
what did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


This parody is 2 years late

>We want the bro-dude audience

Brazzers is fucking garbage

For you

magnet pls

>not Nier porn

They can't even get a Quiet with nice breasts, get your shit together brazzers.

Just wait.

>codec calls
>snake actually has a personality again
>"turns out she's a real snake eater"

I'll probably enjoy this more than the game.

They should have gotten her

>Written by Guythrust Deepwood
Guess someone at Brazzers like video games.

>tfw you are the audience for parody porn

>written by guythrust deepwood

not vidya


>Only good videogames movie adaptations are porn movies


>porn vidya
>not vidya

fuck off

time to dump phil



what does tetsuo have to do with the rest of this image

if the people responsible for the vr ffvii porn parody are lurking this thread:

please just do it over again with someone with large breasts and also shill for a better cloud cosplay for the pov character

>yfw its advertised as a 2 hour porn movie but when you watch it, its only 20 minutes long and the other 1 hour and 40 minutes is the same scenes at different angles

Say what you want about brazzers, but they're really dedicated to reaching out to all demographics

>diamond dongs
>she's a real snake eater
O I am laffin

I need more phil pics pls help

>i got some tactical espionage action

holy shit im dying

>diamond dongs

This is the cut content that wasn't in TPP

>no petite Paz getting rammed by skullface

Opportunity wasted

>implying anybody would want to watch that shit

Fuck my life, im actually kinda hyped of this. I mean, if mgsV would have been better, i probably wouldnt give two shits about this but now.

Fuck it, im hyped all is lost


Different strokes for different folks fampai

So this is the fabled chapter 3?

this trailer is actually the entire movie

brazzers have now covered Sup Forums and Sup Forums
what's next?

/r9k/ GBP and chicken tendies HD porn

Brazzers already did an Overwatch porn parody

>they can't even afford a full cardboard box

but Japan already does top tier mommy fetish stuff

Such lust for revenge

I'm honestly surprised mainstream porn sites like Brazzers still exist - I mean literally nobody buys porn any more, even the most computer illiterate normie can find paywall porn for free online in a matter of minutes. Even people who are against piracy of music/films wouldn't even think twice about watching stuff for free on Xhamster

how does one become a male porn star?

Have a 7+ inch dick, be able to get erect on command, and do a bunch of gay porn

Nice, I can do that.

Now where to get penis enlargement...

When will they make a gay Final Fantasy XV porn?

You just need to do gay porn


The same company that owns brazzers owns pornhub and xhamster. Pornhub and xhamster are basically advertising for their pay sites.

>nobody buys porn
i'm pretty sure some people do, and understandably so considering it's a lot easier to pay half a quarter a month for a subscription of HD porn instead of needing to search on obscure cantonese bullfighting sites for 144p versions with 20 popups per click

>watching 3d porn
fuck outta here normies

i'm pretty sure mindgeek also owns kink, redtube, youporn, they also own digital playground, reality kings, and 99% of all other big porn companies/sites

>what are private porn torrent trackers
>what are popup blockers

Unless you've got some obscure as fuck fetish that nobody has ever bothered to upload content for, you have absolutely no excuse for paying for porn in 2017

There're things you can only find in 3D

>private porn torrent trackers

Nigga you just got offered the redpill. If you're still getting compressed mp4s off filesharing sites with download limits like it's 2005 you're doing it wrong

Ok, so if they only care about ad revenue why not ditch Brazzers entirely and host the content on Xhamster for free

>the phantom PEEN


>downloading porn
jesus fuck i thought having a door knob and tile fetish was extreme

wh-what's this?

What the fuck am I looking at?

>Not archiving the best stuff before the inevitable death of the host site/filesharing site/tracker means it's lost forever

Some of the stuff on my HD literally doesn't exist on the internet any more. Presuming the original creator deleted it, might even be the only copies in existence

Looks like a man sticking his penis inside a crocodiles penis socket

I swear, if there's any hint to chapter 3 or cut content in this, I'm gonna go kamikaze on Kojima.

hmm, reasonable argument
welp. time to download every single oily redhead video on pornhub, youporn, the tajikistani journalism website, and Sup Forums.

I'm not familiar with that particular content, but godspeed nonetheless user

>being OP
>try to create Sup Forums related content
>never reache nobody
>page 15 soon
>goodbye world

>post porn semi vidya related
>thdr still up


This was never really Sup Forums related bruh

welcome to nu/v
here it's a single line compass of "porn, shilling, or shilling waifubait game with softcore porn, AKA both"
it's been a month since i've seen a good thread, and that's counting winnie the pooh baseball and 4AM threads