What announcement would make Sup Forums lose their minds more?


The announcement of a good Valve or Blizzard game

HL3 obviously because it's one of the biggest vidya meme.
And WarCraft is actually good game series

Half Life 3 isn't happening. Warcraft 4 is actually both possible and somewhat likely.

So HL3.

Bloodborne on PC

We'd literally never stop hearing about it.

gaben already announced HL3

Gothic reboot: this time we won't fuck it up, pinky swear edition

But Piranha is fucking dead as a studio, like new Bioware. Completely new people who have fuck all to do with their actually good titles.


>the number 3 must not be said

What did he mean by this

next From game don't care about nu-Valve or nu-Blizzard.

Playing into dumb memes for upvotes.

Bloodborne II exclusive to Switch

Nintendo going third party

Star Citizen actually releasing

new Metroid game by Retro

any new Valve game (L4D3 is next probably)

he made a pact with a jewish demon. he will gain lots of money and power but if he does something with the number 3 in the course of his life he will loose all his wealth and go to jewish hell.


WC4 would make me lose my mind in rage

MGSV: Director's Cut.

>sequel to a series that's so old all interest is lost from a studio that can't make anything good anymore
>sequel to a series that's been raped to death from a studio that can't make anything good anymore

Gee I don't know.

that could be disaster with threads of pcmasterrace, ps4 players butthurt, samefaggotry with wojaks ect.

new fallout game by obsidian

From Software announcing Bloodborne II will aim to make the series "more accessible to the average player...faster paced"

Neither of the two.
The ship has sailed 10 years ago.

Terranigma 2
Breath of Fire 7
Metroid Dread
Ecoquest 3

>Warcraft 4 is actually both possible and somewhat likely.
Literally wouldn't be warcraft anymore, it would be this twisted mess that WoW has created. It would be shit.

Blizzard is more creatively bankrupt than Valve at this point, and Valve doesn't even make games. HL3 would claim the prize between those two.

For me the greatest sequel that could suddenly appear would be Metal Gear Rising 2. The first game kept itself pretty condensed, so a sequel would not have trouble building off the first.

>WoW ends with the deaths of Sargeras and Void Lords
>Goes back to Alliance v Horde, with Nelfs and Forsaken split off from them as factions

C'mon man. This is easy shit.

Is this even possible? Was anything hinted?

HL3 is a meme at this point, still an announcement would be received as the end of the world

WIV would be received as >implying actiblizzshit will make it good

portal 3 is pretty much confirmed at this point

DmC 2: Electric Fuck you

Just when all hope was lost.

>tfw we will get it this year at steam dev days

He's a full-blown redditor, literally. Take a wild guess.


>there are people who still wait for HL3
what the fuck is even driving you at this point?

he means stop asking about it, it will come out when ready

Portal 2 was shit so who cares

DMC 5 by Itsuno
Red Dead Redemption/Bloodborne for PC
MGS V Chapter 3
New Fallout by Obsidian
New Metroid
New Conker/Banjo/Battletoads
Ridley/King K. Rool/Waluigi for Smash

obsidian writing has been shit dude.

almost nothing. The hype/need for hl3 are in the back on my head and sometimes they come out when someone mentions a leak or something but I'm not waiting for half life 24/7. i just want to see how the story ends, mate

El Donte getting a sequel instead of Uncle Dante would actually be the biggest shitstorm ever on Sup Forums


HL3 is just a meme it would drop off quickly if an actual game was announced whereas Sup Forums seems to eat up whatever shit Blizzard sharts out so we'd never hear the end of it if they announced W4.

I'm 100% certain blizzard is now incapable of making a good video game. I'm not quite so sure about valve. So, half life 3 takes it.

warcraft and HL are dead jokes of a series by now.

A good Fire Emblem.

FE Awakening killed the chance of us ever getting one of those.

halflife 3 would be a disappointment no matter what. too much time has passed.

warcrafts lore has been raped too hard for warcraft 4 to ever be good

I'd imagine they'd do a bit of a reset, following new characters etc

WC4 because we are starved of good(assuming Blizz is capable of making it) RTS.

it will be third person mobashit

Half Life 3 because not a game within a niche genre (i consider RTS still a niche genre, excluding mobas)

Half-life 2+1


Am I a bad person for playing only episode 2 and not caring for the rest of the series? Don't know why I played it in the first place at all, as I am a completionist and usually play games in chronological order. But as of now HL universe is a complete mess because it doesn't provide any closure to the story, thus rendering the whole series worthless (similar to DA and ME series, where sequels don't exist). Though, I can see how HL3 can reinvigorate an interest and boost sales of all previous games. Don't really think that Valve needs any money, but some kind of ending would be a nice excuse to make a playthrough of the whole series.

I'm not even sure i want WC4 anymore. I know for sure it would be a continuation of the current story and i'm done giving a shit about that.

>all these Warcraft IV responses
>people want current age blizzard to continue doing anything with Warcraft

it would be nice to have both

Please. I need that. I want the Tamemes back.

Theres a lot of fun gameplay you're missing out on.

HL3 would be a bunch of memes but it'll pale in comparison to the amount that Reddit shits itself.

WC4 would bring terminal shitposting because Blizzard is fucking awful these days.

>by current blizzard
>by current (((valve)))
you think you want these games but you donĀ“t



Sadly this is true. Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 shit on the legacy of Starcraft 1 & Diablo 2

Warcraft 4 would be an abomination


A spore remake with no ea involved.

Warcraft IV would just make me feel sick in my stomach at this point.


I dunno.

Maybe an end to the story.

Maybe Gordon Freeman getting some closure, saving Humanity and Earth, sipping Pina Coladas with ALyx at the beach?

Possible with Adrian Shepherd and Barney, with beers all round for everyone.

A man can but dream.

at this point it's just pure curiosity.

>Red Dead Redemption/Bloodborne for PC
>MGS V Chapter 3
>MGR 2
>New Metroid
>New Conker/Banjo/Battletoads
>Ridley/King K. Rool/Waluigi for Smash

Meh. Trash, even.

>DMC 5 by Itsuno
>New Fallout by Obsidian

Oh yes. Definitely.

I would flip my shit at Warcraft 4

I think it will be a whole new game like Left 4 Dead or Portal.

A new Deus Ex

with JC Denton as the MC

And written by Warren Spector

AAAAND: plays like the ORIGINAL. But is still a new game and continuation of Deus Ex 1

>MGR 2
dear lord have mercy and please deliver

Not either of those because no one gives a shit any more.

The Complete and FINISHED Spore.

The way Will Wright intended it.

.....and also SimEarth 3000

So Half Life being good is just a meme, right?
You faggots always hate on FPS games, and Half Life 2 is one of the most generic FPS games I've ever played.

>b-but muh gravity gun and physics
Yeah, that shit was cool about 10 years ago.
I tried playing Half Life 2 a really long time ago and it just gave me a headache because of how boring and bad it was. Fuck you Valve loving autist for having such shit taste. Even Cawadoody has more gameplay variety than this garbage.

...you never played the first Half-Life, have you?

Like, THE first Half-Life? The very reason why they made Black Mesa?

The graphics are dated, but Half-Life did shit few games before it did. Half-Life was the reason why modding communities remain big to this day.

>muh mods
I don't care, my point is that Half Life 2 sucks ass. .

> WC4 announced
> buy CE like a retard despite blizz being shit nowadays
> it's shit
I won't be the only one doing this


Only redditors give a crap about half life 3 at this point. If valve released a third game it would be shit. The first two were only good because of technology.

>implying Diablo 1 isn't fucking amazing

Get bent, kiddo.

Yeah Half Life 2 may suck ass, but Half Life 1 didn't.

Me and my friends used to play wc3 custom maps all the time, my fondest memories are of coming home from high school and playing TFT for hours.
I would slap the money down the moment it was announced.
I would buy copies for all my friends.
I would count the days to release.
I would be disappointed

A new turn based Final Fantasy

>modern day blizzard

ill pick valve

All RTS is 3rd-person, you inbred ape.

>both not being cancer
>what is current day TF2

Warcraft 4 would en up being a big disappointment you know that right? No way Blizzard the way they are now could pump out a good game.


I have a PC and want to play Bloodborne, but I hope this never happens. The shitposting will kill us all

Valve is done making games.

Warcraft 4 would be awful with neo blizzard.

Gaben is ready to announce another crappy VR game loosely canon to the HL universe.

This. STarcraft was sucha blunder that i dont want anything from Blizzard anymore


Wake the fuck up. Neoblizz is not Blizz. Stop giving the parasite money after killing the host.


Is there any valve game that made it to it's third installement?

Blizzard leaving activision.

>Valve making games
>Activision making good games

>implying white kids these days have the attention span for real time strategy games

HL3 and Vulkan powered Source 2 engine.

That would be the beginning of a new golden age for modding and indie shooters.

All those unreal Engine IV and Unity games look and play like shit tbqh desu.