21 DAYS.

who /preorderdespiteonebadcutscene/ here?

for what purpose though?

Hi Horizon-Kun!

This is clearly a false flag thread, but i did pre-order, the stream convinced me do to who well the game preformed.

I love how shill threads are so similar

>Game X
>Y days until launch
>"Who's hyped/preordered?" usually in caps

It makes it easier to quickly pick out and ignore.

no falseflag here, I've pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition on PSN and I got the book from future press too.

Good for you guys making decisions based off what you've seen and liked rather than blind hype. I am not interested in Horizon myself, and will be busy with other games when it releases, but I hope you have fun with it.

Who /iwantsonyggerstodie/ here?

I didn't pre-order but I'll buy it once I see some reviews first

I'm actually really excited about this game. Cutscenes aside (which are skippable anyways), the game looks really fun. Like Far Cry mixed with Monster Hunter. I just kind of wish it had multiplayer so I could hunt with my bros.

reviews will all be paid dick sucking anyway

It shows confidence in their product when they gave journalists unrestricted access to the entire game for 4 hours each a month before release, and then a live stream where they did stuff chat was asking them to do. but I will be the first to admit that there's some degree of blind hype as well...

i take it your experience with monster hunter is watching some dude on youtube play it because aside from the hunting of monsters they couldn't be more different


I wish you could freeze yourself to wait for launch and they would forget about you for 200 years you fucking faggot..

In case they run out of digital copies.

thats sounds like some tinfoil shit desu senpai

If you can admit to this thread RIGHT NOW that you are a marketer I will buy your game.

I am a marketer. Please buy it now.

nah I'm just looking forward to the game. I don't give a fuck if you're buying it or not, I just want to talk with people who are.

Looks like a generic Ubishit game, just made by a different team. The conversations look shit, and the animations are terrible. This game will be ass.

The game is literally 3rd-person Far Cry with cutscenes by BioWare. Why would I buy this shit, much less pre-order it?

>one bad cutscene

You're delusional if you think there's only one badly made cutscene in the game, they're all terrible.

Anyone get the feeling this might be a shill thread?

looks fine to me. doesn't help there's no audio


>looks fine
>eyes are glued to a reference point

Sure it does user, sure it does.

I /preorderdespiteashlyburch/

Oh shit lol, i got the digital deluxe too but buying the book is a waste when i can just get it online for free like my chinese comics

This was me initially, but i came into some extra money so i'm gonna get nioh and poor my soul into that for until the 28 and just play horizon to relax

It does lol your just salty cause you can't play it

Why would anybody pre-order this game?

You're spending 80 dollars for a mediocre experience that will be 20 dollars in three months. It just doesn't make any sense.

I already bought far cry primal though

future press puts out quality stuff. the bloodborne book was legit

Is every character besides the MC a nigger in this fucking game?

Fuck this SJW bullshit.

White people didn't exist in the stone age where the game takes place. Check your privilige.

>Feminist Action Game
I cancelled my preorder

>preordering in CURRENT YEAR
I wish I could hate you all to death.