Why is literally everyone triggered by this game?

Why is literally everyone triggered by this game?

Like people hate it because of the female protagonist, people hate it because it's a PS4 exclusive, people hate it because it looks like far cry and then there's sony fanboys who are triggered by people hating it.

Is there like anyone on this website who isn't mad about this game for whatever fucking reason?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate everything about the game, but I'm gonna buy it so I can jerk off to the main chicks dreadlocks.

I play almost exclusively on PS4 and I don't understand what you fucks see in this game. The gameplay seems boring as fuck, the dialogue system and acting is fucking horrible, and the only thing going for it are the graphics which I can just enjoy on youtube ffs.

Literally whats the appeal, I don't get it.

>looks better then anything on pc
>looks better then zelda

thats the problem

I'm not mad: I just don't care about it's existence.
Not when there's things like all the other games I already have, plus Nioh's soon arrival and things like Near A Tomato.

>literally everyone
You really need to go away from Sup Forums sometimes.

Unless you meant “literally everyone on Sup Forums” then fair enough whatever

There is an IRC full of weebs who dedicate their life to hating on everything western. It's them shitposting

Honestly the hate comes from the fake that everyone here knows it's gonna be sonys next big title. You can just smell the good reviews, good sales and a sequel just by looking at it.

Sup Forums hates popular things in general, just look at how they turned on zelda

Sup Forums wants every game to fail, people are jaded of videogame so they only come here to shitpost, they have a disease that doesn't let them enjoy videogames, probably autism.

Hairjobs all day.

I agree with you on most points besides the last. You can't really enjoy graphics on youtube because youtube is shit. I also mostly play on PS4 and yet have zero interest in this game, looks shitty.

On the other hand, I've owned my Wii U since the thing launched and turned it on less than 10 times probably. But BOTW looks good.

Shitposting. Yes I know there are people who are actually interested in this title, but the idiots like OP who go.

And etc, are just flasflagging retard trying to start up console wars. And since Sup Forums mods are non existent, they keep making these thread, until they're forced to shut up when the game drops.

top kek the game just looks like garbage. the cut scenes we are shown are horrible. the conversations the characters have are horrible. the gameplay is bland and reminds me a lot of batman arkham night (which was horrible) and the quests we have seen look uninspiring and horrible.

the only thing this game has going for it is that it looks good. wow.

It's just Nintendo fans threatened by a better open-world game releasing so close to their flagship title.

I'm not mad but I am not interested. I don't care for open world and crafting unless I hear very positive reports after release I won't bother. I still have yet to finish yakuza 0 and Nioh is arriving soon.

Is there really such a thing as hair fetishes?

ps4 owner and its my main platform

I think the main reason it triggers everyone is the fact that it looks like generic garbage and the fact that its even being talked about is annoying.

this is literally a
>play the demo for 10 minutes and get bored game

>blah big budget exclusive: the video game



There's too many red flags. Game might be good but I'm certainly not in a rush to play it.

Those BioWare-tier animations and terrible voice acting are unforgivable

And yet this and many others are still up. If anything the ban in your screenshot is quality of post.


It reminds me too much of Ubisoft shit. There is lots of potential to make something interesting but it seems like they're just going to do the crafting/towers/map littered with bullshit of recent Far Cry games, only difference being robot dinosaurs.

Neither Sony or Guerrilla Games have ever said this or even compared it to it

Start with a PS4 exclusive

Add a bunch of Sonyggers who keep poking the Zelda autismo crowd with their "DON'T BUY ZELDA, HORIZON IS SO MUCH BETTER" threads

Sprinkle a helping of Stronk womyn who need NO men

The result is a clusterfuck

The companies haven't, but the fantards have

Former sonypony, idort here. Doesn't really trigger me.

Game looks okay, fun game play and all. If it turns out to be mediocre and/or it shoves some agenda in your face, I'll hate it.

True. But the game journos and fans have.

You need to be fucking retarded to hate something just because falseflaggers shitpost about it.

You are the kind of people who would hate the Nissan GTR just because there is that autist of alphonse shitposting on /o/ in every thread about how good the GTR is

>Add a bunch of Sonyggers who keep poking the Zelda autismo crowd with their "DON'T BUY ZELDA, HORIZON IS SO MUCH BETTER" threads

You really are new as all fuck if you think those were made by actual sonyggers

Well, there's also the huge red flag that it simply looks like shit.

both wrong

unless you mean graphics specifically (not artstyle), then only your first statement would be wrong

Sup Forumsiral marketers know that there's no such thing as bad publicity so they create shitstorms and make people hate on the game

taken from gamespot forums:

Guerrilla Amsterdam don't exactly have a good track record:

2004 - Shellshock: Nam '67 - 58

2004 - Killzone - 70

2006 - Killzone Liberation - 77

2009 - Killzone 2 - 91

2011 - Killzone 3 - 84

2012 - Killzone HD - 59

2013 - Killzone Mercenaries - 78

2013 - Killzone: Shadowfall - 73

Do you actually have confidence in this PS4 exclusive?

What makes Horizon Zero Dawn the exception in your eyes?

>this thread
All you fuckers are digging your own graves. When this game comes out and gets critical acclaim, I'm going to shitpost about how great it is to he'll and back for all the times you guys shitposting about how bad it looks. Just fucking wait. Oh it's coming. Don't fucking cry about it then. Just fucking wait.



>yfw a sonykuk replies to this post and defends this

It's not Killzone

>Critical acclaim
>guerrilla games
Outside of paid review, no it won't happen.

Idort here. It looks incredibly generic; I would only get it as a bargain bin special to fill the gap between other releases.

That being said people who get triggered because the lead is a woman as if female protagonists is a new thing pushed by SJWs really need to fuck off.

True. They're trying something new. Finally the world is going to know the name Guerrilla Amsterdam.

It looks worse than Killzone Shadowfall for god's sake.
Guerrilla is know for the eye candy graphics, but the open world meme killed even that

Yes yes we get it if a game you like gets good reviews it's legit and if a game you don't like gets good reviews it's paid for


>incredibly shitty writing, character designs, and animations (at least outside combat)
>gameplay loop seems poorly defined (or just that uncompelling)
>combat seems decent enough, but nothing incredible
>visuals seem like the biggest draw, never the sign of a promising game
>shitty devs

It just seems like it'll be a decent 6/10 game at best. One not worth the time investment with so many other things to spend your time on in life. It's not a multiplat though, so we have to endure endless shitposts about it being the worst thing ever created or an essential game that you only don't want because you don't have a PS4.

t. idort

IceHusky13 7 months ago#1
The overuse of the motion blur, gameplay that seemed more like work then fun, and yet another open-world game in a sea of open-world games this generation. Horizon Zero Dawn is an easy pass. I do admit the environments look good; however, with the Skyrim Remaster updating their mountain/forest environments, Horizon Zero Dawn's environments look like bland when compared with Skyrim Remaster.

Why would anyone be looking forward to this?

(taken from GameFAQs)

>Like people hate it because of the female protagonist, people hate it because it's a PS4 exclusive, people hate it because it looks like far cry and then there's sony fanboys who are triggered by people hating it.

why is there a game that is such a bad combination of things


this video triggered about 1000 redditors

Reminder, Killzone was the new "halo killer"

Horizon is the new Zelda killer

Sony fanboy here.

I do not like it, I have hated a lot of Sony's choice since the day they said NO to Bayonetta 2.

>SJW game
>main protag looks like a light skinned Shrek
>clearly made for insecure chicks and faggots who will say shit about any female character that actually looks female

Fuck this piece of shit, Sony could have given life to so many studios instead of funding a game that will leave Anitta Sarkisian happy, I would rather have Zelda than this trash.

No one hates it because of a female protagonist. Go away anita.

>as if female protagonists is a new thing pushed by SJWs

anita sarkeesian's camp was pushing to have more ugly stronk independent women in video games a few years ago and now suddenly you have a game as hyped as nu male's sky (bad omen?) and the lead characters are ugly women and POCs

you can say it's just coincidental but it is conspicuously not

They keep trying. We'll have to give them that.

How many Horizons are they going to make before moving on to a new "...." Killer?


>real Sonyggers are pure and wise sages who meditate on the deeper esoteric meaning of Bloodborne and never deign to shitpost on Sup Forums

>Anthony Burch with a vagina
>"The feminist Lara Croft"
>Shit dialogue
>Shit animation
>Ugly as sin models

I will not be purchasing it for my PSQuad thank you very much

>Horizon: One Dawn - COMING SPRING 2019

i can actually see this happening


I have a ps4 and I'm indifferent.

Doesnt seem to be my genre and won't pay 60€ for a game I might like.

Zelda killer was Skyward Sword



Really now?

Are we really using random gamefaqs posts as arguments now?

Is this really what we're doing?

Come on Sup Forums I thought I would never see you sink this low.

While I'm here I might as well bring up something

>yet another open-world game in a sea of open-world games

Does this even apply now? How many Open World games came out last year? I can only think of Watch Dogs 2 and Mafia 3, and even then they're more of the GTA Clone type

I'm skeptical because that company has only made nice looking FPS games before with zero plot and bad controls

I have no reason to think they can make a good story or a good open world game

specially when all open world games recently have been casualised dross with nothing to do other than the storyline and last about 10 hours


Hai Horizon-Kun!

the game looks like ass why wouldn't you hate it

Why the fuck do you think I'm the autistic guy I mentioned in my post? Or were you so triggered by the first half of the post that your brain went into shitposting mode immediately?

I hate because it looks super boring and I can 100% guarantee that it will be mediocre as fuck



>>looks better then anything on pc
Only if you're living in 2007.

>Female protagonist
>PS4 exclusive
>Has actual graphics
Sup Forums hates it because they can't play it and they get triggered by women.

>implying you don't get triggered when a real woman steals your mean

Fuck off YNA. I remember your gay faggot drama from vitagen.

Every since Sup Forums infiltrated Sup Forums, any character with a female lead send Nu Sup Forums users scratching their eyeballs out and shitting their pants. Regardless of if the game actually has SJWs propaganda or not.

I can't even look at this picture of cats without thinking of the BLACKED meme

See what you've done Sup Forums

Bought a PS4 to play Yakuza and Gravity Rush. I was going up get Horizon eventually for the hell of it, but then I realized they hired Ashley Burch for voice acting. If it tanks as hard as the Last Guardian I may get it used for $10 in six months.

yeah thats why nobody is looking forward to nier
oh wait

I have palm fetish so I guess there are people who like hair too.

>Female protagonist has to be conventionally attractive or the game is shit. SHIT
I don't think I'll ever understand this neo-meme

Me, I think the robot dinosaurs look neat.

>implying jap games dont get a free pass on literally everything

Lolz. If anything it's Assassin's Asylum: Mad Max of Dogs killer.

Zelda is too irrelevant for AAA developers to try to kill it.

I'm going to buy it and play, then you will have my real opinion on it. It looks interesting to me and I hope it's good.

I think she's cute

yeah like ffxv
oh wait

Don't confuse actual criticism with being triggered you buzzword spouting nigglet

>Zelda is too irrelevant for AAA developers to try to kill it.
The worst zelda sold more than the PS4 flagship tittle bloodborn...

Ugly tribal White person protag
fucking robot dinosaurs
terrible voice acting
bow made of robots to shoot robots with
yet technology is high enough for bluetooth headsets and someone made a bunch of ROBOT DINOSAURS.
robot dinosaurs that eat grass
simple Assassin's Creed gameplay
White people dreadlocks.
terribad music



with that "good" taste you should also consider gravity rush 2 and yakuza 0

>PS4 flagship tittle bloodborn
You really are clueless if you think Bloodborne is the “flagship”

It's obviously Uncharted 4

When someone says flagship, they mean the popular game on the system. No one who owns a ps4 gives a fuck about uncharted.

I honestly don't care about it either way. I watched the initial trailer and thought, "Huh, that looks like a bunch of cinematic shit that's probably not in the game." Then I basically just ignored it from there because nothing noteworthy came out surrounding it. Not interesting mechanics that had everyone talking, no intricate story that creates tons of discussion, nothing. Just the occasional trailer showing off some jank looking gameplay/dialogue.

If anything, I don't understand why so many people even care. I mean, the premise is somewhat interesting but everything else just looks like a basic action game. I genuinely don't know where any of the excitement came from, especially for a new IP. Maybe I didn't see the right trailer or watch the right gameplay demo, but it just seems like another game to pad out the year.

YNA got replaced by a real girl

>No one who owns a ps4 gives a fuck about uncharted.

Reminder: How Sup Forums feels about games is not how the majority feels about games. Madden is still the best selling series in video games. Period.

uncharted sold a lot fucking more than bloodborne retard
popular game on the system??
so madden and fifa are the flagship games every year?

I play almost exclusively on PC and Nintendo I don't understand what you fucks don't see in this game. The gameplay seems engaging as fuck, the dialogue system and acting is fucking amazing, and one of the best things it has going for it are the graphics which I can't on my current systems ffs.

Literally whats the hate, I don't get it.

>Like, totally you guise
It's subtle, isn't it?
Not really

Is this your first week here? Everyone hates everything.

Personally I have it preordered. That alone already triggers some shitters here.