We all had those moments in which we played a game...

We all had those moments in which we played a game, and thought to ourselves "MY GOD THIS MECHANIC IS SO WELL-THOUGHT HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS AWESOME".

How did you anons experience that moment?

Mine would definetly be when i realized i can get info about people by hacking into computers and advance with my quest by that in VTM Bloodlines.

Magic-Combo in Marvel versus Capcom 3.

It's honestly how most games should handle combo'ing.

Not entirely the same, but finally playing the tree running in Assassin's Creed III was similar. I had absolutely no faith it would feel right, but it was far and away the highlight of the game.

The mine level in Gunstar Heroes where you're on a little minecart and can switch from the floor to the ceiling by double-jumping.

FFX's Blitzball,

I regularly boot it up just to play. Something about it is so fun to me, maybe I'm just too bad at video games to play real sports games.

Are you actually shitting me? Blitzball fucking sucks. The entire concept of the sport is soccer with a Z-axis, but there's nothing like that in the game.

>We all had those moments in which we played a game, and thought to ourselves "MY GOD THIS CHICK IS HOT AS FUCK GOTTA FAP NOW"

Which game and grill was it for you?


Forced Roman Cancels.

The learning mechanics of pawn in Dragon's Dogma always amaze me


Scanning people in TWEWY. Despite being literally nameless NPCs, over the course of the game their opinions and experiences change completely and are hilarious.

Pretty much everything in VtM Bloodlines except for the combat.

GGXX Pogo FRC loop never forget!

Marble system

Honestly mgsv. Had more interesting and useful mechanics than the next two random games combined.

shame the freerunning completely trivializes all the geometry in the game, making it have basically no level design

MGS V's controls are too complicated for a controller. Maybe one with 6 buttons like the first Xbox or Saturn would be better.

The entirety of the creature- and also tree growing in Black & White.

Humanity having effects on both your combat/gameplay and your dialogue options in VTMB

>he didn't get it on PC