DEX or STR, Sup Forums?

DEX or STR, Sup Forums?

Dex have 2 guns

STR is a big guy

Someone spent time on this image. Someone with skill spent time on this fucking meme image.

And it's beautiful


Bet it was a fun way to spend some free time.

STR obvs

And it was worth it

Dex is more fun, more risk/reward. Str is playing the safe card. Boring.

2 guns with dex probably move faster than the big guy too

The SiIvagunner annalysis of this matchup was bullshit because they didn't take equipment into consideration. If you have a batman vs superman fight, you don't expect batman to go in naked with no gear. LANAJ is all about the gear, specifically his twin pistols. he can easily take out the meathead


So? it looks cool.

Jesus christ thats a lot of reddit for one morning.

Have you considered that maybe you're just acting like an idiot for getting buthurt about some moderately skilled artist drawing a silly picture about a joke he found funny?

>l'm so new that l dont know how many jokes are turned to shit.

DEX has some sick angel wings

and you're wasting your lifetime on this shithole.
Really makes you think.

>sentences and even single words used as simple notions of acknowledgement is now reddit


Your obsession with Reddit is damaging your mental health, you blustering retard


who tf wins this shit?