Heed a friendly warning Sup Forums, for you know I am right

Heed a friendly warning Sup Forums, for you know I am right.

Also why aren't you playing the best mobile game to date?

Got bored


Final Fantasy? What fucking game, man?

Don't exactly remember, I think I wanted to grind for all level 3 spells I could use


Auto AI could do it for you.

it's on steam, how's the pay2win on this ?

is this a game that I wouldn't be able to just play for like 5 mins at a time? I know final fantasy games are quite heavy on cutscenes and dialogue

Virtually no gacha so pay2win is basically nonexistant.
You get all non-event abilities from regular ability shop and then enhance them with regular enemy fodder drops easily.
Jobs are behind gacha but it has a no duplicates rule so it's extremely easy to get all Jobs given time.
Been playing since launch in late August and have all Jobs except Paladin already and will be getting Pally tomorrow.


It's more combat focused than usual FFs but it does have story and cutscenes, some even up to 10 minutes long or more.

Also for those curious about the story, it's about fulfilling the prophecy of the Warrior of Light and destroying Chaos so people that played FF1 may instantly know whats up even though the story play itself off as a mystery, spoilers ahead.

The game is confirmed set within FF1 world and isn't a retelling or a spinoff, it's legit canon to FF1 though we don't yet know if it's a prequel or a sequel. The Time Loop is most definitely in effect though which means it's most likely a prequel set in one of the past cycles. Garland, Sarah and Chaos already made an appearance, there's a disembodied voice (most likely Cid of the Lufaine) and in Chapter 4 of the story, the Manikins start to appear, pic related.

How are those legendary jobs treating you? :^)

Thanks for the info, I think I'll give this a pass

Well obviously don't have those but I was talking about regular.
Also FYI the current legendaries aren't even actually good like the ones that will come later. Tidus is basically a Dark Knight that can use Mage abilities while the Mythic ones are glass cannons that melt too fast to be viable for higher Tower floors. Cloud is low % drop permanently so with luck I'll be able to get him eventually. And assuming all future legendaries will also be like Cloud now then I don't mind. Whales will be retarded and drops gorillion money on something that isn't necessary (and may not even end up getting it like that one guy in Brave Exvius who dropped 100,000$ for a chance at Lightning and didn't get her kek) while F2P get a fair chance.


>like that one guy in Brave Exvius who dropped 100,000$ for a chance at Lightning and didn't get her kek
At that point, they should just give the guy Lightning.

I know there there are a few gatcha based games that have a maximum threshold that just let's you brute force the system to obtain the character.

Is the gameplay fun? I'm a sucker for final fantasy shit

>I know there there are a few gatcha based games that have a maximum threshold that just let's you brute force the system to obtain the character.
Japanese Mobius has a bruteforce system for Legend Job where you're guaranteed one if you fail 8 times in a row but that's it. They're not implementing it in GL for now because we don't have gacha for abilities and can just get any non-event ability we want straight from the ability shop which uses non-premium currency from just progressing in the game.
But yeah, Brave Exvius is probably the most jewish gacha game on the market right now.

Lightning Returns except dumbed down. Instead of 3/4 Jobs (work like Paradigms really) you have only 1 until you later on unlock a second one in the story (at which point you can switch between 2 in combat), 4 abilities per Job just like LR.
Combat isn't ATB based though but rather purely turn based like FF1, but with stuff like Haste increasing the amount of actions you can perform per turn, Slow reducing those Actions and Stop/Stun flat out not letting you act.
No overworld to walk around in/explore, instead you have a 2D map with nodes on it and you move from node to node.

Here's most of the Chapter 1 map for example.

And this is what the world map looks like where you select the story chapter you want to play, as well as explortion and event regions, multiplayer arena and stuff like that.

how does the stamina/energy thing that gacha game always game? can you play for a long time in one session?

too bad palamecia is the country in ff2, not ff1. and the world map looks nothing like ff1's world map.
They confirmed it is not ff1, it takes "nostalgic queues from other final fantasies"

From what I remember, at Level 1 your Stamina bar has 30 charges, with most of Chapter 1 initially being 2-3 stamina charges per node. Battle length depends on your level, abilities and how well you abuse enemy weaknesses and so on.
While it may not seem like buffs and debuffs are important early on, later in the game they are absolutely needed and 100% necessary in multiplayer for 3* bosses and higher. Also Multiplayer has it's own separate bar and multiplayer matches, especially the 3* bosses, take longer, up to even 20 minutes if your party isn't perfectly set up.

You do get showered with Elixirs though from progressing in the game and Elixirs refill your stamina. On special Mobius Days (every day of the month with 8 in it, so 8, 18 and 28) Elixirs refill double your max stamina (you can overcharge). Leveling up also refills your stamina and overcharges it.

>being this retarded
The planet itself is called Palamecia here, not a country.
And in FF2, Palamecia wasn't a country either, it was the name of Emperor's castle.

>They confirmed it is not FF1
Except they confirmed exactly the opposite, with Mobius crossovers with Terra Battle, Record Keeper and Brave Exvius explicitly listing Mobius characters as "FF1" rather than "Mobius".