Risk of Rain

PSA: this game you guys are always talking about is 75% off on Steam. Looks mighty tempting.

Other urls found in this thread:


Have fun ....?

host wan

Risk of Rain hijack again?


If anyone host you can count me in .


i got it for -75% off too and I liked it sort of.

solo it's nice, online it's god tier


t. shitter

wow rude desu

What a nice community

bump ?

give host when please




how do you play this game local co-op with 2 controllers? Was trying to play it on my steam link with a buddy, but it only accepted one xbox controller input. We both controlled the cursor

>still no host
Truly desperate times.

people are at work negro

i'm not a wage slave

Today i did my best run in the time being, I feel the getting gud

>2 medkits
>Photon Jetpack
>Tesla Coil
Holy shit user you could have taken all that to the bank and win

Well, did get the funballs artifact so im closer to make my own server

And i got bandit like last night so, i need more practice with bandit


Post time played


host when


emergency bump


what do i do in this game after i reached godmode with every character, except acrid, fuck acrid.

What a nice dude. t.Not Hopoo

host when

>you can never be beaten if no one plays

Host is loss?

My friends and I all got this game, seems like a lot of fun. Anyone wanna go over the basics?

15 ip's non got host and begs for it go kys
t.mobile fag on the job

Metrid is that you?

Daily French Host here.

Today i'm going casual-friendly for our new players, veterans are welcome to chill with us.

IP :
Port : 11100

Difficulty rainstorm with spite, glass, sacrifice, command and origin, no honor for the wurm is too strong to let you learn from your mistakes.

Add steamcommunity.com/id/mortipen for tips and hosting.

Fuck you too.


wait for me asshole

open when

Closed, opening again soon, posting guides to make you wait.

Please continue with the guides.

What gave it away user?

Erreta : the syringe is awful on sniper, it makes his steady aim make less damage.

>Fuck you too.

yeah walking around waiting for everything to die is super fun.

Ledges and ropes are your friends

is there a host still up?


Obligatory reminder that crashfield and crash relic dont crash the game anymore

>taking greens before max clovers
>no honor
i'd rather have no host desu

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oHoof:

Variable oPrePlayer.item_value(100368, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_draw_item
stack frame is
gml_Script_draw_item (line 0)

Can I get a headcount for people who want a host?


You could always host yourself or not play user.

i'm already not playing, thank you very much

Newfag, what is wrong with the infusion item, and in turn, too many roots/hearts?


a bunch of us are on french host's lobby

Infusion isnt balanced for long playing sessions or glass, you end up unable to die after a while

the way Sup Forums plays RoR is high risk, high reward all the time.
With infusion you can easly get a shit ton of HP and tank everything while dealing a billion damage. Fucks the balance.

hmm an item that gives you thousands of free health when you have maybe 200 at the end of the game?
i wonder why it's a casual item

open when

And hyper threader?

Normal Sup Forums rules

Gotcha, every time i ever read up on the guides, kept thinking it was some sort of crash issue with health going too high, thanks anons

Already got 4 players, get in. Gonna keep the lobby open for another 2 minutes

Rookie server up.

Get in there newfags.

By the way, hearts are ok because they prevent to get oneshot, and after the 30min mark enemies become so bullshit they'll kill you through your heart-shield no matter how many you have.
Root may seem similar to Infusion, but you will be wasting lots of whites for a noticeable health, instead of getting the actual basic whites that will allow you to survive, so it's just a dumb strategy anyway.


get in

Just bought it with Hyper Light Drifter full price. Don't even know what the game is about.


Barbed wires for life.


aw heck

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=h8F7LtzeQEE


I dunno about that one, people seem to go back and forth all the time


if there's a server running, (you) me when i can join

how many guardian hearts is fine on glass until it's considered cheesing it

I want to git good but I cannot fucking survive without a little bit of a health buff

>No one is hosting

>yes I am this bored
All of the lonely nights
Waiting for you to host, longing to play your game
I need you so desperately
Waiting for you to come bringing your fun to me [but]
I'd wait a million years
Fight a million worms, die a million times
I'd loop the stages twice
Dodge the endless balls, just so you host near me
As death is a certainty
When you host near to me, I am in ecstacy
I'd swallow the desync pain
Baby, I just can't type my love thru laggy chat [and]
I'd wait a million years
Fight a million worms, die a million times
I'd loop the stages twice
Dodge the endless balls, just so you host near me
A million years, I would wait for you
A million worms, baby they'd be blue
A million deaths, I would die for you
A million loops, if you want me to
Clearing the stage, persist
Dew pouring down my chins, still I can't play this less
It's worth all the desync pain
Baby, I just can't type my love thru laggy chat [and]
I'd wait a million years
Fight a million worms, die a million times
I'd loop the stages twice
Dodge the endless balls, just so you host near me

sung to the tune of youtube.com/watch?v=h8F7LtzeQEE

2 hearts, 8-10 roots, Goat Hoofs and good dodges is the way to go.

Hosting :

gimme 5 min to boot up .

Starting at 15 past the hour.




ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not fast enough

post when open

Engi is gonna get cremated.

Open again.


Full and closed.