ITT: Games we are emulating

ITT: Games we are emulating.

You never told me how fun this game is, Sup Forums. I'm having a blast with it.

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emulating Bloodborne

Talim was my main from that game. The only fighting game I could remember combos and unblockables and shit.

>Fighting game fags consider it the worst in the series because high-level play is full of jank
>Casualfags love the shit out of it because it's fast, fun, rewarding, and doesn't require a lot of knowledge to pull off cool shit

I consider SC2 to be the ultimate casual fighting game. Nothing else even comes close to the speed, presentation, and fun you can have in that game.

Also, the music was damn good.

Well, before playing Soulcalibur 2 I played a little of the first one and it didn't seem very different. I had more trouble beating 2 than 1. Just the final fight was a little shit, with Inferno doing who knows what from time to time.

>Aspect ratio

Kill yourself.


Currently, Xenoblade Chronicles.

It's bad, but not X bad at least. Brit accents are grating, movement is janky as fuck, combat feels overly passive, usual JRPG garbage.

Been emulating a ton over the last few days though.

Rune Factory Frontier - Pretty great, looks a treat, let down by garbage controls and combat.

Harvest Moon Animal Parade - Trash.

Harvest Moon Magical Melody - Trash.

Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley - Trash.

Innocent Life - A Futuristic Harvest Moon - Nice Art, interesting setup, trash everything else.

Harvest Moon/64/Back to Nature are among my all time favourite games but I cannot believe how much potential they've pissed away.

Muramasa - Nice Art/Animation, trash everything else.

Jeanne d'Arc - Great game, great art, really solid little title.

Lunar Silver Star Harmony - Doesn't take itself too seriously, really nice art, solid gameplay and overall pretty enjoyable.

Gladiator Begins - Awesome combat mechanics, not terribly deep but great customization and an enjoyable way to kill 5-10 mins.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD - Fucking awesome all round, comfiest village/setting of a Monster Hunter to date.

Tactics Ogre - Great gameplay, tons of content, but the character art/animation just doesn't do it for me.

>le wrong aspect ratio meme

Just confess that everything plays better on PC, fags.

Are you me

So it's actually a well made fun game then?

Fuck fighting game fags, they only like stiff buggy pieces of shit so they can feel special at pressing buttons fast while their day job is bagging groceries

That looks like fucking shit though.

Maybe you should have been old enough to play this masterpiece when it came out Faglord


pretty fun

you must be moderately younger as it was a big deal when it came out, especially with each version of the game having it's own exclusive character.

The issue comes from the later games. They all feel progressively slower, more defense based, and more "balanced" (Read: Boring.)

>mfw sixth generation fags calling someone young

I grew up playing Genesis and SNES and never had a PS2 or a Gamecube.

This picture is from a youtube video. I'm having trouble taking screenshots with Dolphin.

I got a pc for christmas but I've been afraid to put Dolphin on it because it has an AMD cpu and I've heard that's the cardinal sin for running it, but I went ahead and tried it yesterday and it's actually fucking perfect (so far). I'm so happy, I get to hang with muh Greil Mercs instead of playing my shitty Steam games!

Haven't been playing it much, but emulated Gran Turismo 3. Kind of surprised at how familiar the tracks feel since I haven't played it in so long. The liscense exams are so fucking hard though. Is it even worth trying to gold all of them for the completion factor? A lot of the cars you get for it seem like novelty garbage that I wouldn't actually want to use.

SC2 is wildly considered to be the best SC though.

Been having a hard time tracking down an up to date-ish Monster Hunter P3rd HD .iso. Where'd you get yours from, user?

>Those giant head fuckers who causes earthquakes and take a million arrows to kill

swing and a miss.

Enjoy your new Zelda at 900p/30fps, consolefag.

Just reminding you consolefags that games would be looking like this by now wasn't for you, cancers.

Are you a stray from reddit?

Nice arguments, mate. Now point me out the "wrong aspect ratio" in the video.

tpb torrent, not sure how up to date it is, but it has a bunch more translated than the non-HD version I played on my PSP ages ago.

enjoy playing that demo for the next 8 years. I'll be enjoying BotW next month.

>He doesn't know about Cemu

>Switch is going to be even easier to emulated than the Wii U

Enjoy paying for overpriced under-powered garbage hardware for the next 8 years faggot.

because Sup Forums has shit taste

>endlessly walking through a bland and empty world, with shit combat and no dungeons at all

See, it's not too different from that demo.

okay, for the next year you can enjoy playing botw at 4k without audio, with framerate drops to 5 whenever water appears on screen or any other effects that they haven't had 2 years to work around like every other wii u title. I'm sure in 2 years you might get off the plateau

>bland empty world
>shit combat
maybe, probably
>no dungeons at all


All Zelda trailers showed dungeons. This is just a small clue for you.

>>Switch is going to be even easier to emulated than the Wii U
citation needed

>that kid told me there was a game like this with link
>tell him he's referring to smash64
>no bro for real! its like tekken!
>think it's the usual that kid story because he was literally that kid
>mfw he wasnt shitting me for once

how do you know that the area with the fire breathing lizalfos and zora handshake or goron thunderclap weren't in dungeons? oh right, because your ass says otherwise.

That sounds cool, I haven't seen that
Have a link?
lizalfos at 1:50. clearly a volcanic area/dungeon
goron at 2:54 it doesn't look like a regular overworld area from the background
3:01 has what looks like a shrine but with a fiery, cindery setting, could be dungeon or just a regional style for a shrine
3:04 was zora handshake, but looks more like zora's domain to me.

Did you really not watch this trailer? This was the best one they've had so far, it's from the Jan 12th Switch event.

About to start Nocturne with that Hardtype patch. Hope it's good.

The only stuff interesting in this trailer is the things you mentioned. All the rest is about the open world areas, which just shows how much focused Nintendo is on the open world side of the game, which will be a disaster.

No, I used up my data for the month so I didn't bother
Just read some articles
Thanks user

Been playing Metropolis Street Racer recently. Even if it does do things a bit differently than the other PGR games [like not having the Kudos show up while you're actually racing] and constantly slows down on my sub-toaster laptop I've been enjoying it.

i would argue there's more interesting stuff than that, new towns shown including what looks like a capital city, potential dungeon entrances, great fairies are sadly back, more story emphasis, they showed a greater diversity of enemies than just bokoblins, the walrus thing and desert boss too. but i'm not going to discuss it here anymore, this isn't the thread for it.

Fate/unlimited codes

Can I emulate all the Metal Gear Solid series without problems, being completely playable? Should I play "Twin Snakes" in the place of MGS1 and Sons of Liberty?


Only the first 3.

>You never told me how fun this game is, Sup Forums.
How new are you? Really.

MGS3 Snake Eater Subsistence

Mgs3 has a good chance of playing like ass

Watching a youtube video doesn't count as emulation.

Patapon 3 and Tetris attack

Get on my level

I guess you weren't about when this was originally released

It was a pretty big deal, what with Link having a cameo appearance and Gamecube not having many fighting games besides Smash

how in the fuck can you have fun playing against AI in a fighting game?

are you 20 or older?

cemu is an awful bootleg program who cares ,games run like cow shit.

Switch uses different architecture than GC,Wii,Wii U.

Why do you even bother playing vaguely popular games?

>run like cow shit

>60fps 4k all day erry day

Learn to download texture chaces retard, and yeah, the Switch uses architecture that will be even easier to emulate.

To play them?

You seem to think most of them are trash apart from the original HM and MHP3rd which is pretty obscure anyway

What are opinions?

>most of them are trash

Did you even read my post?

Rune Factory Frontier, Jeanne d'Arc, Lunar Silver Star Harmony, Gladiator Begins, Monster Hunter and Tactics Ogre are all great.

Sorry if I hurt your precious little feelings.

>Not knowing about SC2

How old are you, 12?
Especially since there has been an online-ready re-release on 360/PS3 back then, so I'm amazed some people missed it, it was kind of a big thing during the re-release

Hey, you're wrong, just letting you know.

The reason the Wii U was easy to emulate compared to say the PS3 or the Xbox 360, which all three are comparable in power, is because the Wii U is essentially a beefed up Wii. It used the same archetecture (which is sort of the language the CPU uses to communicate with the rest of the computer) as the Wii called PowerPC. The Gamecube used this, as well.

To emulate something, you have to essentially translate the archetecture that is on the system you are trying to emulate into the archetecture of the target computer, which most people have either x86 or x64. Emulating the Wii U was easy, though taxing, since we already knew how the Wii worked. That will not be the case with the Switch. We don't know how the Switch works, archetecture wise, and emulation may not and probably won't happen until after the system has stopped being supported.

That is, of course, assuming another DS type situation doesn't happen, where someone leaked internal documents early on that gave us a lead to go off of for creating an emulator.

>The 2nd youngest character in the cast
>doesn't make an appearance in the game with the 17-year timeskip
>her moveset isn't even ported over
The fuck were they thinking, rushing SCV out?

There was a leak about the DS? It's amazing to see how long it took for it to be "perfectly emulated" then, it took almost as long as a typical console

>Tells me i'm wrong

>Proceeds to talk about everything other than the Switches architecture.

Full fucking retard.

We're talking a matter of months before the Switch is emulated.

Gonna Deadlocked/Gladiator next.

Everyone agrees SC2 is the best SC. Except for SCVfags.

>Tactics Ogre - Great gameplay, tons of content, but the character art/animation just doesn't do it for me.

This game is fucking awesome but the weird class leveling system almost killed it for me. Went lawful just to recruit Ozma, but in the end it was too much of a pain in the ass to grind her unique class up and I didn't use her.

Finished SMT Digital Devil Saga, gonna play the sequel tomorrow. I have noticeable input lag in PCSX2 which is a bit annoying, but it doesn't matter for jRPGs

i'm emulating your mom rn

Oh shit, how well do the R&C games emulate these days?

Not they could be any worse than the fucking HD re-release.

we can only conclude that op is a child

Those are all 'le edge-obscure games to make me seem different like a special snowflake' apart from the mh which i previously named

The fuck are you talking about?

Processors and graphic cards are pretty good nowadays to play on software mode. However you need a good cpu for that and the quality is shit

Hardware mode is a piece of cake, but you don't have the software mipmapping mode enabled which means you have garbage textures unless you walk close to objects.

a special pcsx build was made for inbuilt mipmapping on hardware mode. That's what I'm using currently and it's fantastic as you can see from the screenshot.

Okay. Whatever you say, bud. Glad to know that you know what you are talking about and aren't talking out your ass about shit you literally have no understanding of.

t. Babby who have no idea how simple it is to make an emulator

This is a Jojo reference.

How is that PS2 emulator coming along bro?

if you make a 100% perfect ps2 emulator in 30 minutes and post here i will believe what you just said

Why did you guys mention PS2 in specific? There are far worse cases, and most PS2 games are playable.

Anything older than PS2 just looks like garbage, no matter what effects and filters you would use.

That's very true. The N64 would have been a FAR more apt comparison to make.

I tried emulating ps1 games earlier and stopped because i can just emulate their ps2 sequels which look and play better.

Have fun playing PS2's Crash and Spyro

>Fire Emblem:Path of Radiance
Always wanted to get into FE, this shit feels like homework so I might drop it
>Eternal Darkness:Sanity's Requiem
_____________Edgar Allan Poe