How do I get good at this game Sup Forums?

How do I get good at this game Sup Forums?

I'm coming from a decade of playing CS and I thought I would jump right over easy. Yet I'm getting my shit pushed in still after 40 hours.

Theres so much thinking and shit you have to keep aware of compared to CS and I think that's my problem right now. I'm so used to focussing whats infront of me like in CS that I miss whats going on around me.

In CS you usually know where to expect your enemies but in this game they can come from every fucking angle imagineable.

Give me some good tips on how to git gud..

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Just as a R6 player would get his shit handed to him playing CS for the first time. You need to practice, that's all there is to it.

>How can I get better at X?
>Keep practicing

This applies to everything.

Stop being a pussy and learn like you did with cs.

Lets talk about Jackal and his absurd ping ability. It makes 0 sense.

How to win the game
>learn map layouts inside out and the position of the cameras
>gather intel on enemies from cameras/drones/gadgets and spoonfed said intel to teammates
>if spotted by a drone always change position so you wont get fucked

>tfw roaming
>suddenly they rush the objective
>All doors inbetween you and the objective are castle barricaded

I havent played today yet. Is Jackal out yet? I know it was gonna release today but I don't know the exact hour.

Today at around noon. There is a vid on the ubisoft youtbe with gameplay. If he scans some old ass footprints the defender gets a marker... that pings them occasionally for a period. It's totally unnecessary.

Fuck if I know. I'm Gold 3 and I have no idea why I'm there, I feel like I'm useless half of the time even though I'm usually at the top of the scoreboard.

Depending on what character you play you can get super wasy points

>be twitch
>scan and hit everyone in preperation phase and destroy gadgets for points
>get assist kills for every guy you hit that gets killed during the match.

I play a lot of Jaeger and Capitao. I'm good at killing stuff but the second I'm left alone with no info I become the worst fucker around. You know those "there's no way he'd be stupid enough to be hiding there"? It's basically that times ten.

I think what's holding me back is lack of a coordinated group with voice chat.

It sounds kinda OP. But I'm kinda sick of this 3-4 people roaming meta. I hope Jackal changes shit up.

You pick Lord Tachanka OP

The Tachanka stuff has to be the most embarrassing fucking thing I've ever seen in a videogame. I love the game but when I saw they advirtised their reddit channel or whatever I knew something like this would crop up eventually.
>All those Kapkan trap deaths tho

>All those Kapkan trap deaths tho
80% of those are probably from last year when you could glitch it to have a invisible beam. Retards getting killed by a Kapkan trap still rarely happen but only if they are like level 0-15

Apparently that's his purpose

I was informed that Tachanka was a meme operator from my coworker, who got me into the game.

He described him as somone who uses a shielded turret. When I asked if he was good, I was told he was generally bad. Well, more that it was a bad idea to use the turret.

Holy shit this guy just killed everyone except Caveira
>Can see steps and follow them
>Can analyze a step and get an instant ping of the enemy
>Get's a ping ever 10 seconds for 30 seconds
>Caveira silent steps won't be picked up
I have to see it in action some more, but that gameplay makes him look incredibly strong

Copy your sensitivity from CS and then learn the fucking maps. It's not harder than CS, but it plays a lot differently, and the maps are fucking mazes in comparison.

Tachanka didnt have a shield on his for the first year. Getting on a turret was a death sentence.
You'd hear tachanka shooting frantically TAKTAKTAKTAKAKATKA- poof 1 shot headshot tachanka is dead.
he became a meme how hilariously bad his turret was. Now they gave him a shield on his turret but hes still underwhelming.

Yeah, Caveira's ability is at least a tiny bit plausible. She could have interrogated and learned of an organized attack plan. Even then the reveal is pretty short.
Jackal's scan is like some overwatch shit. His tracking ability was enough.

And everyone on the team gets the markers. I may refuse to scan. Psych, I'm a superhero now.

>people new to the game who dont realize new OPS are usually OP
It's like people dont know when Frost and Blackbeard were when they were released. Frost's super 80 shotgun outsniping glaz was hilarious.
It's either Ubi's incompetence or just to sell season passes.

I get them all the time because I don't put them on Windows and place them in the most point less spots I could think of. Works every fucking day.


You make sense. So he'll get nerfed like Blackbeard? Good.

Don't have this problem since I 5 man all the time. I refuse to play this game with random faggots

Haha, don't forget blowing out your black mirror for kicks.

I'm ready for that one guy that constantly picks the new operators for the entire match and never switches.

I don't play on console, so nope.

CSGO is much harder and requires much more individual skill than these meme competitive game rainbow six siege. Siege is a great casual game dont get me wrong but it cannot be considered competetive when there is are cluster charges that can clear out an entire room without an entire team being able to do anything about it.

>pick any 3 speed operator
don't overthink anything, this game isn't as tactical as many people claim it is..
also make use of your extra drone, i see many people ignore it for whatever reason.

>getting killed by cluster charges
>not moving away once you hear Fuzes loud as fuck THUMP from plazing the charges near you

theres something about the visuals in this game that makes it next to impossible to see enemies half the time
i wish they'd improve the visuals, lighting, overall engine of the game, its got a lot of issues

It's intentional at times. Like the obscene glare you get when looking outside as a defender or the shadows when looking in as an attacker. What I don't like is having someone like Capitao or Tatcher on a nighttime map because they're fucking impossible to see.

If you mean the visibility from inside out and outside in buildings. It's dont so that the whole match wont be played out from the windows. Forces attackers to go in and makes it hard for defenders to snipe from the windows.

git gud

That's not really an argument though

New heroes when?=


"tactical" just means low TTK + low mobility

Got link?

nah even if im like inside a building and they are too, just like, the dude will be on my crosshairs and i wont even see him until my crosshairs go red

something about like the lighting with barely any shadows, the way the environments are this hazy mess, and the colors, it just doesn't look natural or realistic

mostly just shitty netcode

what the fuck does that have to do with netcode im talking about spotting enemies being next to impossible at times

wtf is that UI

>Hear THUMP in the other room
>Concrete wall
>Fuse puck bounced off the wall and through a drone-hole in to my room


>Using Twitch drone during prep phase

When was this added? I haven't played since last Spring, so about a year now. I always thought it was stupid as shit you couldn't use her drone during prep phase and had to use a stock one.

You want to soundwhore. Sound goes around walls unless they're very close.
Don't get your drone destroyed in prep phase if you know where the obj is. Park it somewhere you want to enter and always drone rooms if you can.
Don't stay in obj room every game unless there's nothing but roamers on your team.
Play solo to learn the maps. (multiplayer -> custom -> local -> create)
Pimp your weapon. Attachments are importants.
Don't reinforce between bombs.
Stick to ops with a good/decent all purpose gadget and gun combo like sledge and rook if you have trouble. The L85 and mp5 are both very good guns.

You're blind.

I just started with the free weekend and this is me too.
I have two good friends who have been playing since release to play with and we usually clean up in casual so far. If I'm by myself it's a shit show most of the time.
Communication is huge in this game. I don't understand why people are even playing this game without mics. There have already been probably half a dozen times I've been on camera feeds, made calls, and that alone was the difference between a loss and a win.

also does anyone feel like smoke in this game is really fucked up? There's been several times the smoke has filled my entire vision (with me not actually in it) and I die. Then on the kill cam there's maybe half as much smoke the enemy player sees and it's obvious where I am.

What's a good headset for soundwhoring?

Smoke isn't server-side.

Use it to flush people out not for cover.

Literally anything that's not a headset.
You want headphones.

Few months ago, they gave her a small buff by giving her 2 shock drones. one being useable during prep phase so you can take out cameras/traps/gadgets and just annoy the enemy team during prep phase. Also if your drone survives the prep phase you got 2 shock drones to work with during the match.

ty user

Just go and rush through the game. Basically how i went trought season ine and went plat

>That small period of time where the drone in prep-phase didn't have a crosshair

Fucking irritating.


I put 70 hours into this when it first released. stopped playing when the navy seals dropped

>my drone always get instantly destroyed by enemies
>enemy drones are H-HAIAI!, moving and jumping and hiding, can't ever hit them

Fucking hell

Why is the main menu so comfy yet makes you pumped to play?

>These 'realism' games where 1 bullet is enough to kill you and campers can gun you down before you even have time to react.

Pick up a shield and go in or make sure you used windows to enter from a direction in which campers arent looking. it's basically an RNG game on if you die or not

Drone, listen for enemy footsteps, or think about less obvious angles.

Is this the most tacticool game ever made?

>its easy to scout out campets in this game. you have drones for a reason. Just make sure you dont tag campers or let them spot your drone otherwise they'll reposition somewhere else
>tfw you know exactly where a camper is laying down and because you saw him on your drone and you aim and shoot exactly where he is when entering and he calls out hacks.

is new patch up?

40 hours is nothing

You need like 2000 hours to be good at any game, even then you'll likely not be good depending on how old the game is. Older games you'll need like 5k+ to be good.

*tracks you from the other side of the earth*
*kills you*
Psssh...Nothing personal, ese.



>camping ladders
>peeking all the fucking time or glaz will get you
Remove plane REMOVE PLANE


Crosshair placement and map knowledge are the primary skills you want.
Learn about stuff like quick peaking, peaker's advantage, and reconing via drones, cameras, and intel.
Good communication and callouts, and I mean don't just scream "OVER THERE OVER THERE OVER THERE" like a lot of people do. Keep calm about it, say the room name and general direction, and then shut the fuck up. Especially when it gets down to 1 v anything.
Don't play Thatcher unless someone on your team goes Thermite or Hibana. He is practically not needed otherwise.
When in doubt, play the objective. Don't go hunting for roamers or flankers unless they are in your path or potentially fatal to the team. Just means 1 less person in the objective room.

Finally, when reinforcing, build a fortress, not a cage. Point of reinforcements and barricades is to divert and redirect the flow of attackers to bottleneck them.

>scanning out pulse as IQ
>kill him through a wall
>he calls YOU out on cheap tactics

Pulsebaiting is so satisfying and it is so easy. They fall for it every fucking time.

The instant kill head shot really rustles my jimmies. Its always some faggot spraying his silenced gun and one bullet just so happens to hit my head and I die. every time.

>all these people using cool abilities
>i'm using recruit
What do I unlock first?

Thatcher and Rook.

So you can open doors

I'm a platinum player but when I face diamonds I always get fucked for aiming. I see all of them but I either can't get the first shot or I miss. I think it's because I'm nervous. Does this happen. To anyone?

also does anyone think the rank you start out with every season after 10 matches an accurate and true reflection of how good you really are?

>playing with other people without having unlocking at least one attacker and one defenser

neck yourself before I team kill you for being a huge faggot.

Thermite and Rook

So did the enemy also have some sort of heartbeat sensor?

I don't know much about this game.

Sledge, Rook, Thermite, Bandit, Glaz or Fuze.
All CTUs and speeds covered.
Then Thatcher, Twitch, Ash, whichever spetsnaz you want, whichever GSG9 you want.
After that whatever.

enemy: heartbeat sensor
player: heartbeat sensor sensor

Placement matches are literally worthless.

They're either loto if you soloQ, or you get carried hard if you 5-man it and land high ranks out of the box.

The enemy has a short range heartbeat sensor that ticks and pings when enemies get close. IQ has a electronic scanner that can find electronic devices but also Pulse when hes on his scanner.

Get good

t. Global CS and got to Diamond in about 100 hours

Recruit is op though. Use the SAS loadout for speed, smg 11 as a sidearm and your choice of rifle plus a frag grenade. You can also do gsg9 because the sig552 has a great iron sight and good damage along with the frag grenade. Same speed as sas recruit.

>going all recruit as GSG defender with the glorious mp7 ironsight
>lay down 15 barbwires
shit was fun, havent played in a while but does recruit still have 3x barbed wire?



No. Ubisoft nerfs every strat that revolves around recruits because apparently recruits aren't supposed to be picked in any situation ever.

>Counter for my Counter Counter: Counter

>Initial rank
Fuck placement matches.

>Do mine
>Fight nothing but plats and high-end golds solo.
>Do fine. Go 6W/4L
>Get put in Bronze.

Slot machines are hard too. Low skill ceiling doesn't mean a game is skillful, just that skillful actions are blunted.

To be fair the shield team six strat was fucking OP with the 2 speed 2 armor. Was fun though.
