Why couldn't I play more than 30 minutes of the single player campaign before uninstalling Sup Forums?

Why couldn't I play more than 30 minutes of the single player campaign before uninstalling Sup Forums?

because you're a faggot

>"this game was so bad I played for x minutes then quit to post on Sup Forums" thread

Because you have ADHD

Because the developers early in the process forgot they were making a vidya and that vidya are supposed to be funny, not depressing as fuck and political correct.


Because tacked on single player campaigns in MP games are as stupid as tacked on multiplayer is in SP games.

>oh shit, lawrence of arabia this gon' be good
>he shows up for about 5 seconds the rest of the time you're playing a stronk independent mudslime womyn that dont need no man

what the shit

The tank story was the only good one.

Because you're a pirate.

You don't even enjoy video games. That's the lowest of the low. You don't pay for video games. You don't enjoy them. Yet you still play them and post here because your life is utterly empty.

>pirated DOOM. enjoyed it so much I purchased it the next day
nice argument.

>want to play some bf sp
>huge maps and vehicles
>game is 10-20 gb

>want to play some cod sp
>arcade shooter
>at least 50 gb

why tho

DICE has never, ever been good at single player campaigns or stories. If you expect anything playable from them at the decay stage of their creative arc, then you are going to be in for disappointment.

Uncompressed sound files.

>finish the intro campaign
>see the air combat campaign
>"oh shit. this is gonna be fun"
>its a point and aim control, lacking yaw or roll controls
what the literal fuck were they thinking?

implying you dont enjoy things more when it's free

>what the literal fuck were they thinking?
They were thinking that they need to dumb down flight for casuals. Battlefront had the exact same shit controls and sketchy flight; it's probably mostly the same code.

at least give the option to use MP controls in SP

Why would you have the desire to buy it if you already had it for free...

It's like there's some underlying psychological function at work here... Damn... Could it be...

Because I felt guilt having pirated a legitimate good game? A game they crafted out of love instead of corporate greed.

It's because things are more enjoyable if you pay for them in some way or another.

Because you are a retard who played Battlefield game in singleplayer. I have over 120 hours and only touched one campaign and only because it was avaiable before full download and I wanted to benchmark.

>''Hey anonymous guys who don't know who I am at all, why do I have this opinion?''

That sounds like a personal thing. A stupid one at that

Nah. It's universal. Awards feel better when there has been sort of sacrifice - be it payment, work, pain, whatever.

Not an award tho, just entertainment. Seems like you just feel guilty for pirating. That's fine i guess, but IMO feeling bad about pirating the majority of video games is like feeling bad for sneaking snacks into a freaking movie theater.

Because you are a pirate

I don't feel guilty for pirating a shit game though.

Must not be your thing. All Battlefield campaigns are bad, but this one was the most playable to me if you don't count Bad Company 1.

What I would like is some more reason to keep playing Multiplayer. Maybe I just need to switch up gametypes.

Because single player military FPS hasn't changed since MOHAA. Name one game that did something innovative that isn't iron sights in CoD

Na, the sociopath American pilot/gambler/conman story was the best.

Too many white males

You'll never know what it's like to not be a nigger

Because you finished it at 20th minute

The only area where this is true is sex