What's a good FPS mechanic that you would like to see?

What's a good FPS mechanic that you would like to see?

>gun jamming fc2

What the fuck cunt, weapon degradation and jamming are such a fucking unholy alliance of mechanics in an fps game.

Those two mechanics combined with enemies you just killed respawning on your return drive killed far cry 2 for me so much, that I didn't finish the game.

Keep them in survival games.

Escort missions

Guns degrading and jamming could be cool but it wasn't in FC2.

At the beginning it was too common and then it suddenly stops being an issue.

I think it would be a good idea OP but you should have the option to clean your gun so it only happens if you're a stooge who doesn't maintain his shit.

Gun jamming and degradation could be cool if there was some sort of field strip mini game you could do to fix your guns

Imagine if you had to do one of these puzzles to unfuck your gun, with different boards and layouts depending on the guns you use.

>gun jamming every 5 minutes

Bitch please!

Spot the casual

Gun should be automatically repositioned to avoid nearby obstacles. Riddick did it in 2003 on a fucking xbox.

If there's
A, No an option to always keep your gun in shape with minimal resources
B. Gun decay that takes around 10 hours of playtime to kick in
Its a shit mechanic on par with constant hunger meters. No, it's not hardcore, it's just a chore

FC2 was objectively one of the best first person shooters, if not games, ever released. It's up there with STALKER SHoC in my book.

I hope one day there is a true spiritual successor. I doubt there will be a true sequel in the Far Cry series now that the Far Cry 3 formula has sold so well.

It was annoying but I loved the atmosphere so much I still played it all the way through.

I would say they need to do another one in Africa but they would just mess it up with some other bullshit.

Reloading should lose your ammo if you're not firing off the entire clip/mag.


Finally somebody actually gets it.

>one of the best first person shooters
>up there with STALKER SHoC
Make up your damn mind!

So was 2 the height of the series? I don't really care for trying 3, 4 or primal as they seem like too much of the same and usual Ubisoft design.

The gunplay was fantastic, its a shame the rest of the game was so poorly designed and just straight up not fun to play.

As amazing as the gunplay was the whole "go here and shoot some shit but by the way every checkpoint you pass through is going to be a fucking chore" with literally nothing else going on got old SUPER fucking fast.

Original is still the best.

Gunplay? Guns have no recoil, and some of them have no damage as well.

I had some fun fucking around with stealth, though.

There should be a guy offscreen constantly and tediously commenting on your stance and trigger discipline

Crysis is the best of that series.

3 is actually pretty good and the others are just pallette swaps of 3.

I know but that's not what I asked.


Far Cry 2 was definitely underrated I didn't mind the endless walking

Also I don't know if I downloaded the wrong version, but I never had the common problems
>got malaria only like 5 times
>my guns almost never jammed because I used my own
>enemy respawn rates seemed normal

I want more games with RO2 style aiming.
It makes hitting shit from a distance feel so good

>enemy respawn rates seemed normal
I can understand not having issues with malaria or gun jamming because those things are overblown but this is bullshit. The enemies respawn instantly as soon as you leave the cell, sometimes not an issue but it makes travel and many missions really annoying.

Depends on the setting. Soldiers dont just throw their mags away when they reload.

then that mag should go to the back of the queue and your mags have same ammo as when you unloaded them.

FC2 is great game.

but maralia system is suck.

Neither Gun Degredation or Jamming is a thing in a reliable firearm

Even in a shitty fucking dust raped hell hole like an African Nation.

You clean it. It fucking works, and it works for a good goddamn while.

In the case of some firearms in fact, the tolerances are so tight that you have to -wear- it in to some degree.

I bought a PX4 that would bite it's bullets until I wore 400+ rounds through it, and then the feed ramp was worn enough to stop chomping casings.

It hasn't bothered me since then, I've left it somewhere moist to rust, given it a passable cleaning and it still runs flawlessly.

These mechanics are fucking retarded in FPS Games, they're just a headache outright.