Should I trust Ubisoft?
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This game and Siege are significantly better than the rest of their shit.
Are you a gay? This is the kind of game where you wait it out and see what the playerbase things after a few months.
It's more a question of whether the playerbase will survive or not, the game is solid aside from the P2P shit and the 4v4 mode.
No, but play the beta you fuck.
"beta" the game is golden already.
This is just to get more Pre-Orders
Play the beta on Thursday and decide if you like it. I played the closed beta and loved it, don't go in expecting Chivalry.
ne plus jamais
I didn't mean anything by beta. We're not stupid, it's here to demo the game and by playing that you can get an idea of how the game is. So yes, it's here to get more preorders because they probably think the game is good enough to speak for itself.
Game ain't finished. They're reworking three of the characters after the test from December and they're still not complete.
if you want to be hurt AGAIN
it's going to lack content
and they stop updating it after the first year
just in time for the sequel which has half of the missing stuff
ad nauseam
>"""competitive""" game ever being finished
I already preordered I mean Ubisoft can't fuck it up again can they?
They usually have a pretty good track record of keeping the community active
Don't preorder it but keep an eye on it post release. Could be good.
>peer-to-peer multiplayer
steep is 2 months old and barely has a few hundred players
Its technically done, they are just using an older Build for the Beta. The game is bound to release next Tuesday. /argument
...if you can't afford it, you just have to say.
How stupid do you have to be to even ask?
>No, but play the beta
>my first reverse psychology
ubishills are really the most inepts of them all. so blatant.
Reminder to never listen to Sup Forums and form your own opinions based on demos.
>2 days before full release
>no review copies
is this a new low for ubisoft?
>caring more about reviews than being able to play it for free yourself and develop your own opinion about it
wew lad
There are likely no review copies because the game isn't finished. Lawbringer was underpowered, Shugoki was underpowered and Valkyrie was OP. All three MIGHT according to Ubisoft make it into the beta for testing the new changes. I'm a bit worried that they're rushing the last three characters.
How is this reverse psychology? You shouldn't blindly trust anyone. So how do you know if something is good? You try it yourself.
I swear you people are just here to complain. Do you also think that pirating the game of a company you're being cautious about is selling out?
I really don't get why this Isa problem with what may as well be called a trial weekend 2 days before release.
I guess they could pull a watchdogs and change the quality but I doubt it.
Implying $60 for a few months worth of enjoyment isn't good.
Shit 100$ is easily spent over a weekend of drinking, stop being such a poorfag.
Why would you care about reviews? Reviews have been corporate ads for a decade now. Sure, this isn't a really beta since it's so close to launch, but being able to judge the game yourself is better than trusting some random fuck who's probably bribed.
fuck OFF normie
because as says, they can ship something incomplete and nobody will be the wiser until it's too late. I don't care about review scores, but I do care about knowing that someone has played the FULL game, and not just a small portion of it in a beta. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Sup Forums is now okay with withholding review copies
>hey man you can play this game for FREE for 3 whole days to develop your own opinion about it!
>nah man I'm gonna wait until GameInformer or IGN has a review up so I can base my purchase decision around the subjective opinion of another individual
>replying to bait
How does it feel to know there are fish who are literally smarter than you?
well, user, do you really care about the single player? elsewise the beta is pretty much the whole experience.
Siege is great, as were the last two Rayman games they did, no idea if this is any good though. They can do good, despite them mostly churning out garbage.
did you ever think about the servers being used for the open beta and therefore the snow flake journos can't get their own servers?
I just wish the Siege community wasn't so fucking gay. I'm all up from banter but those niggers will kill you for picking an operator somebody else wanted.
Stop being a useless neet and you might have money.
I bought it, it's the first Ubisoft game I've purchased other than Siege in probably forever. I loved Chivalry but there was a lot that needed fixing.
If only Ubi wasn't so fucking cheap they would make it dedicated/add server browser & mods it would be perfect.
I thought everyone already knew the campaign would be shit. The decision to buy or not is all about whether you think 2-3 multiplayer modes are worth 60$.
I don't think it's worth more than 30$ or 40$, like most multiplayer focused games that aren't CoD, but I've got some money to spare since I haven't bought anything vidya related in a long time and I really like the dueling system and the warden.
>tfw in my country the game costs 40$
I always look at it as how much am I going to get out of a game? I played the closed December beta and the most recent beta nonstop, so to me the game is absolutely worth $60.
I've never had that happen, but I've largely been dicking around in casual.
Had some British faggot say he was going to vote kick me if picked Glaz in casual, I told him I'd just TK him if the vote started so he didn't do it. The only kill I got in that game was with Glaz and he started flipping a shit when we lost and blamed it on me for picking Glaz. The dude also only had 3 kills and 3 deaths.
Overall the community seems fine, minus some retarded free weekend players that are starting to learn how to play/fucking off.
>like most multiplayer focused games that aren't CoD
Perhaps you should get some taste.
>""competitive"" esports bait game with peer2peer
>1v1 focused games are now esports
Why not just play the open beta and decide for yourself?
I liked it but it definetly doesn't worth 60 dollar. It should be around 30 and I would say that's fair.
But 2v2 is still fucking retarded.
>so to me the game is absolutely worth $60.
Thanks Ubisoft employee.
Don't forget to ignore the shitty p2p multiplayer, limited singleplayer, shit combat, and the review embargo Ubisoft has on it. Always a good sign. The community will be dead in a month.
Copper problems, am I right?
when are they giving out the nvidia codes? im hoping to get one on ebay for like $35
Probably not, but the way i see it is this: if an Ubisoft game gets threads on here with actual discussion about the game itself as opposed to just endless shitposting, you know it's probably going to be, at the very least, fun.
>steep is 2 months old
That came out? I actually had a bit of fun with the open beta or whatever it was. Didn't really seem worth buying full price though
No developer is openly trying to scam you or ruin their reputation. Every single one sets out to make a game fun enough and good enough that people will buy it, enjoy it, and tell their friends about it.
This whole idea that developers and publishers are fine with having gamers hate them and their products and just lazily shit out game after game is for the most part untrue.
With how long development is and how spaced out releases can be. It's easy to think you see a pattern after a few games released by someone is garbage.
Just something I noticed. Not in any particular defense of anyone. But personally, I judge games on their own merit, not the teams that are behind them or a companies "reputation" for making shit games. The way I see it, if it got funded, and was made over the course of a year or so, there must be something there a good chunk of people believe in.
Also the idea that you should protest these massive companies by not buying their games seems kinda pointless to me. But if you can't buy a ubishit game cause uplay is trash and you hate season passes or whatever, then you do you.
My whole.point basically being to stop factoring in all this other shit when it comes to if a game is good or not.
>$60 + Season Pass + Tip
I enjoyed the demo by a lot, but Ubi games tend to die online quickly, and the single player here doesn't seem to warrant a purchase.
Stop having sex and enjoying life, and you can browse this place
>Implying $60 for a few months worth of enjoyment isn't good.
It's relative. if you can spend that money on another game and get more enjoyment then no it isn't good.
I had fun, I don't give a fuck m8.
if you play the beta and enjoy it, and think it's worth the money, why not get the game. why wait for a review when you can literally try the game yourself?
Because every game has to be the new TORtanic.
Aren't they changing these codes so that the machine they are used on must have a "qualifying GPU"? So unless you have a GTX 10 series GPU, you won't be able to use the code.
>tfw huge warden fan
>play him in the entire testing phase of the game
>samurai jack is back
>suddenly huge boner for that shit now
>People are actually mas that Ubi put up a review embargo
>On a game that's soon to go into public Beta
Ubi was actually smart there. Now you have people who know how to play the game judging it, rather than Schlock Writer #7 who talks about how problematic it is that the antagonist is female instead of gameplay, which just happens to be 'too hard for them, and should be made easier'.
Why would I want to play numale larping simulator 2017?
Literally every internet ad about this game is faggots saying deus vult and muh manly combat roleplay. Had my share of that with dark souls 1 and 2, it's boring now
fug really?
What does this word even mean any more?
"I don't like it but there isn't a good buzzword to fit in."
Trust no one.
it means whatever you don't like
I enjoyed the closed beta enough to pre-order
Same, gonna enjoy shanking niggers with Peacecutie again.
No. People need to stop falling for Ubishit. Every single time they hype up a game and release a steaming, broken turd we all laugh.
When will you fucking learn?
Siege is the best shooter released in a while senpai, granted it was shit on release.
>Not only works, but is good
>'Died' because it's a sports game that isn't advertised by EA
>For Honor CLOSED BETA is already more complete than most games on Steam
>spending $100 on drinks just because you can
I have a full-time job and a family to take care of. $100 on alcohol is just ridiculous.
please dont end your sentence with a preposition
while true, that doesn't stop people from doing it, for whatever dumbass reasons they have.
>3 factions
>3 systems
They missed a fucking trick there. Instead of having a dumb faction war nobody cares about, have a fucking platform war. There's zero advantage to using kb+m anyway, if anything it's a minor disadvantage.
Still had fun and it ran fine :^)
why would anyone do that?
>playing a fighting game with dedicated servers
What are you, retarded?
Now now if you are gonna talk like a big boy you gotta act like a big boy too user.
Recently got Rainbow Six Siege, and I can hardly believe I'm disgusted by this turd even though I didn't even pay for it. The shooting is shit, the whole gameplay is retarded, there's no physics engine, the performance is atrocious, there are countless glitches, the netcode is terrible and the latency is high as fuck, it takes an eternity to get a game going and even then you spend most of your time looking at splash screens and waiting for people to load the map which is reloaded entirely at each round. Even the UI fucking sucks.
I knew I wouldn't buy anything else from Ubisoft ever again after Assassin's Creed and Farcry games, this just confirmed I should probably erase all memory of that publisher.
So no, I wouldn't get "For Honor".
>Doesn't like Siege and exaggerates minor issues
Lmao go back to GO
You don't have to. Play the free open beta and decide for yourself.
How is a free weekend right before release bad?
Played closed beta and it's great, but it really needs some balancing and issue fixing. Pre-ordered gold edition because the game is fun as fuck even unpolished as the beta was. Can easily sink 200+ hours in.
>This is what GOBabies actually think
Holy shit.
>Get to crush shitters with Lawman finally in a week
>exaggerates minor issues
Oh it's all minor issues indeed, but there's literally hundreds of minor issues. At some point it adds up to a whole fucking bucket of shit being thrown at your face every minute.
Nice arguments though. Also GO is shit. I'd rather play Insurgency desu fampai.
So welp guess I can't play this game. Thanks australia internet.
Another year until the NBN
I mained warden, but yeah Lawbringer looks sooooo good.
>my shit is better than your vomit
What strange times, when people don't even acknowlege that both CS:GO and Rainbow Siege are casual garbage. You may as well add Overwatch and Battleborn to the discussion.
It's like some of you kids never played some Q3A, UT, CS, ET, TFC or Tribes.
I don't know,have those jews finished the division with all the dlcs and downupgrades?
Or they have just tossed it a patch to give it a new life to shut the badmouths while giving them a generic cod clone with upgrades?
It feels like reading a small forum on which the three moderators drove away all the people who didn't like their preferred games,and now they're picking all those fotm cause the big guy with power buttons says "giving them a third chance" and everyone follow suit as the want to preserve their account created on '99
Wow I actually thought you had better taste
It's straight up point and shoot, you can hardly complain about it being shit, at best you could say it's superficial.
This. 30 is okay.