What are some games where feeling comfy is part of the experience?

What are some games where feeling comfy is part of the experience?

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toki tori
now post more

Animal Crossing


Excuse me?

>tfw don't even find sex attractive
>literally only want a back massage
>seeing them rub his lowerback makes my back tingly and i need a fucking massage now
god dammit

Trails in the sky is the comfiest shit


I wonder how long it will take mods to notice the vibrating buttplug.


god bless


I want a massage now but all the massage places near me are just brothel fronts for dumb handjob and sex.

Cute girl


>Tfw had sex
>Was pretty meh, just a moist hole.
>Got a massage
>Not even diamonds, but it was amazing

I'd give up sex for the rest of my life, signed contract and everything so no whores, just to have a personal masseuse.

I knew the masseuse, and they were the one to offer it.

The only human contact I'd ever had was either violence out sex, and I disliked then both.

She put as such 'you never had any good human touch' or something.

It was nice to let go of ego and just lose myself in the experience.

having your ear licked and sucked on is one of the best feelings in the world
jesus christ

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK that looks like it feels good
dammit boner, I've already fapped, like, 3 times today.


The game even tells you to get comfy when you start a new game.

It's not really game a though, more a visual novel with cocktail making minigame.


except they are licking out his earwax

thats even hotter its like the smegma of the ear

>saigado still making stuff
holy shit

>the smegma of the ear
I'm not sure whether to be confounded, grossed out, or both.

just being edgy

Real life.

>had a dream a girl was licking my ears
>go check Sup Forums
>this thread

D-did a succubus with a ear licking fetish curse me?

no, it was a gobbler, similar demon, but ugly


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Rune factory.

Source on that?

Its called personal hygiene you should try it.

Thats the wrong symbol for females