Be visiting my doc

>be visiting my doc
>have major depression
>need to stay 48h awake
genius test
You guys have some games for me right? help a Sup Forums out

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Why do you need to stay awake for 48 hours?

hopefully so he can die of sleep deprivation

To see if my body makes me high
If i really "need" medican

The body will start going into micro-sleep and you will eventually just pass out, no matter how much you try to stay awake.

shut up

Civ games with a podcast in the background have made me pull allnighters without even noticing it

48 hours is very doable though.

I was awake for 76 hours once before I found myself in my bed with no idea how I got there.

Please give details.
I am deep into depression too, been seeing a professional for about 7 years and would like to know wtf you're talking about.
Azure dreams is nice and not too well known, though maybe too slow paced if you're trying to stay awake.

Factorio if you're in to that kind of thing. I bought it the other day and accidentally spent a whole ten hours in one session yesterday and had to force myself to exit. An hour goes by in like ten minutes when you play Factorio.


Its some kind of sleep restriction therapy

Grand strategy games like Crusader Kings 2 and Victoria 2 easily make me waste nights building an empire.

Of course, my friend user - Pathologic is the game you're after!

Looks nice

So what does this say about Wellbutrin, which can cause insomnia? It's supposed to be a "benefits outweigh the negatives" kind of drug, but that study casts a little doubt on that.

i have the same badge

Sleep deprivation cures depression.

Unfortunately, you need sleep to live.

Just go to sleep, user.

If staying awake for 48 hours seems logical to you, you need to check into a mental health facility. No videogame will help your insanity.

Are you able to follow a story without getting bored ?
If yes, play a RPG or a VN. Or just watch anime/movies, ...
If you can't, try some arcade-type games (could be anything, from metal slug to beatmania iidx)
If you have friends, you can try fighting games

Depression is a tumblr-tier meme.
It's all about you, huh?

Eg you're a bitch

Depression is an illness.

Red Dead Redemption

game was fun

Honestly? MineCraft.

You can get a lot of shit done in 48 hours.

Its really not.

>Being sad is an illness

>tfw mixing speed and adderal and staying awake for 60 hours +

>depression is being sad

i'm currently on my 5th day of zero sleep due to withdrawals from my psychiatric medication.

If you can't stay up for 48 hours something is wrong with you

But the come-down where you feel like garbage cause low blood sugar and the watery shits afterwards

Diabetic here.

I'm ready to pass the fuck out after about hour 18.

Well yeah, something is wrong with you.

Did you try to stop drinking water or breathing?
genius test

Meanwhile I drink only coffee and fuck I can't stop farting it's making my head funny.

It is.
Depression =/= sad.

not that user but it is a real illness. It's like an iron deficiency. The brain has low serotonin levels so you feel unmotivated and unrewarded by everything.
i had depression in my teens but i took pills to fix those chemical levels and i'm a happy fulfilled adult now

read Homestuck. I stayed awake for 70+ hours reading that for the first time..

It's an 'inability' to deal with the hardships of life. You'd rather opt out than try to fight in anyway; ergo you're a giant pussy. The only difference between you & everyone else is in how self-absorbed/how big of a bitch you are.

Take your 'major depression' & your tampons & fuck right off of my Vee, Nancy.

>have major depression

Get off the internet, stop watching anime, get a job, do regular exercise and stop eating garbage.

do it yourself, margaret

>and i'm a happy fulfilled adult now
22 year old here.

How do I achive this?

i think i felt the edge from here
put away the katana pls

Not him but I did that and it became worse so I went back to neetdom

apparently drugs

>be depressed
>hate being a whiny bitch
>get over it
>no longer depressed
it's easy

It's actually a difference in how the brain functions.

Depression isn't always about being sad or wanting to opt out. It goes hand and hand with anger. I had a lot of anger my last year of high school and a couple years into college. I did a lot of anger management and other therapeutic methods, but in the end I got put on antidepressants and anxiety meds. That helped, along with ignoring all friends and family I have. They're toxic people.

Also kys faggot.

They're trying to work out whether he has depression or bi-polar. They're trying to force a high on him. Some people with bi-polar do it for fun.

It will make a difference to the medication they give him to treat it. Either anti-depressants or mood stabilizers.

maybe your serotonin levels go down because you are being a mopey fuck, and not the other way around. just a thought

>They're trying to force a high on him. Some people with bi-polar do it for fun.
Shit, I thought staying up to get that kinda drugged up feeling was something relatively "normal"

Autism Suspected
What is edgy about not being a bitch?
Getting fussy is a telltale sign of autism.

Uh, It is, isn't it? It's literally what I'm doing right now

These ignorant posts always make me laugh because the majority of people "deal with the hardships of life" with nonsense like religion.


God is real though and if you knew that you wouldn't be depressed

Adderall is speed. Unless you are a retard that calls meth speed.

Hey ziggy you faggot

user, depression =/= being sad. It's a legitimate mental disability, like being bipolar or transgender. I'm a genuinely optimistic guy who takes life in stride (good and the bad), buy there have been a few days where I've woken up and felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and wanted to die for no reason. I live a good life surrounded by friends and family and loved ones, but for that day or so my brain was telling me I was a miserable sack of shit who wanted to die.

Luckily I haven't experienced that since then, but I'm just telling you that sometimes your brain can fight against you against all logic and reason. That's why we have so many mental illness facilities around the world. Your brain, like any other part of your body, can just decide to crap out suddenly and without warning.

You're a gullible retard and this gives you an advantage in life, hence the bitter anger of people superior to you.

how does that work

>pound back anti-depressants every day
>nothing changes and I still don't want to do anything

Quit being a fucking NEET and get a job retard. Or at least a hobby with dedicated times so you have a reason to wake up in the morning instead of whenever you want.

All of what I'd said was bs because a waning fraction of the population believes in a religion?

>believe in god
>have an advantage in life
>not bitterly angry
sounds good desu

All of what you said is bs because you're an ignorant, low IQ, worthless mouth breather. It's just funny that you'd denigrate depressed people for being unable to cope with life even though literally no one can. Some people are just dumb enough to coddle themselves with comforting lies about how their suffering is meaningful and it all has a purpose.

>be depressed fedora
>cry about it on video game section of anime imageboard

"I HAS LE CRIPPLING" - ping guy

Kill yourself quigs

>says the ignorant halfwit manbaby who pretends to be an expert on subjects he has literally no knowledge on

Get cancer mongoloid.

Sup nigga.
>tfw severely depressed, anxious and possibly bipolar
>tfw no weed and no money
Nice thread tho

i'm not the lad you were talking to

threads like this unironically ease my depression because it makes me realize it's mostly in my head(enough though I have actual reason to be depressed) I just imagine some faggy 16 year old animeposter who is a little "bored" or a little "lonely" and magically think he's depressed now, starts self-diagnosingf...eee I'm unique!

hint: you're not depressed until music/film/video games no longer entertain you and you spend most of your time in bed or laying down.

you're just bored faggots

Suicide meme - le ponk dude

>weed for bipolar issues

Lmao enjoy psychosis

You can't do something =/= it's impossible

An inability to perceive of quite attainable things is bretty telling of your bitch/IQ levels.

>be depressed in high school because no friends and awkward
>won't take any medication because I don't want to be artificially happy
>don't pick any electives because I just don't care about school either
>forced into beginning weight training senior year
>realize I'm happier after a workout because I feel like I accomplished something
>not enough money for college so I go to academy instead
>get my ass kicked, made fun of by instructors and peers daily, told to quit many times because I'm not good enough and to just accept the fact that my tuition is now a donation
>end up passing state and get certified

>tfw neet to normie in 3 years

What are some actual videogames to help with depression?

Holy fuck, Is that why I get awful fucking comedowns from weed that make me depressed as shit?
Jesus fuck, I need to go get diagnosed with BPD so I can adjust my meds and hopefully get some Xanex to abuse :)

Is losing emotions and interests part of growing up or is it just the depression meme? I don't really have any feels anymore like feeling happy or sad anymore and haven't for 4 years.

The bipolar high isn't feeling loopy, it's being so awake it's like you took a garbage bag full of cocaine

Persona 3/4

>thought it was another image for my smug rustle folder
>didnt notice webm
I closed instantly, but not okay.

>mobile frogshitter