So I was watching the Super Bowl with my family and some friends. Was a great night (fuck yeah pats...

So I was watching the Super Bowl with my family and some friends. Was a great night (fuck yeah pats, Brady is the GOAT!) with lots of drinking and snacking.

So anyway just before the game turned around the Switch ad ran, wanted to let you know how the crowd reacted.

>dad said to me "Hah. Remember how we used to play those old Zelda and Mario games together? Maybe we can do that again sometime"
>mum said "Kevin isn't that the thing you preordered a while ago and were making such a fuss about? It looks nice"
>older sister that only occasionally used to play some games with me when no friends were around said "Why don't they make Zelda a girl for once?"
>younger sis said "Big bro I wanna pway (she can't say play properly yet lol) that wif you please come on!"
>my gramps turned over to my meemaw, laughed with a full belly and told her that he heard the Switch will have Snipperclips and he wants to try playing that with her
>my elder sis' bf damon (we just call him Easy D) said "shit man that's the thing with 1 2 switch right, gonna cop that and play it with the gang theys gonna love it man, fleek as shit"
>my uncle jessie was quiet but then said "you know, I might just get that so I've got something to do other than reading the newspaper while on the toilet. Anything to get away from the house dragon for a while right Ben?" (that's my dad who laughed but then got fiercely stared at by my mom)

Anyway just wanted to let you guys know how my family reacted to the switch ad, I think it's going to be a big success people seem to love it

Other urls found in this thread:



>Why don't they make Zelda a girl for once?"
But they did, isn't Zelda cute as a girl?

That's a pretty cute girl (male).

god you are such a fucking faggot its not even funny. nintendo truly struck gold with you idiots who will throw money at any shit they put out

Well a better attempt than last time


stopped reading right there, fuck off

Seriously, who the fuck keeps making these threads? The ad company?

>older sister that only occasionally used to play some games with me when no friends were around said "Why don't they make Zelda a girl for once?"
But girls are the ones who like male Link the most.

>being this unable to detect a joke
It couldn't be more fake

This lol, god can you guys not detect humor over the internet? I was cackling at the OP, and while I think OP may or may not be a Nintendo fan, the point of this thread is clearly to poke fun.

>people seem to love it
Stopped reading there. OP is a fag

Lost it at the coal burning sisters nigger boy friend. Great post OP you must be in marketing you nailed what (((marketers))) present as the modern family.

Had a chuckle op thanks

This is honest to god how my family reacted to the Switch advert:


made my fucking day lmao

Somebody actually took the time to type all of this.

>posts on Sup Forums
>watches superbowl with family and friends with lots of drinking

Pick one

>So I was watching the Super Bowl
Stopped reading right there.


Stopped reading there fàm

This was hard to read

Yeah, there's a lot of paid shills. Look at the writing styles, it's the same people all the fucking time. The ones who then go on to deny it are the very same shills.

He took his time and made a quality pasta. You shat out yet another glistening turd. In 50 years, no one will remember your post.

>my elder sis' bf damon (we just call him Easy D)
I love it

>quality pasta

I want newfags off my Sup Forums

Huh? According to my information you live alone and didn't even watch the Super Bowl.

You're an orphan, aren't you.

>People are taking it seriously and actually seem upset


>"Why don't they make Zelda a girl for once?"
you had me up until that point
too obvious

Thinly veiled blacked thread?

delete this!!!

>So I was watching the Super Bowl with my family and some friends. Was a great night (fuck yeah pats, Brady is the GOAT!) with lots of drinking and snacking.
>So anyway just before the game turned around the Switch ad ran, wanted to let you know how the crowd reacted.
>>dad said to me "Hah. Remember how we used to play those old Zelda and Mario games together? Maybe we can do that again sometime"

Jesus Christ almighty...Could you sound any more like a paid $witch $hill?
This is fucking cringe.
SUBTLETY, mr. Marketer. Ever heard of it?

Is the collector's edition of BotW worth it?

Cool blog of lies bro

If you live in America I would say the limited edition is worth it.

In Europe no.

Thanks for exposing all the underage B&s in this thread OP

my wife's black son told me that he want a switch now
its not fair i wanted to buy a ps4 and play horizon zero

On this episode of stuff that never happened!

If anything it'd be the other way around.

I dunno I believe it.
My 86 year old vietnam vet grandpa saw the ad and said "If I had something as cool as that Nintendo Switch back then I wouldn't even have considered going off to fight Charlie"

>Sup Forums is this fucking stupid now
What happened?

All jokes aside... My family all started fucking clapping after the ad.

They all know I support Sony and I think they did it to piss me off but I can't be sure because I got sent to my room after I started swearing at them and haven't been let out since.

That pic is going too far. Its basically a full on nigger now.

If you like overpriced limited vanity items, I guess. It's your average collector edition.

I'm not American but if someone told me Americans clap after some superbowl ads I would unironically believe it.

I want that case desu

legit chuckled at this, thanks op

They actually do. I've seen it with my own eyes.

I was watching the bowl in hospital because my dad has been in a coma for 8 years. When the Switch ad came on he momentarily regained conscience and said "hey, that looks pretty cool". He relapsed back into the coma after that.

Nintendo knows how to cull in the negroid races to their products. Makes sense considering most of Nintendo's most loyal cocksucking corporate defenders are black and all over YouTube.

The power of the switch.
It made your dad regain conscience. It made Brady find the strength to fight back and win the superbowl.

For me personally it switched my gender when the ad came on. I'm now a cute girl.

They don't just clap - they cheer. The ads are the main reason why people watch the Superbowl in the first place.

My dad Teevos the ads and has a whole collection which he watches repeatedly and I often hear him clapping for ads that aired years ago.

Its fucking disgusting.

>>my elder sis' bf damon (we just call him Easy D) said "shit man that's the thing with 1 2 switch right, gonna cop that and play it with the gang theys gonna love it man, fleek as shit"

lit senpai lmao

desu i chuckled

We're still doing this thing where we tell jokes, right?

I fucking wish I was man. I hate my whole fucking family but my dad is the worst. He literally watches YouTube and asks me how to get the ads to play.

>>older sister that only occasionally used to play some games with me when no friends were around said "Why don't they make Zelda a girl for once?"

Stopped reading there, try harder next time.

Jesus dude I thought my mom was the only one who did this. I walked into her room the other night and she was literally standing up and clapping for a Gilette ad that aired 4 years ago.


I don't believe this

>In Europe no.
I kind of regret ordering my copy. I ordered it before I knew the European version was so gimped.
If only it had the map. Fuck the sword.

Nigga you expect me to read your fantasy blog post? Also looks gay as hell. If you base your purchasing decisions off of what other people think then you're a totally mindless sheep. It's fine to go "my friends might play this with me so I'll get it on that basis" but to get it because your Elder Sister's Boyfriend named Damon said it looks "fleek" is just fucking retarded but hey, it's your money.

no one gives a fuck


Are you getting paid for making the same threads on a daily basis? Nobody gives a fuck about your retarded family. Poor as fuck attempt 2/10 for making me reply.

Also Sage this shit so it lands in a trash sooner.

literally who

your friend is a fag

>my elder sis' bf damon (we just call him Easy D) said "shit man that's the thing with 1 2 switch right, gonna cop that and play it with the gang theys gonna love it man, fleek as shit"

I literally can't fucking breathe jesus christ

Next time you make up shit, make sure your family doesn't sound like they came out of a really bad 80's sitcom.

nice fanfic
have a tumblr?