Sup Forums likes the left

>Sup Forums likes the left
>Sup Forums hates the right
Why the double standard?

The one on the right is a disgusting tiny headed monster. The one on the left is a cute big headed anime

your game is shit randy fuck off

I don't think you understand what a double standard is

I don't like either.
Sup Forums is not one person.

decent redesign from a good game

abomination from a horrible game

Left is part of a consistent art style for it's game game.
Right is part of an inconsistent art style for it's game.

Because cute CUTE!

Both look like shit.

Right is a big guy and Sup Forums gets envious they will never be as swole as him.

someone swap the heads

Faris is a guy too! He's rugged and he hangs out with pirates and drinks grog!

I mean, left looks really fucking stupid too but it's for an audience of people who have their sense of what's sensible and what's not calibrated plain wrong.

>Sup Forums likes the right
>Sup Forums hates the left

Pretty much what I expected from video game playing barbarians

Madoka is overrated trash

I wanna fuck Madoka

>Sup Forums is a single person thread
Kill you're self

If a civil war breaks out I think we're all agreed to collectively get off our fat asses and slowly make our way to gearbox offices to tear apart every single employee.

>Sup Forums is not a single person
Fuck off with this meme

how much cannibalism will be involved?

that head is so hilariously tiny it's not even the same issue.

Made by Japanese Developer
Made by a pozzed cuck Developer from the States

Left is cute as hell
Right is Guns McGee

How is left good for a visual medium? Even as a book, it sounds boring.

what does this mean?
i keep seeing people call australians and canadians that and i'm too afraid to google it

So they're both shit.

...I'm continually surprised that whoever bothered to waste their time writing this actually knew enough to use the name 'Groupe de Puteaux' all for the sake of a joke most people won't even read, and even those who do likely won't get

I agree, it would've worked far better the other way around - where, disillusioned with a shallow romance that leads to no true satisfaction, Jean renounces all his passions and resolves to spend the rest of his days pointlessly whiling away his time in a grand expression of disinterest in the world.

Chibi is a thing, the abomination on the right is just an abomination

A large head and small body makes something seem cute and appealing.
What happens when you reverse the two?

Left is cute, right is retarded


>people will defend nip chibi shit but shit all over pop figures when they do the exact same shit

that's the true double standard

B-but thats not an anime

Post your rare Randys

2d > 3d is a truth of the universe, user.

I hate overly chibi funko pop shit. There's a good balance and that ain't it.

>Overwhelmingly boring pretentious trite
>Wild hyperbole which describes nothing

I'd like to see the anime on the right which is this ridiculous pool of Sup Forums stereotypes of anime. I would never, on my fucking life, waste the time slogging through the left to look "refined".

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

>How dare you speak to me

Funko pop is ugly as all sin because of the lack of details in areas where these details are easily handled. Even if this garbage chibi frame in the OP were to be made a model, it'd be far more preferable to the hideous bug-eyed trash in this pic.

CDProjektRed please

No actually that looks much better. It has some vague sense of style, unlike the Nendo-esque abomination in OP.

Both make me want to vomit.

Because Faris is cute while the thing on the right is ugly.

So basically Madoka is better?

>soldier with a tiny head

Faris is not cute! Faris is a tough manly pirate!

HIV positive. Using it as a verb means that it was an intentional act.

It means AIDS. As in "positive".
Comes from slang of bugchasers - fetishists who are into infecting others with diseases or getting infected with diseases.

oh so it really means "canadian"

You can be pozzed without being a canadian.
There are many AIDS sufferers who didn't get the disease intentionally and sometimes make quality posts.

If you get aids willingly, you're a legal canadian citizen.

>Sup Forums is not one person.

I beg to differ. It's just you and me, fatfuck.

Fuck off nigger, both of those artstyles are terrible for different reasons.

That being said, at least the aesthetic of WoFF is relatively consistent throughout the game. Battleborn is a fucking clusterfuck, and everything about it's art direction is all over the place; the character designs, the level design, the attack effects, the UI, etc. etc.

A fucking mishmash of horribly clashing shit, all of which unappealing.

So which Madoka character is that text supposed to be describing

more accurate one

Sup Forums is full of weebs with shit taste (consoles)

What did you really expect?

Sup Forums likes the left and hates the right because the right has consistently proven itself to be more annoying and preachy than the worst of SJWs.

wrong, get out

damn i wonder what's this user's political affiliation
>Sup Forums is one person

I would rather have Lilikin desk buddies than Funko Pops.

It's the detailed hands and the bug eyes that make funko pops look weird.

He's a good guy right?

>bright pastel color palette
>clear, easily readable body shape
>big head is sole deformed feature, rest of body is proportional
>Hair offsets unbalanced profile
>"chibi" version of already existing character, we know its not literally a bobblehead person

>mess of boring brown and grey colours
>completely disproportionate body: massive torso, arms paired with rediculously tiny head and legs
>looks like he could topple any moment
>original character, not a caricature of previously known character, begging the question why he has a head small than one of his fingers

Tell me more about the one on the left

That's all there is to it because westerners get a boner from virtue signaling dysgenics