best "Adventure Hero" look from any JRPG/RPG.
Someone already mentioned the Last Remnant, which is really good but requires some investing into learning its in-depth mechanics. If you're wiling to put up with some extra reading you'll be rewarding with a beautiful game with a super cool and very experimental battle system.
If you want something simpler and you like a good story, try the Trails in the Sky duology.
>thread about JRPG character designs
>gets mad when one is posted
Denam in his Lord promotion looks swag as fuck, though his original outfit is already god-tier.
Except OP clearly meant Light RPGs not fucking darksouls you moron.
Do me a favor and don't reply.
In my defense I said adventurer, not Hero. The Hero comment was specifically about the DQIII Hero
Good designs.
I probably should've posted a picture without the DS1 armor. I meant DS2 armor.
Nope :^)
>I like it but, honestly, he looks like a farmer boy, not a hero.
Part of the point of his outfit is that he can't dress up like a knight for his adventure
Has to keep himself on the down low until the very end
>18 belts
>Girls name
>Girls outfit
>Oversized dildo
is ludger pronounced ludger like fudger
or like loojer or like luger
The helmet ruins it. Pretty cool armour otherwise, not sure if the best choice for adventuring though. Maybe if you removed the breastplate.
right yes left no
those dagger swrod things look gay as fuck. and he's got two of them wich makes it double gay
Stand aside kids.
>good enough for me to remember it out of dozens of characters in games I've played
There must be some sort of reason why you remember it so well.
Police uniform.
I prefer Hawke's original design to the PotC redesign.
But it's a nice one nonetheless, better than Albert's.
Elliot is a girls name?
thanks user, downloading them now
ive tried the last remnant but couldnt understand it, how hard is it to learn?
It's androgynous.
>15 belts
For some reason, Firion's design is so fucking pleasant to look at. A shame everyone and their dog hates FFII so much that automatically hate everything from FFII.
I like 2, probably the most ambitious NES RPG
Rosa who?
What game?
>how hard is it to learn?
Not really hard, you just shouldn't play it like a JRPG. Since it's a Kawazu game you should play it as such, don't grind, experiment a lot, save often on separate files to avoid restarting the game, explore, die a lot and so on. It's a pretty deep game with lots of mechanics so you should spend quite some time just learning how to handle the basic system, unfortunately it doesn't have quite as much replay value as the SaGa series but it still has a very in depth system that's bound to please you if you really like hardcore RPGs, it's not for casuals though, it does require you to learn its system thouroughly unless you want to get a game over every ten minutes and find out you need to restart your game because you've fucked up your pace due to Battle Rank or missing some quests.
If you end up liking it, consider playing the SaGa series, TLR is basically an unofficial SaGa game, so much that the last SaGa game has weapons from TLR as references.
The Last Ranker for the PSP, pretty nice game, though a bit short and on the easy side.
fe gaiden is more ambitious
>Good character designs
Pick one.