ITT: underrated gems

ITT: underrated gems

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>tfw mum refused to let me buy it because it had prostitutes

Thanks doc.

best fps on the PS2 hands down.

>Worrying about prostitutes when you were able to scalp any corpse
'Merican moms sound like a nightmare.


mediocre at best

Played it once.
Then played it again with infinite time powers.
for what it is it's gimmick is used well.

this was amazing


I went back to play that last year.
It hasn't aged well, at all

Another IC user, 10/10 game. Here's another that's 10/10 imo.


Those games were average.
I liked them younger but in reality they're 6/10 max

See review on them

Oh shit, I own that, it's awesome. I need to play that more.

Why was it removed from the steam store though? I still have it on my account but I noticed the store page is gone.

Yes, unfortunately, many games with licensed material (music, cars) get removed from Steam over the years.

I personally never saw a single thread discussing this game.

Ohh the nostalgia, i used to remember when i was a kid that i used to die at the first part of the game (going to the airplane) i kept dying at the end on purpose just to re play the whole level again. Also god-tier soundtrack

Grey garbage

i swear the thumbnail says TimeShitty

3 small details, when changed would make it to a personal 9/10 for me.

1. More ammo pickups
2. Aim Lock instead of the soft lock since the fps are shit
3. dodging/dashing instead of jumping

Basicly metroid prime with random generation is all I want. Help me

yeeeeeeeeeeeeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Resident Evil Mercs 3D and pic related for me. Mercs 3D is a flawed launch 3DS game most bought just for the Revelations demo

I wish someone would play Mercs 3D with me.


>Underrated gems







>See review on them

i literally can't remember the last time a game bored me as much as bioshock infinite


Trully underrated. This game was so much fun.

If only it had co-op

ps2 version best version


nobody talks about evil genius and its a good game so, yes?

I'm interested
Try to sell me on it

Best Metroid game in years.

Soundtrack was great too.

Black and white visuals
Shoot/cut nazis
Dress up as nazi
Shoot down zeppelins

Well, it had a split-screen mode at least.

Nobody talks about it because its Okay game at best

It did? On what system?


GBA version of Bustin Out and The Urbz were my jams.

Y'all are my niggas




Every single time someone posts about how bad Haze was I just think it wasn't that bad.
Then I remember Haze and Time Shift are two different games.


Great game


spot the underage

More games should have dedicated (scream explative) button

The last 25% of the game are grinding for money since there is no way you can drive from one side of the map if your business fronts are under attack without losing one. GTA Chinatown Wars did the drug dealing better imo but World is Yours is a great sequel to the movie.

Fun game but shockingly zero replay-ability.

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand sounds right up your alley.
Good luck trying to find it though.

All looney tunes games for the ps1:

Bugs bunny lost in time
Bugs and taz time busters
Sheep dog and wolf, also known as Looney tunes Sheep raider.


Not that user but Is it rare? I liked Bulletproof and it's probably nostalgia.


Fairly rare. Still goes for around 30 bucks at gamestop.
It shits all over bulletproof in gameplay.
Use swears to extend your point combos.
Has lots of collectibles, gun variety is okay.

The only downside I can think of is that the only way to play coop is online.
But you can be any G-Unit member you wish as the second player, there's also a sound test mode for G parties.

Only gems in this thread. Every other game is shit.

IIRC you could upgrade your insults

You could actually. Gave a better combo multiplier after kills if you insulted them.


>Tfw judging from this thread I only played underrated games

>tfw remaster never ever

Asura will never find his rightful place in MvC.

It's amazing


Road trip adventure

>tfw arcade was just confirmed for console with story mode

I was looking for an image nigga. Best wrasslin game ever, Ludacris and Xzibit were my favorites.

Some of them are and considering that Sup Forums is baskin robbins we can only get discussion through these threads.

It has been confirmed for years now

Dissidia and 012 were ok but Arcade is just flat out bad.

Alpha Protocol


Blood on the Sand is the truest diamond in the rough. Best 3rd person shooter ever made

I heard this was made by the same people who made Yakuza...

Don't know if true or not

Is it just me or was every race literally the same, but with different skins?

The PSP ones.

More like overrated.
Doesn't even have a true ending.

Bo best bro

You were such a great game.

You didn't deserve such an awful sequel.

I'm sorry I bought it...

I'm sorry ;_;

I liked the second one and Pandemic were going to make a third if rumors are true.

Turning the black market support call-in system into a weapons cache collectathon was unforgivable, in my opinion.

I miss Pandemic.

This, so much.


Units had different stats depending on the race/faction. There were also faction-exlusive units ( ex:moving shield generator for gungans)

I'm a sucker for a good management sim

everyone born in the early 90's loves this game. computer fridays man. doesn't count

I am blanking so hard right now but maybe someone can help me remember. The game was an RTS similar graphically to Age of Empires but it had a sort of morality system where you could make your citizens love you or fear you. Ring any bells?