>favorites are all empty
>matchmaking is just 2fort and dustbowl
>community servers are all in russia and china
>community server that are not in russia and china
Is this game finally dead?
Team Fabulous 2
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't played in over a year, have like 1.3k hours logged or something like that. anyone want to suggest a server to join to play with some Sup Forums fags?
The Gravity Bong
>Pfft overwatch is just a tf2 clone!
>overwatch will flop! It doesn't pose any threat to tf2!
>a huge chunk of TF2's dwindling population buys overwatch
>the only people left in tf2 are kids that couldn't convince their parents to buy them overwatch or autistic neets/bronies/furries with no money
>tf2 literally starts copying overwatch begging their users to come back
>i.e.: removed server browser for official servers and replaced it with matchmaking
>added experience points, levels, and ranks
>added a TDM before the game starts while waiting for players
>penalizes players for leaving a match before it ends
Poor tf2, if only CS:GO and Dota 2 didn't make wild amounts of money you would get some developer love.
and then when Paladins came out as a F2P overwatch clone TF2 lost the part of the remaining population that stayed because they couldn't afford overwatch
fuck, I actually don't even have it installed anymore. I'll join in like 5 minutes or so
>overwatch will flop! It doesn't pose any threat to tf2!
I don't think anyone actually thought that. The thing is most tf2 players were already looking to move on to a new game. I did, but I didn't find it to be nearly as fun as tf2, but tf2 is dead now so overwatch is really the only option.
>tf2 literally starts copying overwatch begging their users to come back
>i.e.: removed server browser for official servers and replaced it with matchmaking
>added experience points, levels, and ranks
>penalizes players for leaving a match before it ends
Wow, this really happened? That is kind of pathetic. Those are purely negative changes too
Wait... Overwatch is still popular?
Shit, I thought its fan based practically died down to SFM porn watchers.
>Wow, this really happened? That is kind of pathetic. Those are purely negative changes too
Yeah I was really surprised when I came back and saw it. The biggest problem I saw with it is because there was no way to get into the server manually, once players left the server population would only go down from there and by the time the second or third round starts the server is less than half full. It seems like their matchmaking system prioritizes starting new games instead of filling in-progress ones.
Though I had almost entirely played community servers when I was into TF2 and that's business as usual; server browser and such has been untouched for non-valve servers.
>ever playing on official servers
shooting ducks in a row isn't really that entertaining
there don't seem to be any other servers active, the game is fucking dead
Ha ha, time to kill myself
I mean, that story is obviously fake as fuck
Anyone up for some "new" fun Saxton Hale?
>MvM Custom
>Custom Maps
>Achievement Idle
>Saxton Hale Freak Fortress
>Class Wars
>Balloon Race
>The Hidden
>Mario Kart
>Trade Minecraft
Is Smash Bros. dead too?
I don't seem to recall that one