Reminder that if you haven't played atleast 50% of these games you don't belong on Sup Forums

Reminder that if you haven't played atleast 50% of these games you don't belong on Sup Forums

I've played none of these.

that's funny because 50% of these are It's Good If I Say It's Patrician: The Game

What do you even play then?

Reminder that you're an impotent faggot who has no power over those who don't play your fedoracore games.

tasteless fag detected

Stuff like:
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Witcher 3
Persona 4

Jesus fuck, you're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums. Get some taste and play the games in the OP pic.

Pure garbage. Get out.

keep putting God Hand and EYE on your 3x3 if it makes you feel special

Do not bully

>autistic screeching
I'm lying a little. I have played Swat 4, VTM:B, and SS2. I still prefer all of the games I mentioned, though,

>I still prefer all of the games I mentioned, thoug
that's because you're cancer and have no taste

It's okay, SWAT 4 and SS2 are honestly mediocre games which were shadows of their predecessors. Ken Levine is a talentless fucking hack.

I didn't like The Dark Spire.

Music and aesthetics were nice, though.

hipster garbage /thread

This is a place to discuss video games, not a circle jerk around what is a video game and what isn't to the mind of a plebian sperglord such as yourself.

>NieR over Drakengard
>LSD over Eastern Mind
yeah sure bud

Yet when Sup Forums posts most played games on Steam it's all Dota, CSGO and generic Survival/Crafting faggotry.

>le tipping intensifies.

Drakengard is Masochismcore, though.

Also, what's wrong with 999?

Too many games with mediocre or shit gameplay desu

Idk when I'll finally realize Sup Forums is kill

people who were 8 years old when the PS3 came out are now 18 year old adults who can post their opinions here. People who never experienced anything before the 7th generation, the generation that made most of us quit gaming.

That's because a lot of these games are "experiences" that you play once and never again.

>no Gothic or Morrowind

Yeah, fuck off

I've only played one game from that list but there's many that I want to play.
D-Does it still count?


>can barely get to Chapter 4
>I will never 1CC Ikaruga

Shit game design. Replaying some segments of the game to get "the true ending" that is locked behind three specific endings is pretty boring.

NieR also suffers from a similar fault in comparison to Drakengard. In Drakengard alternative endings, the branches, are very well thought. You don't replay any other segment of the game while getting them, the branches melt into each other. It's pretty satisfying to see.

How can someone love every single cancer-meme game? Is this bait?

t. lazy fag who played it for 6-10 hours

Some of the best bait I've ever seen. Brilliant idea to mix absolute essentials with terrible trash. 10/10

and half of them are shit games

>posts dorky try-hard hipster list

I played most of these but you have to be delusional if you think that even half of these games are that good.

>played recettear, valkyria chronicles, and metal slug

Damn. 3/80

>Oath in Felghana but no Origin


What should I tackle next?

It's 1 game per series


Is Charles Barkley actually a good game? I don't really know that much about it but I always assumed it was just a silly meme game. Is the gameplay actually good or would you only play it for the jokes?

>no silent hill
awful list

I played the 5% that are good

>Dark Messiah
>GrimGrimoire over Odin Sphere

>Thousand year door
>Warioland 2

What do i win?

If you haven't watched at least half of these you belong on reddit.

Mr. Gimmick my dude

Are some of them available in both Steam and GoG right?

Why Fallout 2 instead of Fallout 1?
Why Hearts of Iron 3 instead of 2?
Why Wizardry 7 instead of 8?

Shove this list up your ass OP

>Mother 3 but no Mother 2
>No MGS2
What the fuck.

Shin Megami Tensei 2, SWAT 4, Gimmick!, and The Neverhood are the best ones you havent played yet imo

>Sengoku Rance
Wait what? I thought that was a shitty hentai

Those Gamecube games stick out like sore thumbs. It's convenient to make one of them be Ikaruga too.

What's with the random Japanese games like SRW and the SFC Fire Emblem?

Hell, why are there so many RPGs on here in general? If it's not something insane like Wizardry 4 they're all casual bullshit.

Gimmick!, Metal Slug 3, Parasite Eve, Severance BoD. Pretty much in that order

>Hasn't played HoMM3, Homeworld or Alpha Centauri



>posts his own shitty taste
>i-if you aren't like me, get out!
Hello, reddit.

That picture is full of fucking hipster trash.

>more autistic screeching

>watched all of them but Kaiba

Feels good

Thanks for the recs, yall

You too!

>No SS13
Autism atmosphere simulator best game.

Most games on here are good or even great but why the fuck are there random bits of shit or mediocre games like Cubivore in there?

Wow, I sure fucked up those replies. Oh well

Seriously it's like the list was some kind of attempt at forced diversity and they had one weeb, one Nintendo fan whose first console was the Gamecube, one SNES RPG fag, and so on.

The neverhood isn't really a good game, it has a cool artstyle but that's really it, seriously.

Thought I'd find more questionable shit than that but the list is actually pretty alright desu

Except for valkyria chronicles that is just a bad game period

Kill yourself

I made this when i was 14 and really pretentious with input from Sup Forums
I basically put anything that looked cool and was at least semi-obscure
Oh, and the GC was the console i grew up, so nice guess

>forced diversity
Yeah, this describes that shitty chart pretty well. The creator probably didn't even play most of the games himself.

>intentionally putting the least-likely to have been played from a series in the list

Smelly circlejerking hipsters need to leave.

>I made this when i was 14 and really pretentious with input from Sup Forums
So you made the image yesterday?

Fallout 2 is just too fucking old, the interface makes me want to throw up

I honestly like this list a lot. Even the games that I played of it that I'd consider mediocre or didn't click with me (Alice, Patholotic, Yume Nikki, Valkyria Chronicles) have something unique or interesting that made them worth giving a try.


I hadn't, ive played a lot more of them nowadays and jesus christ some are garbage

i had the same kind of issue at first too, but i find playing fallout 1 makes it a lot easier to understand fallout 2
and fallout 1 is the better game anyway imo

Fallout 1 is much better. If you just picked Fallout 2 because it's the popular choice you fucked up.

Forgot to add; yeah, the only exception I'd say is Cubivore which is fucking awful and I regretted buying it the entire time.

>RTS's and RPG's
No thank you, everything else ive played.

That was kind of the idea at the time, I really liked the current Sup Forums culture of obsessing over obscurities and oddities and tried to recreate that here with the patrician core chart, since CLT kind of ushered that in over there with his patrician core chart

oh yeah, total piece of shit
i only added it since it had the intelligent systems name attached to it and had a cool artstyle, im so glad i played it on a homebrewed wii rather than shelling out the cash for it

>American McGee's Alice
>the fucking first Alone in the Dark
Stopped reading there.

Weak bait, right up nu-Sup Forums standards
kys faggots

Most of these games have aged like garbage.

>No Ace Combat
>No Thief
Fucking disregarded.
Why does it seem like very few people on Sup Forums even play AC?

Played them all, all shit. What else you got?

This. Also no Ys 1/2.

Ys 1 and 2 aren't anywhere near Felghana and Origin desu

>why fallout 2 instead of fallout 1
fucking this, I feel like many people shilling FO2 have never actually played both the original games. 1 is nearly perfect, 2 is a bloated unpolished mess even ignoring all the tacky pop culture references.

GUN is fucking awful, why is it in the list? Too hipster to just put one of the Red Deads?

it had a cool cover and i hadnt heard of it before, thats literally it

I've played quite a few of those, but more because I'm old than that I have good taste in games.

>no gothic
>no stalker

Mostly great taste except
>Fucking Ergo Proxy
Is this your top anime list? I mean, it wasn't terrible, but I felt it had no raison d'ĂȘtre
It would have been amazing if it was just Rei-L and her android doing a buddy cop routine in a dark as fuck dystopian cyberpunk world, with every other case being about some conspiracy regarding the Proxies.

Also, could you tell me what the top 3 on the left-most column are? i recognise all the others but these.

Would help if ya didn't use fanart

Please respond

its pretty good, its a pretty damn funny game and the combat is paper mario-esque

>The Void
>Zeno Clash
>Abe's Oddysee

Oh no, I've only played 5 of the games on this list. I guess that means I have to leave Sup Forums forever now. If only I was capable of leaving.

It's way better than the red craps, Lad. So better that rockcucks copied it on the second Red Faggot

>It's way better than the red craps, Lad.
Nope, fuck off with your contrarian hipster bullshit.

>implying playing shitty games makes you OH SO HARDCORE GAYMER LUL U CASULS

Get a fucking grip and blow it out your ass.

>watching anything but retro OVAs
