This is a 10 year old

>This is a 10 year old
I'm skeptical, Nintendo.

Girls hit puberty sooner than boys.

Dawn is second worst main pokegirl.


sure but hikari is the best

Where do you think we are?

They sure do user

Nintendo doing it right.

This is a 11 year old according to Konami

Best pokegirl coming through.

Best girl, a shame she is so underrated now.

God tier female PKMN protags:
Hikari, Touko

High tier female PKMN protags:
everyone else

At this point, trying to figure out the age of Pokegirls is futile.

Yeah, looks like a few 11 year olds I knew back when I was in grade school. Minus the huge hair.

(11 year olds like to stuff their training bras with Kleenex unless they're least they did back in my day)

Fine young thing.

This is an 11 year old according to Type-Moon



Yeah, that's what 11 year-olds look like, actually.

Type Moon knows their 11 year olds. That is absolutely accurate.

Every inch is delicious

Dawn is hands down best girl, though.

>14 years old

...yeah, that was my cousin. Freakin' developed like NUTS, but was stupid short until 17.

this is a __ year old



Looks like a breeding sow to me.

I don't think Nintendo is in charge of the character designs.

GameFreak is in charge of waifu designs and it's the only thing they truly are good at.

>teaching guys to want to fuck young girls

>wanting old busted roasties
They're all yours user.

I didn't say I don't want to hug young (anime) girls tho user

>implying that needs to be taught

>saving anime off of facebook

i know you're posting this ironically but you should still kill yourself for even saving this

No need to envy me for my wife.

Reminder Sinnoh had the best everything.

Yeah, it was pretty comfy.


I want to FUCK a pokeloli.

Stop right there, criminal scum


Sup Forums likes loli again?

Yeah, except best pokedex or designs.

Lana gives me crazy hard boners.



Sister is 11 and this girl looks 14.

i member those days!

How is she so fuckable? I want to grab her cute butt and see how she reacts.

>not saving original filenames


>original filename


does tumblr filenames trigger you too faggot




Lana sucking pokedick.

It's the school swimsuit. One piece swimsuits in general are top tier


>Swimming with flip flops
What the fuck





>Press A to pound

>this is a boy


Which one Sup Forums?



Not cute.

I want to lick toph

Lana > Lillie > Mallow

They knew exactly what they were doing, thank you Japan.


Why is Lillie such a goddess?

>tfw no Kanto post game

Why is she such a popular subject for outdoor pissing?



Because watersports is one of the best fetishes.


Lillie is too cute


I'm surprised but not disappointed she got the most porn.

Because she's a big baby


What a piss-poor taste.



is pokemon the only thing nintendo does right still?

Lolis don't have hips like these user.

This needs to be updated

I would taste any of the pokegirls' piss, yes.


why is Sup Forums so interested in girls, they can't produce offspring, they are too weak to lift anything, can't even work or cook, they are useless!

Are you talking about girls or Sup Forums?

Who /Dawn's thighs/

>blond loli with confidence issues
>Not expecting people to do watersports

It's like a piss me sign for perverts.