ITT: Overrated games

ITT: Overrated games.


ITT: we trigger Sup Forums

Any zelda past 2
Any metroid


ITT: sonygger OP

What are some overrated non nintendo games?

Casually replayed 64 the other day. Apart from the camera controls the game is still fun as fuck. Once you get competent at moving mario even messing around outside the castle is fun.

Nintendo is the pinnacle and bench mark for gaming , pretth much anything that is rated all on the same level as early Mario , metroid and Zelda is technically overrated

Kid Icarus Uprising

Dwarf Fortress


Dark Souls

any game that ever existed that is slightly good in some way


inb4 impotent teenage rage

>m-m-muh first hard game ever bro

The Witcher 3

More like:

>I wasn' t born when it got released

Overrated 2011: the game

That's a fantastic game now and it was a fucking incredible game when it came out.

Anyone who thinks SM64 is underrated is underageb&

>ff tatics
>ff 7
>chrono bazzinga

>anything that releases at least 1 dopamine molecule is good

>m-m-muh first hard game ever bro
that's literally what they all say. The only "praise" they can make, and still it is not hard like old school megaman or castlevania, where it's all about skill, it's only unfair.

literally every video game

they are all utter trash and your favorite game is shit you pleb

I agree,it is really underrated. It should be praised EVEN MORE.

t. butthurt Nintoddlers

Ocarina of time.

Be careful not to bash it TOO hard though, there's a mod here who instantly closes any thread where people discuss its flaws.

Are Nintoddlers the Beatles fags of Sup Forums? They are convinced all their overrated games are absolutely perfect and best thing ever made and can't take any criticism

>nintendo is shit lol XD

>xd oot is bad cause i say so xd

Nevrer said it was bad, just blatantly overrated. Your overreaction proves just how cancerous oot fanboys truly are.

>more butthurt Nintenyearolds
Seriously is there a more autistic fanbase?

The main idea behind this game and the controls are great.
But sadly the stages do nothing to exploit those.

>unironically playing vidya past your teens