

Are you going to play Sophie's game?

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What the heck? It's not out on Steam yet.

But yeah, I was going to pirate it and buy if it's not shit.

How is this game? I never played an Atelier game, should I buy this Sup Forums, also what about the other game that is in a bundle with this one?

i'm almost done with tales of berseria, never played any atelier game, is mysterious book worth a _buy_?

i bought the bundle

tale of berseria is pissing me off because of the stupid slow dialogue and cutscenes, just let me play the game cunt



I already did and it was shit.

call me when the platcha exposed labia mods are out

>le nude mods xD

already played and beaten it on the ps4 a year ago.

Where is this from? Reddit? Who thought of getting that french word and turning it into a stupid meme? It was Reddit wasn't it?

>i7 and 8GB of RAM
>For a fucking Vita game

Why can't gooks into porting?

Why do you use the word "meme" is what you should be asking yourself first of all.

absolutely nothing wrong with nude mods

It's a PS4 port, and they're probably blown out of proportion anyway.

Japs always lie about system specs

example - Akiba's Strip

What else do you call when 13 year old kids start repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again thinking it's cool when everyone around them is just annoyed?

>pirating a 100+ hours JRPG instead of buying it
I'll play it comfy from Steam thanks to Steam Cloud taking care of my game's global save while you have to copy the files everytime you want to play on your laptop, piratecuck.



There are many wrong things with your post, to begin with this is hardly going to take you 100 hours to complete. It's also so mediocre that I have to wonder who would sit through it for a whole hundred hours.

I'm in no rush to even pirate it, but maybe some day

boys think that nude mods improve the game

men know that slight fan service like the bare showing of skin and panty shots are unrivaled

>pirating weeb games

Literally encouraging Nip developers to either abandon PC entirely or just give you shitty broken ports.

I hate crafting and item preparation. I just want to fight. But since it's piratable, I might give it a try sometime later.

good job codex, cracking the old shitty steam drm

>I hate crafting and item preparation.

So play another game? This is literally an alchemy game first, second and third and a JRPG about 7th.

That's like playing a FPS then claiming you hate shooting games when do you get to the other stuff.

literally all i asked for was exposed labia like in the concept art, not full nudity

Jap voice included?

Why hasn't Velvet's game cracked?

t. conquered

>no Steam cloud
Guess I'll pirate the game.

the correct answer is to pirate the port to make sure it works on your machine and isn't shit, then buy it if it's fine

It's like you want to kill gaming

Yes but I'm not pirating it like a pleb. I pay for my games

What the fuck? I think this game supports downsampling. I have a 1080p monitor.

Atelier fags keep saying this is the worst game or something

Same. Hope they're good ports.

This little girl looks like she fucks a lot of men on a daily basis.

Same here. Pirate it to test performance on my pc and to see if it's a broken port. It's a shame it doesn't have Steam Cloud and on a lesser note, Steam Card support for people who like that. The Attack on Titan game hasn't got it either.

I think Atelier Sophie has a decent price (unlike AoT) and if it's a decent port I have no problem paying for this in hopes that they bring more, hopefully the previous Ateliers, to Steam.

I'll definitely give it a try now.

Because like other turboautist fanbases they don't know how to make conversation and need let everyone know that they've played the other games

Durante, the guy that made dark souls playable, was hired to work on the port so it's probably ok.

That's not a little girl though.

Durante didn't work on the port. He just got an early key.

So basically the only thing that makes the Steam version superior to pirated version is not available?

Why the fuck would he get an early key.

Is anyone running this game at above 60 fps? Need to know if it's locked at 60.

That's every game that loses its exclusiveness.

is nights of azure cracked yet

So he can ser if it is a shit port

Let us know how it performs when you play for a bit.

He works for PC Gamer. Also to beta test it.
They didn't. They contacted him, but all he got was an early key. He's said so himself.


I'm running it at 4k on a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k. It says its running at 60fps but it seems to be stuttering a lot

No, Sophie and Firis are awful. Firis was ported to Steam to salvage sales since it bombed.

What's so awful about them? The fact they removed the time limits?

I'm pirating nights of azure, what should I expect bros?

Or it could just be that they saw this was a good time to try putting the series on another platform

God danm...

it has been out in japan for a while now right? how does this game compare with the mana khemias on psp? I loved both mana khemia games, it's really cool to get a whole bunch of ingredients and then spend a whole saturday night mixing and trying stuff and then going out for more ingredients


I've already beaten Sophie's game eons ago.
I'm about to start Firis' game.

>3.5 GB
Why does this not surprise me?

Post catgirl

Nah, time limits are literally only important in Ayesha.

There is literally no story, almost no character development, your party has incredibly minimal dialogue, the game is literally "wander and do shit until the map allows you to go to new places and do the same" since Sophie has NO GOAL

Rorona had the workshop, Totori had her mother, Meruru had her kingdom, Ayesha had her sister, EschaLogy had the government hounding them, Shallie had her village water supply. All the characters had something they needed to do.

Sophie has NOTHING. Just dick around the whole game and make a puppet halfway. Firis has some improvements, but is still awful.

I made the horrible mistake of playing it on my Vita at silky smooth 10 FPS

Maybe, but considering the port announced shortly after the massive plummet in sales and Japan's massive butthurt on how Firis was so buggy people were actually struggling to beat the game due to the game glitching out all the time, I'd say it's the latter.

Damn, I hope you have a 3.60 fw vita, user!

Same here. Worst 40$ ever spent.
Worst thing is, people said it runs better than Ayesha+. If that's the case, I can't even imagine how fucked up it is.

Turns out I was wrong and its a problem on my end.
I had broadcasting turned on and that alongside the high settings made it stutter. Its running at a perfect 60fps with no issues now.

I don't give a rat's ass about stories so much I skipped every side quest, and I mean those that only serve to develop the characters and have no gameplay impact, in both mana khemia games. I'm guessing I will be fine. Is getting ingredients then mixing them the same as in mana khemia games? does the battle have those cool timed presses and that card mechanics that messes with turn ordering and stuff?

Yeah, in 40 minutes.

post semen demons

am I the only going who is about to play Nights of Az/u/re?

While the Atelier Sophie port is excellent, Nights of Azure doesn't even support 1080p

>Is getting ingredients then mixing them the same as in mana khemia games? does the battle have those cool timed presses and that card mechanics that messes with turn ordering and stuff?

If you are going on for the gameplay, I'd highly recommend not getting Sophie. Mana Khemia is a spinoff. Sophie's gameplay is easily the worst of the past 10 games.

Even worse than Shallie, which is actually quite alarming.

no way...

what year is this

Does it come with nip voices?

Who cracked it? I'm installing Atelier now but haven't found Nights of Azure yet.

So is this piece of shit or Nights of Azure better? They both look awful but they're free and I like J-RPGs, are they at least fun? Keep in mind I hate Neptunia games.

Nevermind I'm retarded. If you click fullscreen it displays normal resolutions, though this means you have to run it fullscreen to play 1080p. Doesn't seem to have options higher than that unlike Sophie, however I've been told you can edit your registry to get higher res settings

Are you able to run it windowed at 1080?




Ok thanks, I actually wanted to test this game more than Atelier.

Is there a way to get JP audio?

By going into the in-game settings and selecting "Japanese"

Both have JP audio as an option.
It even says so in the steam page.

what is Nights of Azure? seems like a normal final fantasy-like rpg

Vampire lesbians.

what is so bad about it? I heard that atelier games play like mana khemia pretty much

Action RPG with minions you can summon to attack for you.
Also vampire lesbians

This is the one I'll pirate.

Ateliers always have dual audio. There was one game that they skipped it on, but that led to everyone complaining so much that they brought it back for the next game/the Vita port.

Sophie plays more like Neptunia tho
and it's better only by a slight margin

Only the crafting aspect. Mana Khemia on the other hand has probably the best turn based combat of the PS2 JRPG days once the you start to unlock more moves. That said, there' no point in porting the old Gust games since PS2 emulators exist anyway.

> That said, there' no point in porting the old Gust games since PS2 emulators exist anyway.
They could always update art assets like NIS has been doing for its Disgaea/Phantom Brave ports