Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

bad Uncharted

pretty shit


's aight

i used to believe this until i got a chance to play uncharted 3

Lara is cute but her game is boring and her butt is disappointing

it's the same cinematic experience shit as uncharted but replace the wisecracks with moans

Uncharted without the fun dialogue between Sam and Drake

uncharted with dicks removed

pretty much this

dont really like the upgrade/talent system, camp fires, or the fact its 99% snow

It's Uncharted with a shit story but with fun gameplay and some alright puzzles.

Much better than the 2013 one.

Confusion mostly. The previous TR game was pretty mediocre, this was obviously more of the same, so I ended up wondering why I even played it.

worse atmosphere and action than 2013
better gameplay

nah user. I played 1-3 and TR2013 shits on all of them

Lara refuses to own her moral choices: part 2

>I've GOT to do this
>I've GOT to do that
>Die you mercenary scum!
>This is all so unavoidable

Bad Uncharted clone, it's missing everything that used to make Tomb Raider good.

They're still there, but she keeps them covered up

Her missing 30 cm of height?

Why the fuck is she a full head shorter than even every female NPC now? Other than Crystal Dynamics clearly aiming for the middle aged pedophile demographic.

Shit. But it got a little better when I started playing on ultra hard or whatever.

That's because you're numale scum.

God tier:
- TR1
- Anniversary
- Underworld

Good tier:
- TR2
- TR3
- Legend

OK tier:
- Last Revelation
- Chronicles

Could have been great if it had actually been finished tier:
- Angel of Darkness

Not even TR tier:
- nu-lora

It's not paedophilia to like small women
Most porn stars are like 5 foot tall

Sup Forums is losing their shit, because the actress for the new Tomb Raider movie doesn't look like old Lara. They didn't get the memo.

She's complete shit.

Kate Beckinsale would have made a great Lara desu

Beckinsale is a captivating beauty. I am very underwhelmed by Alicia Vikander. I am sure they chose her because of feminism pandering to less attractive women

Worse than all previous games.
Bland, predictable, repetitive with retarded characters.

It triggers my ptsd

>game highlights everything
>literally no thinking required.
Fun puzzles..

Tomb Raider 2013 1.5

Gameplay wise its a lot better than the 2013 game but as for the story it kinda fell back compared to the previous game. The final boss was lame as fuck. The levels are a lot more bigger and graphics are a lot more better. The bow and arrow has an actual useful purpose than in tr2013. The lore is a lot better than the previous game imo. I would still give a 8/10 and recommend you get the 20 year celebration edition that came out of ps4. It got all the dlc and new modes.

> butt is disappointing

no one forces you to use survival vision, retard.

>The final boss was lame as fuck

This this this, a gorillion times this. It was like all the worst shit from the final boss of '13 but made EVEN WORSE. Gotta love a game I don't finish because of how garbage-tier bullshit the last 10 minutes are.

You mean uncharted but good right?

no nude mod/10
i finished it tho

because why fag?
If I play a action (adventure) all about a paranormal thing and I am able to fucking explore the shit, find some lore shit etc. then it is ten times better than a fucking game about some 30year old dude which only character development is saying some one-liners.

Whole Uncharted gerne feels always like "oh climbing? When can I shoot?" and then "Oh shooting? When can I get a comfy moment?" and this on loop.

Also fuck older tomb raider games and their jump run bullshits with fucking gorillas in greece.

Post more lara butt

which lara?

It had its flaws, but overall, the game feels like it came from the time when devs actually gave a shit about quality

>"i'm too stupid to disable handholding in the options"

Borrowed it off of a friend and dropped it in less than an hour in due to a ridiculous amount of QTEs. I'd rather play a videogame than hit a button and watch it.

Better than the previous one and with the 20th Celebration edition there was a lot of extra content, so i was happy with it

But Uncharted was never good.

Well, besides 02.

Not that guy but those are some awful opinions goddamn.
>ugh i have to play as a MAN?!?!?

>muh jaded contrarian opinions to "fit in" with the fictional Sup Forums hivemind

>play as usual
>bow max upgraded
>finish the story
Yeah, bow pretty much motivated me to finish the game

i enjoyed the 2013 a lot more desu but its a great game overall