/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday

Dummies Edition

Booru - consoletan.booru.org

>Favorite -tan?

reminder that doggo is the official switch-tan and there's nothing you can do about it

here we go, good ol' switch-tan wars
thread should start picking up now

no it won't
there's nothing to debate after all

reminder that your ass is my official cock-sleeve and there's nothing you can do about it

I like all the switch-tans, though. Doggo a cute.

doggo has probably got the least amount of art featuring other tans

How was your week, /ctt/?

Slow, spent yesterday at home sick.

Are we dead yet?

No it the back lash user
I blame bdf

It's pretty early in the morning, so most burgers are either at work or class.


Is fuckng a console =playing a game?

I've been waiting for this.

why does she have cat ears?

Cat ears make any girl better.

any draw fag taking any lewd requests?

Not this early no

What kind of underwear doe each tan wear?

3DS wears boxers.

Vita wears boxer briefs

Who is best girl and why is it CD-i

by picking up you mean proceed into a train wreck then yeah.

Since the switch-tan posting started we haven't had a comfy thread

Fat tits but pure as the driven snow.

The last two weeks were pretty comfy. This thread's off to a bad start thanks to though.

Booby retard haha

requesting cdi and 2ds bra shopping

>posting anything other than Arcade-tan

next Tuesday is valentines day
what's the plan?
or someone else working on it?

>next Tuesday is valentines day
>tfw no gf

who needs a gf when you have tans

wojack posting needs to be banned

Ah fuck, I had forgotten.
I'm glad I will be working in the country all next week without internet access so I won't get caught wallowing in it.

The hand movement looks like a spider. Creepy

Taking request. Doing them later.

K switch and twins being friends

Genesis-tan going very hihg speeds

Mobile-tan as a Fire Emblem character.

SNES as this qt


Tennis for two tan striking a heroic pose!

Jesus christ those legs.

Vita meeting Tomoko Kuroki
>too late to get in early

Is this thick fit?

Last week's was Famicom, nobody complained.

PSP stalking Vita

All the you'd and no delivery watch it happen

Try calming down before typing, user.

Not likely newfag

Seconding this.

>she only speaking in burger

Glad I've at least got ctt company while I'm locked in to my place due to weather

but we have each other user

someone actually my work




Are you three years old?

cd-i wearing the new meme sweater backwards

That's a cute, thick CD-i.



Is it immoral to fuck a retard?

The FM Towns Marty tan and the official FM Towns Marty mascot hanging out

Good morning, /ctt/. Slow morning I see.

even tards need love, user

No im three and a half

Reminder not to bully the cube.

I'm ready for some good ol /ctt/


This is the weirdest fetish.

What a qt

and then she die

This is just too strange to not find funny as fuck

>those eyebrows


The dog at the end really took the cake

>It's been months and you faggots still can't figure out a switch tan

requesting cdi and 2ds bra shopping

It's been two months and you still care enough to shitpost in a talking boxes thread?

Delete this cancer from the face of the Earth

I made a thing

So rather than just drawing art of the designs they like, or comics with actual jokes, satire, or even just average slice of life interaction with the other Console Tans, Switch fags are wasting talent, time and effort on shitty jokes that only exist to fuel their retardedly pointless arguments.

Depends on the game

NDS tan best tan

>this angers me in a way where I'd want to one up this by making a comic that has my fetish hidden in it but wouldn't be noticed on first glance just to show a pointless point

fem doggo needs to stop

Xbone didn't stand a chance. The best part about the Xbox-One was Xbone-tan.


Why tho

which tan deserves my seed this week?


Xbone before she turns defunct


nice stuff my man

None or them

hey ctt give me your request, now!

I'm not drawing a damn thing btw


you're writing it?

requesting you buy me an xbox

>which tan
trick question

CD-i Explores the wonderful world of Next Gen Consoles

Good I didn't want you to draw anyway