So this is the embodiment of PC gaming in 2016

So this is the embodiment of PC gaming in 2016...
most impressive.



The master race can appreciate games for their gameplay. Unlike your average console peasant.

>tfw it was quite literally the best game last year had to offer in gaming

Dunno if it's good or bad.


>spend 99999999999$ on PC
>use it to play a snes game

>stardew valley

I liked it. Using the mouse to aim where you want to plant shit was pretty handy. I'll probably never be able to go back to HM

>relationship management
these are all gameplays

I just can't get over the artstyle. Looks like garbage.

While a good game, it just screams amature developer. Stuff like repeated levels in both mines, general clunckiness and jank, inconsistenses in styles and sprite animations somewhat detract from otherwise good game with shitload of content. Pixelart ranges from decent (most of the environments) to just bad (most of the characters' sprites).

I tried playing Stardew and it just couldn't hold my attention
I recently started playing Rune Factory 4 and holy shit it is so blatantly apparent that Stardew Valley is just a hollow RF clone.
The worst part is, it's worse than what it's aping. It's a shitty knockoff. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy it now.

>It's another compensatory Sonygger/Nintentoddler with inferiority complex episode episode


came here to say this
also sage

can't even tell if this is a false flag anymore

so what are some good fun pc games to play

i don't mind pixel shit


Well there'

I'll have to get back to you on that question.

>no cutscenes
>no qtes

Not a game. Not an argument

so you were that guy in the steam avatar thread

from the same website

Dota 2

Literally the best multiplayer games are only on pc.

don't listen to this person if you actually want to have fun, just play singleplayer games, trust me

Do you consider pc games, only games that you can play on pc?

This isn't the 90's anymore.
You can't make something like Stardew Valley and call it a game.
That ship has sailed long ago.

Rune Factory 4 does all of that better than Starjew Valley and that's on a handheld.

The fact that this game is played with KB+M makes it far better than any Harvest Moon game.

A clone of Harvest Moon is considered a great game full of original stuff (not even joking, I saw people praising the dev for creating such a new and fun game).
What went wrong?

So thats how much mentally handicapped sony fags are

>doom clone
Its like im in the 90s again

Are you serious or ironic with this post? The only aspect doom clones didn't improve over Doom was the monsters.

Not him,but wasnt wolfenstain 3D first?

/not a real game


You must have missed a dozen or so threads where people voiced this opinion unironically

Yes, but Doom gave a new direction to the formula Wolfenstein created.

PC graphics became so good that we reached the "post graphics" era already.

You should just support Story of Seasons instead.
Not an indie-ripoff.

>I only play super adult real videogames for real adult videogamers like myself!

realktalk tho SDV is kinda ass, and the retard left the co-op to cucklefish.

nobody has heard of your gay little handheld game kid