Just cancelled my preorder. But i still want to buy some gaming related hardware. What could i buy on $360 Sup Forums...

Just cancelled my preorder. But i still want to buy some gaming related hardware. What could i buy on $360 Sup Forums? I already have a good gaming PC

>cancelling your switch preorder
Kill yourself.

>someone on Sup Forums fucked up this bad

not really surprised tho

Nvidia Shield

A Switch.

A spine and some backbone.

Make up your own mind, faggot.

VR Shit

A ps4+2 Bloodbornes.

Retard alert, even if you didn't want it you should scalp it, because right now they're the hot ticket item

Remember when people tried to scalp Wii U?


No you didn't.

>ever preordering
>ever buying any console at launch
Kill yourself.

Buy a Mame cabinet kit

Just save the money.


>ever buying any console
This would have been enough.

Nintendrones I tell ya

>hurr durr

Where do you live OP? preorders are sold out here and I want one.

Buy the PS4 with Uncharted 4.

amazon.de has switches for sale again today they got a new batch or something

Get one of these. Emulates up to the Dreamcast, you can take it wherever you want, battery life is incredibly good. Stick the Legacy Rom on there and you're good to go.

Enough buttons to comfortably use Moonlight with Nvidia Gamestream, if you want comfy in-bed streaming from your PC

Other than the fact that it looks like a 3DS, was there a reason you bothered posting this shit?
If I wanted to emulate games I'd use my laptop or phone.
Since I wanna play 3DS games for free, I'll stick to hacking my 3DS

Thanks senpai I'll take a look.

>3DS hacking thread
>post device that doesn't emulate 3DS games
For what purpose?

if you have a ps4 and have money to burn a psvr might be fun to try

A switch

This isn't the 3DS hacking thread, you inbred retard.

Damn nigga you get mad fast
Might wanna get that checked out

The Wii U had different momentum going in, the brand confusion was an enormous part of it. Way drove down the awareness of the system, which is kinda crucial in getting the few percent of people willing to pay scalper prices out to buy them.

buy a penis extender

Rift or Vive would set him $800 unless he gets some half assed Chinese brand with shitty tracking solution. He'd get more use out of a good monitor in that price range.

Better to spend that money towards better peripherals like some good headphones, better mouse, or a mechanical keyboard.

Or save it for a future upgrade.

>ever buying any console at launch
>1st batch of USian PS3s actually had backward HW compatibility with PS2s