What is her endgame?

What is her endgame?

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Leon's lions

>Claire ever getting any of that
Only in the SD Perry novels, user.

lets make claire cute again

I didn't understand why they went with this design choice. She looks like Scully on meth.

Becoming my Wife and having my children.

Perhaps an infusion of concentrated Wesker DNA? It worked wonders for Jill.

>she was only 32 in REV2
>mfw if she appears again (other than RE2make) she will be ~40
There's NO WAY they can fuck her up even more, right?

only if their made her MILF or soft reboot into RE2 happened around 7 year

Can't be a MILF when nobody will give you children.
but if you don't take it literally, she already has the looks of one in REV2. Would still bang

Claire will end up adopting the kid of someone who gets killed in a future game.

what if a monster got her pregnant?


She really hasn't changed much. I don't get why you guys make a big deal about this.

>goes from literally perfect to not literally perfect
>hasn't changed much
Come on now.

Is it just me or does 2011 Claire look like Tobey Maguire?

Botox to the face.

It's not just you.


>characters are getting older
>dont want a hard reboot like DMC gone wrong
>have to watch them age like this
it wouldn't be so bad if we where introduced to some new characters but the fans keep wanting the old cast back

I mean, they could not fuck up their aging if that's the issue. Leon and Chris don't look that bad (and Chris looks even better if the RE7 Chris Redfield is actually him), and they're both almost 10 years older than Claire was in REV2

Also we did get new characters in RE7 m8. The entire game revolved around a cast of new characters

>new characters in RE7
thats true but with the exception of Ethan and mia the new characters appear to be all be dead

>mfw they kill both Ethan and Mia in the "not a hero" DLC and come back to Leon as MC in RE8 because he has to be playable in even numbers RE titles

They are introducing more characters.
Revelations 2 had Alex, Moira, and Natalia. Natalia is 15 currently, and Moira is 25.

And RE7 was a whole new cast, with a cameo at the end.

You mean the main characters survived, and the secondary characters died of? Color me shocked.

The fuck. Since when is Leon a slav?

She kinda looks like remake Jill in Rev2, if Jill was a meth addict

At least he ain't a asian version of Ken (from Barbie) anymore

that makes sense when you take out the red herring choice.Which was pretty dick move by capcom they really should have made it more like resi 1 multiple endings

>ONE year earlier he was looking like this
How could Degeneration fuck him up so bad. It's worse when you consider they got Claire right.




>the way she was mirin Leon in this scene
did she want to cure his blue balls?

talking about Degen Claire, i need a webm/gif of that wink. She was way too fucking cute hnnnggg


I'll let you have the webm since you have exquisite taste user.

why has claire's hair gotten progressively redder she was a brunette in 2 but after that everyone acts like she was always a red head as cute as she is in degeneration her hair is practically pink by that point

>before (((anita)))
>after (((anita)))

what about RE2 CGi leon?

That was 1998, user. Basically everyone looked weird in CGI. They have a excuse.

>tfw Claire is best mom
>but she will never procriate

Looks pretty good for the time

>ywn tap this ass




>nobody ever will
>she will die pure
I'm ok with this i think

I think that's for the best. If I can't have her, then no one else can.

Don't worry user, VR will come soon. The glorious age of waifus is upon us

Darkside Claire best Claire, prove me wrong.


Can't prove wrong someone who's right

Degen Claire is 2nd besto tho

Claire should adopt Sherry

It's him, he just stopped roiding because he doesn't need to impress his husbando Wesker anymore with his muscles, that fucking faggot

>you will never have a three way with claire and sherry
Just kill me now.

I only entered this thread for this webm.

It's literally the only thing I remember from that movie. Claire is such a qt.

>I only entered this thread for this webm.
That's because you are someone with top shelf taste user. Never change.

Still mad we didn't get Claire in RE6 for a best trio or at least Claire/Sherry reunion

>My sister's told me all about you
What did he mean by this?

Claire told Chris about all those long hard sweaty nights they spent together.

get out of the way oldbag

Sherry is his niece. Nothing special


>Nothing that could identify her
>Implying you couldn't identify her by those huge tits

It's really weird how everyone loves Leon even though he's only been a good character in 1/3 of his games.

Why is Chris literally all business, so much so that he ignores all female flirts/passes?

He's still my favourite in the series though.

He was good in RE2 and great in RE4. His character development from "rookie cop that gets ignored" to "badass agent that drops one liners" to "40y/o emo who's gone numb" is pretty good also

Because he only wants to get his dick in Jill and maybe Wesker, but at the same time knows he won't ever get to do so.

The brick in his brain cannot process the mission and any random flirt attempts at the same time

They need a Claire, Sherry and Leon game. They also need a Chris, Jill and Barry game, then basically retire them all.

I'm hoping Revelations 3 is the latter.

>had the same voice actor since 1998
>they changed it for no reason





He's the only one of the cast that sacrificed himself and piled on the steroids in order to take on Wesker. Still managed to beat up Leon in RE6 with semi-amnesia too.

He's probably still very shaken up by the Raccoon City incident, honestly.

Why would they get rid of supermilf?

>winking smiley
Barry's gonna get some.

Because they're fucking gay as hell.

Because pic related had to suck him off in order to remove the snake venom?

Are you kidding me? Do you genuinely like Naruto Leon?

How can a dead girl suck him off?

Replacing Paul Mercier made me saltier than this to be honest. He was based

Girls age, but considering how nicely all the other RE girls have aged, it makes no sense for Claire to age poorly.
She looks fucking 50 in revelations 2.

>that awkward jerkiness
>eyes all over the place

We must have played a different version then user.

Why isn't Rebecca more important? She's pretty great. The only place they really feature her as a important character are the novels and Zero.

Ok, very importamt and personal question...

Does anyone know where I can find this RE4 mod?

Claire's peril voice gives me a boner.

Did you even play the game?

Come now user..

>those rapey regenerator
Oh my.

Holy shit bumping. Please sauce

She's alive tho. Vendetta is canon


>that pause at the end

>resi 4 mod


Will we get a bromance between them in Vendetta? Because i need it.

>got Claire right
>gave her duckface


Underrated qt.

>still a resi4 mod

Something to do with the american voice actors' union having a piss-fit about using foreign workers, maybe?


>Naruto Leon
Had you said Sasuke, or some other dumb emo equivalent, I might've actually had to stop and think about it.

She'll be back to voice Claire for REmake 2, r-right? Right?