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casual filter thread?

>Matrix song starts playing
>brain starts melting

Why does this bother people so much? Is System/Bio shock known for its engaging and complex puzzles?

>considering bioshock even close to what system shock had

Well, I've never played System Shock, but since Bioshock is supposed to continue the themes and mechanics of the original, it seemed fair to include it.
So. Did System Shock have lots of puzzles?


I don't think it's that , it was just completely unnecessary and was then most likely only put in to make the journalists feel smart

espera un minuto, esa tarjeta

Too deep for me m8

Oh mierda abuela

ive posted 3 times on Sup Forums over the course of 10ish years. i just came to say youre an idiot.


aspetta un attimo, quella carta

lurker you are mean


I know that hand...

Why? Please, explain.
Why would they feel smart?
I suppose it might've been easier to have them include a button to bring up the briefcase with the letter on command.
You don't honestly expect people to remember the code from a brief-ish look? I mean, not wanting to condescend to the player is one thing, but if someone forgets, suddenly they have to restart to proceed.

ITT impossible puzzles

>This video is not available.

Such is life in the land down under

You called?

system shock 2 had a part where you need to combine chemicals, theyre behind locked doors that you have to read the logs of crew members to figure out the code, or hack the door. even then theres lots of chemicals so you can easily mess up. in this same area theres radiation in the halls so you can die if youre not careful grabbing the right chemicals. its not rocket science but it makes you think beyond looking at a notecard to ring a bell. the first system shock was like a maze and full of peril. go play them and youll understand why you sound like a fag for trying to lump them together.

I thought that whole game is casual filter

That is true but the swamp is where even the last of Skyrim dude bros get filtered out.

But you can just run away from the drowners, that doesn't really require skill


Not sure if this is a joke post or someone thinks the chemicals part was a puzzle

ngl though, that shit was actually pretty tedious

This wasn't really hard, just tedious as hell.

wait a minute guys is...is racism wrong?

I have every achievement for NV except the one for playing Caravan. No matter how many times I tried I just couldn't get it

I used to laugh along with Sup Forums over this. Until I learned this is from the very beginning of the game. And is really just thrown in there for flavor and lore purposes.

I'm ashamed that Sup Forums mislead me to believe this was anything more than a neat detail to the narrative. You guys blow this far out of proportion. For shame.

Oh it's from Zoolander, when he sees recognizes the hand of the greatest hand model of all time. He says " Wait a minute...I know that hand...Sears catalogue 1997."

Now go catch me a platypus and send it to the USA via the post, ya sheila.

I was just thinking about this as I got out of the shower 5 minutes ago. It haunts me.

The hand the MC a box that establishes his name, the fact that he was a soldier in the Indian Wars, fought in the Battle of Wounded Knee.

It was just a half-ass plot device.

I'm surprised nobody has made a meme of the RE7 clock puzzle card
"the same time as all the other clocks"

I wouldn't call it half-ass. It was a way to give the player a glimpse of information before they get into the story and learn exactly what's going on. It's seasoning the narrative. And the card forces the player to acknowledge the symbols. So when they see it again, the player gets intrigued.

>Did I leave the oven on back at home?
>Did I feed my cats?
>Did I forget to piss before going out?
>Why is this a big deal? They obviously gave me this card so I can get in, not like it was going to be a huge puzzle anyway.

Oh, I remember that scene. Would you like a venomous platypus or a non-venomous one?

You should feel lucky to live in the land of the free, look at all these YouTube videos you get to watch

Do I look like a Kiwi?

I want a venomous as FUCK platypus.

Are you people genuine idiots who legit misunderstand this bit or just teolls?


I'm not sure what class of retarded human being you're talking about, but it sure as shit didn't make me intrigued.

It made me go, "Oh I have to hit these" and then moved on because it wasn't given enough purpose or difficulty to make me give more than a second's thought about it.

>Finally a smart game for smart gamers

Look, Bioshock proved not only that complexity like that doesn't work on consoles, but also that watering it down will only make for a boring game.

Maybe things would be different if there were enough PC gamers today that could support a game like System Shock 2 - unlike back in that game's day. System Shock 2 was a flop. Oh how little things have changed...

So anyway, until a time like that comes, its better to make a game that works as an action game that console players will buy. That's why Infinite is the only good game in the series after SS2.

A scroll, a key, and a sword. These symbols don't mean anything when you first see them. But then as soon as you enter the city, you're greeted by three statues holding a scroll, a key, and a sword. The repetitive and prominent use of these symbols should at least strike a "huh..." out of you. Unless you're the type not to pay attention to shit.

I didn't find it important because it wasn't given enough levity.

If I actually had to solve some sort of puzzle with the symbols, and saw them in more than one puzzle before that area, sure.

It's just ineffective, and really provides nothing. It doesn't teach you anything, there's nothing challenging about it. I actually can't think of a reason it would be in there, or why you couldn't have something else in the box.

My question is, if you take out the bell puzzle what do you lose from the game?

You think it's anything substantial? Because to me you lose absolutely nothing.

Oh you mean the thing where you buy a drowner ward for literally a few copper pieces and all ofthem leave you alone?

So you don't pay attention to shit. Gotcha.

where does this meme come from?

Why do people meme about this scene?
It was obviously not meant to be an actual puzzle, just part of the cinematic intro to the game.




>i just came to say youre an idiot.

Holy shit... a JoJo reference

*crescendo screaming intensifies*

i love how the ending basically tells you, the only right choice is not to play the game at all.



>tfw not intelligent enough to solve this puzzle