Want to play vidya

>Want to play vidya
>Stupid wife about to give birth
What do?

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This has to be from Reddit. Only a redditor would feel the need to publicize something like this.

she's so fucking ugly

It isn't even your child, why do you care?

fuck off reddit

post it on redd-, I mean Sup Forums

have doctors rip and tear the baby out

3h labour master race here. Went in at 9pm with a couple of twinges but not actual labour. Got the call at 11:45, turned up, heir to the bloodline popped out within 5 minutes.

In all seriousness, if that is actually you, turn the fucking laptop off you moron.

OP here, I have to admit we never had sex without condoms, but I heard it's quite possible to get pregnant still
What matters is me and my wife love each other, and I will love this baby, no matter who the father is

>having children
>GAYMER laptop
>that dead mousemat

fucking degenerate

but i already did

>but I heard it's quite possible to get pregnant still
i feel like you should change this bit to something like "my wife assured me that it was still possible"

Kill her and enjoy all the time you want with vidya broskie

>What do?

I was gonna say that's a bit too on the nose, but he already had no matter who the father is so that's out the window anyway. If he's going that route, wife assured is an improvement.

Congrats on your wifes son! :D

>You will never have to deal with this shit
feels good man

Show her this video.


But clearly your wife nor your child will ever love you.

>pregnant wife
>about to experience doom
seems about right

i hope she's reading encouraging text messages and not sending the babby internet media filth through her brainwaves to her womb

At first it looked like your "wife" had an enormous erection.

Clean your laptop you degenerate

this is a nsfw board

>even doggo knows

Stop fucking posting this everywhere.

>babby and doggo same colour
really activates my gonads

ya'll posting in a reddit thread

C'mon OP at least try to make this whole shit believable.

>roleplaying a cuck

Hahahah epic! Upboated my bro!

Thanks for a gold!

I know this is bait but I can't help my self.

But most of us are reddit anyway.


Despair, but also a kek

I think theyre being ironic but i cant tell.

How has that video not been taken down yet?

Jewtube allows 0 nudity, even for "artsy" reasons. Why is this any different?

I remember when Reddit was good, back when it was basically a split-off from Sup Forums. Most of the memes were cringey as hell but the community wasn't so shitty as it is now. But even Sup Forums pretty much sucks dick now too, and I used to think Sup Forums was bad back in the old days but I never realized it would get so much worse.

Because jews run it.


a malus if I ever saw one

Enjoy your wife's son OP.

OK I laughed

Shut up, you f*cking homophobe.

NuDoom for the Numale


Every time I see one of those internet posts start with 'when', it makes me seethe with anger. Probably because of all the heavily artifacted 'wen da popo cum but u still turnt *emoji spam*' bullshit.

Everytime a pregnancy is mentioned on Sup Forums all the cuck roleplayers come out

Jesus christ keep your fetish to yourself

Because you can get away with anything if you call it art.

Jesus Christ, this meme is so fucking pathtetic. A bunch of kids overly paranoid, who probably never got in a relationship, screaming: "I'm a low-esteemed faggot". Life isn't a pono movie. Kill yourself, losers.

>Life isn't a pono movie
And that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Shut the fuck up cuck

choke me daddy

>Life isn't a porno movie
For you


>basically a split-off from Sup Forums

>who probably never got in a relationship
Jokes on you, I was and she cheated on me after two weeks. Never settle for used goods, friends.

Do you honesty think every woman on the planet should look like a 11/10 supermodel who had plastic surgery, has fake bimbo tits and wears 5 pounds of make-up every single day?

Who here thinks daddy has the tastiest farts in the world!

>2 weeks
What kind of trashy woman did you meet?

Are you guys that much anxious waiting for the next "blacked" video? So you can "have fun" with a white woman? Fucking losers, you'll carry heavy weight on your shoulders the rest of your lives.

Your mom


Wrong faggot my mom is dead

Giving birth to the son of devil

Underrated as hell.

and this would impede me how exactly?


>people falling for this obvious false flagging

Shit Sup Forums, get it together.

That's why Sup Forums is so shitty.

Laughing my ass off, you took the bait moron

Daddy issues all over, but at least I became disillusioned with women. That was 7 years ago.

Underrated post

>I remember when Reddit was good

no it was never good
Sup Forums was never good either

Very nice meme my dude
Can i use it on my next instagram? XD

I'm pretty aware OP is a troll, retards. The problem is with all these kids who quickly shows up with all this cuck bullshit.

More like house of aids.

By the love of god

compared to what they are now they were good. especially Sup Forums, god is it shit now.

Sup Forums has never been good
t. been here since 2007


OwO for realz?
Pls, go ahead!!!11

It went to shit long before you came here newfag. In 2006 it became irredeemable trash.

Link wonders what's for dinner, but the King is bound by a vow not to tell


That post is mine :^)

Sup Forums needs ID's

How was it like back in 2003? And how was Sup Forums like in the beginning in 2004? I'm curious.


Kick that whore in the stomach and carry on playing Vidya, right bois?

>haha wifes giving birth while im doing more important things, like fighting demons XD (+456)

>Damn, living the dream
>Demon fighting + Wife = Epicness (this user has been gifted gold)
>[Show bad replies]
>This is retarded how is this gaming? this is why this site has gone to shit
>Oh look, another "no fun allowed" opinion (+400)(This user has been gifted gold)

not him but it was less memey and people could stay a bit more on topic. not entirely different from now just more underground.

Pretty nice. There were a lot of people who posted tons of CP but it was an overall great place to talk about anime. Sup Forums was cool too at first, but obnoxious tripfags were rampant like on most boards at the time. Everything was so much better pre-habbo.

>He knows leddit

That really wew my lads

>link to plebbit
god I hate you guys so fucking much

hyperbole but accurate

Jesus, I hate this reddit shit half of the posts in gaming is like

>look what my gf did
>my gf playing dark souls so hardcore lol
>my gf giving getting hype over some stupid ass game

Basically no one there is discussing games, just like here

"doom pre order bonus"

he delt with the devil todd.