Never played an Ace Combat before, saw the trailer and I'm pretty keen on it

Never played an Ace Combat before, saw the trailer and I'm pretty keen on it.

Sell me on it even further. Ace Combat thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Try out 4 on an emulator.
Flying a jet and blowing shit up is pretty damn fun.
Especially anti-ship/ground operations, swooping down on those bastards is a fantastic feeling

Where's yellow 2?

It makes you really powerful and the story jerks you off as the best pilot ever in basically every game. It's a great power fantasy, who doesn't want to be a jet pilot?

They also have cheesy Japanese writing that adds a nice camp feel to it.

Am I literally the only one who thought Assault Horizon was best?


Yes and you should probably feel bad.

Yes, you fucking communist.

Go choke a cactus you cocksucker

What if I said I could show you an even better trailer for an Ace Combat you could play right now?

whats the best way to play these games? controller? kb and m?

Ace Combat with a KBM would be about as fun as a Souls game with KBM. Use a dualshock.

A flightstick could be fun but it wouldn't work as well as you'd think for a game like this.

Why does everyone dislike Assault Horizon so much? Was wondering if it was a bad point to start the series since I got it for $4 at a sale yesterday. Is it one of those " Its not a bad game but a bad ____ game" type of titles?

Say they took one of your favourite action games of all time and made a modern version, but they basically trivialized the best part of the combat into a minigame and inserted a shit load of QTEs where there were none before.

imagine call of duty
now imagine a game that has been reknown for it's great story, great gameplay and great music and lore

now imagine that absolutely all of that is thrown away for a generic shooter except the player character is a plane with regenerating health, and enemies that in the games before it would take one to three missles to shoot down (including the bosses), take 5 or 10 to shoot down

The final boss takes upwards of 15 to 20 shots to actually fucking kill and it's absolutely garbage, that's why no one at all likes the game because they threw away everything they had for it for a piece of shit call of duty game

At least they learned from their mistakes

scripted dog fight sequences, fanboys HATE that it isn't set in the normal universe, the story is fucking SHIT, only other AC I played is 6 and that shit was bad too. le fighter pilot drama makes me cringe, just give me missions and briefings you cunts

>I only played AC6 and AH

honestly if I was in your shoes I'd fucking hate the Ace Combat franchise with good reason

It's a spinoff game set in the real world with different gameplay mechanics sprinkled in. I actually liked it, but it's a pretty shit entry point into the series.

I'm hoping 7 will be good

Ace combat 6 was great though.

It might be a shock if you weren't expecting the normal AC melodrama though, as AC6 really turns it up in the cutscenes.

>only other AC I played is 6
>le fighter pilot drama makes me cringe
>basically disregarding 5 and 0

I don't think you qualify to be able to post in ace combat threads, buddy. At least play the other games before you start forming opinions


Erusea confirmed for good guys.

You're not going to believe this Jean-Louis, they all have ribbon insignia!

I have 0 desire to play old arcade fighter jet games in the year 2017 I'll post wherever I please

How do i make ac5 look that good?

Go away five dollar Jose

You're missing out. Not just on fantastic games, but AC7 is full of references/potential references to AC 4/5/0 just from the trailer alone. I can only imagine the full game will have a lot of throwbacks.





I doubt it's going to reference 0, that game is ignored by the majority of the fanbase for some reason (not as much as X though) and everyone jerks off to 5's melodrama and 4. I think 5 is the jap favorite as well.

>0 desire to play old fighter jet combat games
>posts in ace combat thread mostly dedicated to talking about the old games and the new upcoming one that's connected to the old games
>they must be bad since they're so old and it's 2017

i'm fairly sure you're baiting but i'll bite since ace combat is my favorite series

You ever watch Area 88 buddy? It's that in videogame form.

Doing that dogfight in Ace difficulty without abusing XMAA is so incredible.

>AC0 is ignored by the majority of the fanbase
What. I mean admittedly the majority of my interaction with the AC fanbase is on Sup Forums but people talk about that game all the time, buddy.

>earlygame always fly F-20
>upgrade to MiG-29
>then Rafale or F-15, usually Rafale
>then Su-47

Occasionally I might replace the Berkut with an F-35 for ground attack duties, but that's how I tend to play these games.

Only exception is ACX where I take the XFA-27 since that's my favorite futureplane.

This is your tourist destination for tonight.

When you're emulating it, set the rendering to 4x and it'll look great.

Warthunder and Warplanes have pretty good kbm controls older games don't

Sup Forums is about the only place where 0 is discussed, if you look at normies who played AC as a kid or whatever on Youtube, they're always just talking about 5 and 4.

What's the best non-final mission in Ace Combat? Mission 10 of AC0 or Mission 8 of AC4 for me, it's hard to decide.


When i set the resolution beyond native it gives me the black stripes thingy, though.

can't wait to fly PAK FA

Quick, post your favorite AC song

Align sprite in hardware hacks

Ill check if i havent already done that. Thanks and sorry for tech support call.

I have a fetish for space elevators. Hopefully we'll see more of it ingame



It's fine, buddy. Enjoy the beautiful skybox and textures. It's enthralling seeing the game look so good for it's age

It'll probably be turned into a superweapon at some point, and you have to shoot it down. Or up.



I know it's probably the memest tier, but I just fucking love it.

Multimillion-tonne pieces of space elevator raining down from tens of kilometers is not a good days to be anywhere near equator. Or on the planet in general if you take tsunamis and earthquakes into account

10 of ac 0 for me too, because tons of nugget fodder and

Needs more laser gunpods

Second Strike(AC04 briefing) and Comona's guitar shred are great too.

>If you get shot down, crash where I can't see

What did Pixy meme by this?

SU-35 please
That baby has taken me through most of the games.

You'll be in a prototype Delphinus or something and shoot the debris down with layzers.

One true planefu

how does erusea have control of stonehenge again

It's still deactivated if you pause at the frame of it, all the guns are fucked up

Spanish guitars and Super planes.

Zero best ace combat. And it emulates pretty good now

The trailer really isn't making the series justice, its more of a showcase of cinematics, graphic quality and drama element.

You should understand a very very important part about this series. Its anime as fuck.

You fly either alone or with company.
You destroy horders of enemy aircrafts/bases/ships single-handedly.
You also sometimes do impossible things like:
Fly into the stratosphere
Fly into a tunnel then fly back out from the other side while its collapsing
Fly through a whole underground system with trapdoops
Destroy weapons of mass destruction whether they be in land or in air
Destroy a satellite while its falling before it hits a city
Dogfight duel with literal ninja aircrafts

All this happening in a different but similar world to ours, we call it "strangereal".

Off the top of my head. Now we can't know if 7 will be as batshit insane as the others but considering its in strangereal we can only hope.

>Fly into the stratosphere
That's not impossible though. The YF-12 was quite capable of that.

Above a certain altitude the space elevator should just be 30000 kilometers of cable.

Not memeing here.
How was AssWhor MP like? I mean, its still $1 on the humble so if at least that was salvageable we could get some rooms going while we wait for 7 Not going back to ACI
Best ACfu comin thru

He doesn't want to feel embarrassed that someone on his side is such a shit pilot.

>space elevator

You already know what's up, buddy.

Are there any good games that are kind of like Ace Combat to hold me over until 7?

>play Air Combat for the first time recently
>relatively down to earth
>suddenly the final boss is a fucking floating fortress
Man AC has always been anime as fuck, I love it.

Stonehenge was clearly as disabled as it was in 4 in the trailer though. It'll probably be shown in a recap cutscene about Erusea's history.

I like Nighthawks a lot. I don't really use them all that often since they're kind of the joke plane of the series though.
At least ACI was good for Nighthawking. They don't even fly that badly at high levels, and I could just leave air to other people so I didn't need to bother with that. I've had lots of nice relaxing games in ACI where I just cruise around and shoot HARMs at things.

No existing material including carbon nanotubes and other exotic stuff is strong enough to support even its own weight at this length to say nothing about actual payload. So this is just a pure speculation at this point

AH MP was alright, I enjoyed shooting down F-22's with shitplanes and getting beacoup bucks.

I'd rather choose a favourite child

Sure, but even a diamond dragonforce space future carbon nanotube cable would still be just a cable after the initial ground structure (which is way too tall in AC7 but hey).

>Protagonist plane is a Raptor instead of a based Eagle


>Ace Combat 7 revolves around Erusea invading Osea inexplicably
>President Harling of Ace Combat 5 fame promises in 2013 that in 2020 all information pertaining to the Belken conflicts will be released in 2020
>Ace Combat 7 takes place ten years after 5, 2020

Well I'll be.

No protagonist plane is confirmed, an F-15 (including one without a vertical stabilizer) features pretty heavily in the trailer.
It'll probably be the F-22 though because fuck ever getting a slavplane protag ever again

>you will never fight for Belka to reclaim the unjustly lost lands

I just hope the Oseans in this one are like the cool dude Oseans from 0 instead of the pathetic bitch ones from 5.

I swear, if belka funded erusea after the (probable) collapse of their economy after the war with ISAF, I'll fucking die. I better see nagase or a cameo of Blaze if they remember this

But war is bad. A Blue Dove for the Princess, man.

The fuck with name like that
Could as well be called "weirdyturdy"

Combato Ace D when?

Progenitor to the COFFIN system?

Isn't it going to have a VR mode?

This shit gave me chills and made me feel so patriotic.

Ace Combat Infinity takes place in Realstrange

They're using some old elite pilot to train their drones I assume. Hell, the old guy could be one of the Yellows for all we know.