Extremely anticipated game comes out

>extremely anticipated game comes out
>it's very disappointing and garbage
>the sequel gets little to no hype
>it's actually pretty good

When else did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:


>watch dogs 2
>pretty good

please kill yourself in this very second
with a shit taste like this i would kill myself right now

every AC after AC 2 is shit and AC 2 is medicore at best.

Watch dogs is a total unfun mess. watch dogs 2 managed to be better but still is NOT a good game by any means.

so ubisoft isnt a good example

Spotted the butthurt weebshitter

>AC 2 is medicore at best
Stop posting

Happens a lot with Ubi unfortunately

I got WD2 free with a deal and I found it to be one of the best stealth games of 2016. Just because it doesn't push your agenda doesn't mean it's a bad game.

yeah gotta love killing 20 people without losing hp just pressing 2 buttons. real gameplay. also the city is copy pasted with a few landmarks.

ezio is an unlikeable mongoloid..

first scenes: bela bela iam the best whorefucker there is in town. later: iam such a deep character hurr durr. fuck you and your shit taste.
ac was never good..only if you like 50 hour long looting of uninspired collectables.

the only section that was kind of fun (gliding with leonardos gadget) was dlc

kys you contrarian shitter

please stop being 15

Black Flag is mediocre as fuck.

Go back to your weeebshit tasteless faggot

why even bother putting any kind of effort into games when retards like you are happy with the worst shit ever created. why even quality if there are so many scatfetish ppl?

>worst shit ever created
If you think generic open worl;d ubisoft games are the worst games ever you're retarded or don't play many games

What's an example of a quality game?

Great thread

with quality i mean handcrafted worlds for example with meaningful things to do and not only 90% filler and rest story and muh graphics.

it hurts be to say this but a good example is gta 4 or 5 if you prefer, just look at all the little details this game has to offer in comparison to ubisoft open world games. every corner , every building is there for reason. little details like oil leaking if you shoot the engine that you can put on fire shooting on it, bloody footprints or body reactions where you shoot someone (hand, leg, head) just oozes of details while in watch dogs if you shoot the water it dosnt even react to it like its just one giant fucking (okayish) looking texture. no bulletholes in walls, nothing reacts to anything..you shoot a pedestrian in the train and he keeps staying in one static animation while in gta in a shootout cops are screaming and pulling each other out of danger.

all this comes together to one simple things: devs who want to cash in but dont love their job vs devs who want to cash in but having fun creating games and content.

another example is the new hitman vs mgs v . yeah mgs v falls short in terms of story but dont tell me the gameplay is top notch and also got all these realistic and fun details.

DMC3 but it has gotten enough hype retroactively

>gta 4 or 5
Yeah they are detailed but boring to play, especially IV

>thinks MGS V is better than new Hitman
top kek

First post is the most retarded post.

Watch Dogs 1 played like a GTA clone in-progress.

Megadimension Neptunia series

> new hitman, shoot somebody: no bullethole ..exclusive to the second shot. people dont react to blood: QUALITYCONTROL at its best.


> kill someone you know the location of the body off. marker: body was found > haste to location..no enemy there or near that could have found the body super quality!

watch and ac are fun, when? while fighting??? i doubt it. while climbing the tower for the 10th time????? still doubt it. or all these "follow" npc missions..super great fun

Hitman has much better level design

Stop posting bullshit about games you have never played idiot

>I got WD2 free with a deal and I found it to be one of the best stealth games of 2016.

sadly i played them but dropped them harder than a bitch after sex.

then bloodmoney? nope sorry also it feels like if i wanna do good i dont have much freedom every trap and oppurtunity to kill feels like iam on rails watching a movie

AC 2: Brotherhood is on par with Black Flag as the best AC games

still medicore games out of its own franchise

Dumb animeposter

Black fag a shit

Just an arcade-y ship-combat game. Makes for a sub-par asscreed game, and it even wound up being a step down from the ship combat trial run in 3.

It's a shit

Never change user. I'll never know why everyone is love with that game

people who enjoy ubisoft games (apart from rayman) never had real fun in videogames. if this lowform of entertainment is enough for them what could a really fun game do with them???

kind of sad

ยด>WD2 or AssCreed Black Cocks guud
are you like 10?

> pretty good
How's dem eavesdrop missions?
And those tail missions
And those boat tail mission.

>watchdogs 2
>ass creed
Both games are trash with no depth, just shit gameplay, shit stories, and shit characters. Ubisoft should just fucking die. Hell would be sitting through their e3 conferences with the stupid fucking dancing and aisha tyler reading jokes from a cringe how to guide

Spotted the butthurt Ubishill


>it was a good game but nothing special user, lesbihonest here friendo

the only kek here is you faggot
get better taste or stop posting

>tfw stealthed ship gameplay
im not saying that if you liked ac black cock youre a nigger faggot but lets not act like its fun


>WD2 cracked by CPY
> load it up
>crash car in to utility pole
> pole breaks up into evenly cut pieces
>driving completely uncontrollable
>kill a bunch of guards at the NASA hanger
>walk two feet out of hanger all guards re-spawn
>delete game
>not worth the 41.8GB of space it takes for free

Don't forget the fact that when a guard detects you everyone in the whole fucking area knows instantly where you are.

>people who enjoy ubisoft games (apart from rayman) never had real fun in videogames
>it's not fun it's nu-fin

Jesus fuck off you autisrt

Ubisoft open world games are still way more fun than massively overrated GTA games

>get better taste
Says the retard who thinks MGS V is good
Kill yourself

Or maybe you are just jaded autistic contrarian retards who need to hate everything

>Pretty good.

Yes. I also enjoy forced ship grinding, repetitive tailing/eavesdropping sections, and doing the same uninspired missions over and over again in a loop.

Sup Forums liiked AC IV when it came out
What the fuck happened?

wow scatfetish is real..official shiteater raid @ Sup Forums pls hide everyone

Not an argument

against what?


Watch Dogs 2 is not actually pretty good, it actually has a lot of the same problems as WD1.
Still can't believe a "AAA" dev can make a third person shooter in 2016 with NO blindfire and NO hipfire.
Fucking 2016.

there are one or two (You)s in every thread who don't like video games, AC IV is still considered one of the best entries in the series and arguably the best pirate game of the last decade

>Historical revisionist
Sup Forums actually hated the game when it came out, then people started liking the piracy, unfortunately that's the only good part of the game, the rest is arguably the worst Ass Creed has ever been.

Stop talking bullshit idiot

This. 50% of the gameplay is garbage. Sailing in a ship and sinking motherfuckers is nice and all but the actual assassin shit is awful.

Who else is very dissapointed by the watch dogs 2 ending?

Kill yourself newfag.

It'd be easier to ask who wasn't.
That was arguably the worst video game ending since ME3.

The only newfag is you fucking retard

>muh technology meme
And it still doesn't make the game more fun faggot

okay, tell me about Assassin's Creed IV fuckers.
I've played AC, II, Brotherhood (favorite), Revelation (meh), III. I stopped playing the series because so many kept coming out I lost interest, but I heard IV was one of the best. Is this true?

Sailing is fun
City sturff is ok

dropped it after 5 hours, sailing is ok but not ultimate fun..also you get spammed to death by that usual ubisoft bullshit..collect shants, follow that dude than follow that dude for 20 minutes. not worth a penny like all of them

No. Only IV believe otherwise.

However, if you already liked AC games before, then you will like it because it's not a bad game.

The sailing legit great.
The actual assassin gameplay sucks ass.
Story is pretty typical Ass Creed, with Sup Forums's favorite western reverse trap.

*IV fags

>pretty good

III actually had better naval combat if you got far enough to do that, and that's more than 50% of IV


WD2 is alright

Its definitely not worth full price though and your framerate tanks when you use any of the anti-aliasing options

God, I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates the way modern games do side missions.
Having the exact same mission copy-pasted 20 fucking times is not new content, it's just fucking boring.

He is right
People only like ac2 because of the big jump it made from ac1. Other than that its mediicre at best like an user said earlier

I don't think anyone likes that kind of mission structure except legit autists.

fuck off

>waaah stop liking what I don't like hurr durr!

Stop being autistic

the music sucks too i get the feels, they where going for gta v realism but could not afford it.

if people like you keep buying shit developers will only craft shit..you are the cancer that must die ;^)

Watch Dogs 2 is actually fun as fuck, the drop-in/out multiplayer works pretty well. Haven't played much of the story yet but it seems to be pretty stupid.

Black Flag was okay but in retrospect fuck the majority of those missions. The Caribbean was cool at least.


>fun as fuck paintball simulator

such passion ! so much details! no cheap grab at all

The menu music is enjoyable at least

I haven't bought any ubisoft game since driver San francisco


tell your friends to do the same and we,re good

Yeah that looks pretty shitty but I haven't really noticed it, the game is infinitely more enjoyable and challenging if you refuse to use any guns save the stun gun.

>I base my opinions of games I didn't play on the opinions of people who also did not play the game

More challenging sure, but definitely not more enjoyable.
Watch Dogs 2 really doesn't fix any of the issues that Watch Dogs 1 had, aside from maybe the fact that civies no longer die in 1 melee hit.
It really is just Watch Dogs 1 with better movement.

It's like the guns, driving, and npc spawn timers where an afterthought. I'm glad someone had fun with it but autistic kids have fun with wood blocks soo...

Wash Dogs is shit.

You do realize you can pirate the game, right?
And he's right, WD2 is pretty crap.

>someone criticizes a AAA pos game you like

>it's cracked therefore everyone has played it

And as far as ubi games go it's pretty good.

That's not really saying much considering most of their games in the past 6 years have been trash.

Pic unrelated

Holy shit op is literally mentally ill.

wow really?

more and more people realise that ubisoft is shit. there is not a single way they can redeem themselfs.

sales on WD2 were shitty weren,t they?

>tfw i pirated syndicate and unironically liked it

Once the pirate gimmick lost it's charm, people began to see how repetitive and uninspired the gameplay is, even compared to AC3.

Far cry is still ok I still pay for those. But it has been a down ward slide after FC3

>I got WD2 free with a deal
everybody did