What really grinds your gears, Sup Forums?

What really grinds your gears, Sup Forums?

For me it's when people say:
>artificial difficulty
>That game didn't age well
>Ludonarrative dissonance
>It's fun with friends!

>Games cant be comfy


It's not an objective positive trait of a game

It's usually used as defence

The fact my FFXV rant thread got pointlessly archived grinds my gears.

This game's artifical difficulty didn't age well, but it's still extremely comfy when played with friends.

Some games are stressful, some games are comfy. Either are fine descriptors.

>This game is overrated

Mostly all games are better with friends tho....
Comfy is also legitimate too. Love me some comfy

>When millennials deny the existence of artificial difficulty
Back in the days of GameShark, we knew certain fights were unbeatable, because bosses would fight infinitely with 1 health point.

>That game didn't age well

Most of the people that say this most likely never played said game in it's prime.

>Don't tell you which games are not allowed to even talk about in Sup Forums
>Delete thread/ban if talk about game

Most of these are valid

>That game didn't age well
Some games do, some don't. Old pixel graphics in general ages better for exemple, and some new innovations (like being able to aim from the hip or down the sights) affects games made before that.

As opposed to challenging, thrilling, etc.
A game that's relaxing

>Fun with friends
I'd never play Borderlands online, but it's fun in couch coop.

Goddamn Bowser

>That game didn't age well
that's a legit complaint.

I fucking hated Final Fantasy VII because a lot of it aged like milk and the combat wasn't anything special until you reached late game. I don't care if the story is still good, you can't have a story carry a game that fails in other regards.

and don't give me that, "well it was good in the year is was released," bullcrap. I can go back and play a lot of old games, but some just didn't stand the test of time.

"it's fun with friends" is a legitimate point, it's just stupid when people use it as a selling point for games. ANYTHING is fun with friends

>you don't HAVE to buy dlc
>always-online isn't cancer
>REVII is good

I played diddy kong racing as a kid, and that thing aged like milk
stay mad

>ludonarrative dissonance

How is this a problem? It's one of the things holding Vidya back from being its own thing instead of ripping off its big sister Cinema like it's gotten used to lately

So RE5 solo vs. co-op?

>Insane Powercreep
Yugioh matches are decided on turn 1.

>artificial difficulty

The point is that it's essentially an amplifier
Something like Magicka is okay solo, but god-tier in coop
Something like dying light is fun solo, and a little more fun with friends
Not every game profits equally from it
Though I'd change 'friends' to 'coop' because that brings the point across much better

>babysitting AI Sheva

And he took my favorite trading card.

explain ludonarrative like I am a retard

people think soulsborne is good but dragons lair is a joke

your a fag

Nice work, here's a (you)

People dislike the term because it's concise and we can't have that
Some autist was arguing the point for a few hundred posts, saying stuff like 'just say 'dissonance between the gameplay and the plot', not realizing that he constantly used equally technical terms that he was just used to

>>It's fun with friends!

>>autism speaks

From what I've gathered, it's the harmony between gameplay mechanics and story. An oft cited example of breaking this is Tomb Raider 2013, where a major point of the narrative is to sympathize with Lara's struggles yet she can one-woman army an entire enemy base at the tip of a hat. Doesn't exactly match tonally.

But people who aren't complete faggots usually don't care about that shit so fuck it.

It's when a thing is described in the story one way, but in the actual gameplay it's completely different. For sample a character described as a great fighter is piss poor in combat.

>explain ludonarrative like I am a retard

Link falls in boiling lava, loses just one heart and is still alive and clothed like nothing happened

I'm a millennial and we had Game Shark. We even had Game Genie. "Millennial" doesn't mean "born around the millennium," it means the generation who entered their teens around the millennium. I'm 28 and I'm a millennial. Not Vidya but that shit grinds my gears.

>people ITT who think games aging is a thing
Nostalgia is real and exaggerated expectations are real, but they're the exact same game they always were. It's not like the medium is so highly evolved now that older games don't live up. Most of them have indie shit that looks and plays exactly the same coming out like, tomorrow. If the your gripe is really that you're a graphics whore, try not being a faggot.

It's the association of gameplay and story. Games are interactive so for their stories to be effective, it's usually better to have the story correspond to gameplay and enhance it instead of interrupting it
This is ludonarrative dissonance.

Demon's Souls has artificial difficutly and didn't age well, but with friends is pretty comfy.
Also is affected by ludonarrative dissonance
>kill demons! but I AM a demon now.

Can Sup Forums guess my favourite game? It suffers from some common flaws like artificial difficulty and it honestly hasn't aged well, but it does ludonarrative dissonance really well. Not to mention, it has comfy levels, and its a lot of fun with friends!

Super Mario something


>Newest entry in a series finally adds a much demanded feature
>It also has another bullshit gimmick that everyone hates
>game sells poorly
>all further games don't have the feature because "it was in that one part everyone hated"

Name 5 games on at least 3 platforms that do this

When people assert that linearity is automatically bad. Nothing wrong with tight, focused level design. In most instances I actually prefer that over large expanses of random shit to do.

Yeah, a ludonarrative dissonance. That's what's in the OP, so I assumed that's what he was asking about. I don't think the word is used in any other context. "Ludus" is "game" in Latin, I think, and the word "ludic" is sometimes used to refer to the ability to entertain.

You mean they aren't blinded by nostalgia?


Linear Mario > Mario 64

Unfortunately you get lynched on here for claiming so

You know what I really hate, if people don't like your game they're being ungrateful or something.
"Boohoo they didn't like my game how dare you spoiled gamer think of my wallet"
As if they're entitled to my money because they made a game where you fuck your mom and get raped by the family dog and decide you want to be trans

>It's not like the medium is so highly evolved now that older games don't live up
It really is what they mean when they say the game didn't age well. It's the same old gameplay that has become stale with games released after the game in question, only original game doesn't have the improvements over formula the new games use to spice it up.

Wtf I love pirates now?

So you are saying 2D Mario > 3D Mario?

Nothing wrong with that

cont. as an example - original Doom vs nu-Doom. Despite an interesting level design, old Doom doesn't have much going for it. nu-Doom has press F to glory kill, skill trees, collectibles, all sorts of padding shit to keep you from getting bored.

when nu/v/ posts family guy

I like 3D Mario in general but honestly I prefer the Galaxy games to 64 and Sunshine. A shame they're slower and the moveset was toned down but I like the more focused level design and gravity shenanigans are fun.


>My Apocalypse Now ripoff with boring gameplay and a cliche'd, exaggerated anti-war story is so revolutionary and provocative!
Fuck Spec Ops: The Line.

>>Ludonarrative dissonance
Are you the autist who spergs out over this term because it's "too complex"?

No I just think videogames are videogames

Of course you're gonna be overpowered and be able to take a whole army alone or fall and not die etc.

Do you actually understand what Ludonarrative dissonance is?

I think people just have the pseudo-latin of the word "ludonarrative". And, of course, they are deathly afraid to seem pretentious. Anyway, TVTropes' earlier term "gameplay and story segregation" sounds pretty good, too.


I am Italian and studied Latin for 5 years in highschool.

My language is literally fancy Latin sounding words.

I just think ludonarrative dissonance does not exist. It's a goddamn videogame.

>Despite an interesting level design, old Doom doesn't have much going for it

when Nathan Drake takes bullets like he's a walking tank in gameplay but then one shot to the gut puts him out for hours in a cutscene? That's ludonarrative dissonance.

But it's mostly used as a way for people with beards to complain about violence in Bioshock.

>I just think ludonarrative dissonance does not exist. It's a goddamn videogame.
You may think that there is no such thing as ludonarrative dissonance, but do you really not understand what people mean when they use this term and why it bothers them? If so, what a profound failure of empathy.

>I just think ludonarrative dissonance does not exist.
But people can cite dozens of examples

>aged meme
This one is the worst. Your input loses all potential value if you unironically say this.

They all just scream "look, videogames do not function like real life! Oh no!"

No shit?

what's wrong with comfy?

It's not enough to save a bad game

See: half of nintendo Library

I can get comfy from a chair and a warm glass of milk. if the best a video games can offer is the equivalent of 10c of cow fluid and basic furniture it's sure as hell not worth anyone's time.

That's not what it is about though
It's about the disconnection between the gameplay and what happens in cutscenes
If the MC is a demigod murderslayer then all my immersion will be ruined when he gets captured by two generic mooks without fighting back
But if the MC is just an average guy who's good at shooting things then sure, let him be captured by two guys if he fucks up

>Game mechanics don't matter
>how trends in game mechanics have changed doesn't matter
>lack of unified development of a game and its negative effect on a game doesn't matter
>atmosphere in a game doesn't matter
>Game design doesn't matter

You sound like a real piece of shit.

what? It's DISSONANCE between the LUDO (game) and the NARRATIVE (story).

if you can't understand what people mean by this I'm sorry but you need to go back to school.

Are you the uncharted guy from Sup Forums still mad that his self insert got beaten up by a niggress?


There is more to "comfy" than that. You can get comfy with a hug from a girl who loves you. Those aren't as easy to acquire. Unlike sex, there is not straightforward way to buy love. However, fictional media, including video games, can poke at your mind in just the right way to simulate that feeling. There are other examples in the same vein. You can't go back to your hometown when your childhood friends were all there and the way they used to be.

But user this is artificial difficulty the game
-you can only save once
-you need to spend power on it, which is needed for different secrets
- if you save at the wrong place you need to do bullshit all over again
- if you save before cutscene, you need to see cutscene
- is likely with every item in a rpg "oh I should wait before I use this" and then forget it, you die go an play 10 hours again
- sometimes obstacles arenĀ“t highlighted enough and it looks like just background art.

Yes the Witcher could face an entire village alone but he surrendered because he didn't want to make a slaughter

Wow how hard

Different thing because the story explains the dissonance in that example

>meme game
>meme developer
>meme graphics card
>meme console
>meme this
>meme that

Please stop.

then there isn't a fucking dissonance is there? Are you fucking thick? I'm actually amazed at the comprehension levels of the people I share a board with.

Yes I'm telling you there's no such thing

Finally we agree

>I like [game that I don't like].


>Fun with friends
I hate this argument everything is fun with friends.

>meme post

somehow I knew this was going to happen

it is however a subjective positive trait of a game

>ludonarrative dissonance is a term meaning a dissonance between the ludo and the narrative resulting in a loss of suspension of disbelief in the player. This can be seen in Tomb Raider (2013), Uncharted 2 (2009) and Bioshock (2007), as well as several other examples.

do you understand why everyone is laughing at you?

diddy kong racing is still great you fuckward, I played it on an emulator a few months back and it's just the same as I remember


Tbh if you play certain n64 games on an n64 they are usualy worse. Games like golden eye had a horid framerate

I only see a mad user

No one is laughing

hiding your comment in a meme box doesn't keep people from learning how much of a meme you are

>tfw you are a gazillion years old battle-worn mutant grey macho
>tfw you can't beat shitty town guard

nice ludonarrative witcher 3


As expected of a comfyfag

There's literally nothing wrong with the term Ludonarrrative Dissonance, even if "Gameplay and Story Segregation" is more widely used.

It's funny because/v/ shits on fo4 because of that.