Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing

>autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing

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Alright I'll bite

How can a genre of music be considered autistic? Explain.

How can manlets compete?
Honestly though I dont get the edge behind putting heavy metal in everything.

autistic band shirts, autistic haircuts, autistic moshing and autistic hand signals

I think this is a good example of what he was describing.

Can you really get away with being this ugly if you're that tall? I'm only 6' and don't think I'd be able to get away with looking that bad otherwise at all.

>video of a collector and video game enthusiast that doesn't resort to memes, clickbait, and industry drama follows


It can't experience normal emotions and rocks back and forth

They probably grew up with parents who shoved it down their throat that it's music for dem scary devil worshipers.

I as in a washing machine accident that left my face permanently scarred but because I'm 6'2 I've literally never had trouble getting with 8/10s.

Know what?

it's a black male thing.

How did that old long-haired fat nerd meet a small teenage hottie like her?!

Its his sister

that's her dad

Probably at a show.

Or maybe because everyone I've ever met who's over 18 and still listens to metal is an autistic manchild

It's called "money". Go get some.

>washing machine accident

Care to elaborate?

she owns a game store.
game store bitches are easy.


Well, which is it?

You didn't answer the question. None of those things are music. How can music be autistic?

>having all this money to waste on shelf frisbees

I was successful for awhile it was nice, looking back collecting the entire Xbox library was a mistake.

He'll wish he saved that in due time, and either emulated or bought the cheaper digital version.

my best friend put razor blades in the machine to prank me, thinking it would tear up my clothes when switched on.
Problem was one of the blades jammed the inside, so when I stuck my head in to see what stopped it I suddenly got a surge of water full of razor blades to my face.

He just spewed out the word "autistic" four times in one sentence, he doesn't have an answer.

im not gona spoonfeed you

This better be true

Fuck off with this meme.

Why not both?

some subgenres are autistic by nature

But who is this?

You obviously know absolutely nothing about Metal Jesus.

So what heavy metal music is autistic and what isn't?

I hope he was 13

AlphaOmegaSin looks autistic

I was 14, he was 25

I love metal but there's a certain manchild niche to it, like that video game guy with the razor blade pendant but there's nothing intimidating or metal about him besides his clothes.

Basically you'll have a easier time with hobbies and life in general if you don't let other people ruin it for you. Weed is the main one, I l o a t h e weed culture but I love weed.

Just because most stoners listen to garbage bleep bloops and think in the wavelength of "epic" doesn't mean you have to.

>My Bloody Valentine
Now there's a band name I haven't heard in fuckin' ages.

Everything is pretty okay, except djent.
That shit is built for autists.

>>autistic heavy metal rock music
You're stupid as fuck, OP. There's no need to add "autistic" in front of "heavy metal rock music", you're just being redundant.

>It's a "I'm 16 now and grew out of metal" episode

Almost every bullshitter I've met has had some retardedly unreal sob story about razor blades. why is that? You listen to H.I.M still or something?

14 year old boy with a 25 year old "best friend" huh?

it was a different time

Grow out of that Heavy Metal and spend all day talking about video games, you manchild.

No, there's never been a time when that would be considered OK and normal.

who is she?


>tfw to inteligent to listen to metal

it was cool back in the 90s, I think they called it the big brother program.

What do you unironically listen to, Sup Forums ?

Rap/hip hop here.

How fucking retarded you have to be to do that joke at 25. If you were both 25 you could have check yourself the clothes with attention, but even what a dumb joke. But heh, life.

This thread ain't about video games anyway, what've you been listening to lately, Sup Forums?

Video game music.

I listen to pretty much anything but R&B. It's the most annoying and boring shit ever.

say no more senpai

it's easy when you're in a subculture

I was emo for a time (skinny twink boy) and other emo chicks were all over me

Everything that's good, least listened to genres are country and electronic music


Nightcore and Synthwave.

This isn't half bad. I still need to get around to buying KF2 sometime. Hopefully it goes really cheap during Summer Sale.

Metal I lean more towards power and symphonic but I listen to a bit of a lot of different sub-genres. I also listen to a little bit of entry level punk like NOFX/Dropkick Murphys/Flogging Molly/etc.

because the fan base and musicians are cringe worthy autists?

>hardcore punk
>some pop songs

hardstyle and UK hardcore

Worth it just for Cattle Decapitation, and Arkaik.
Been lucky enough to catch them both, and they put on one hell of a show.


noise rock and industrial

Exclusively weeaboo slam and weeaboo grindcore

can confirm.

t. autist
t. shoegazer

i'm 23 and my best friend is 39

oh no the sky is falling

dad rock

These guys seem to have base their identities on what kind of music they like, its kinda sad.

Pretty much anything that isn't moderately linked to or endorsed by weeaboos or furries.

These just look like cumshots

Oh hey, me too.


Shoegaze, psych, drone metal, and a hint of emo

k r a u t r o c k

is bowie dadrock? if so dadrock

>tfw listen to some bands from nearly every genre as long as they're good
>yet people who listen exclusively to metal/hip hop/video game music make me cringe harder than anything else

How do I get into entire bands and albums instead of just listening to songs I like?

>whole xbox library

He collects ancient Nintendo games and other antiques that are exponentially increasing in value and can essentially be considered liquid assets. You wasted your money on worthless crap, his collection was probably a better investment than a 401k

Don't mistake your stupidity for other people being stupid

Listen to them.

Not really. To me dad rock is led zep, ACDC, Metallica, etc.

Bowie is closer to mom-core t b h

you don't

just pick whatever you like from everywhere you can


>when the riff at 1:22 hits

Videogame OSTs.

>>yet people who listen exclusively to metal/hip hop/video game music make me cringe harder than anything else
You sound self conscious

It's her dad

I've tried, albums are always one or two great songs and then what feels like filler.

When you're on the bus or mucking around just put on an album instead of your song on shuffle.

very nice

let me hit you with this

I don't think I've ever met/talked with a metal-head who wasn't a giant softy underneath all the edgy clothing. I mean at a certain point you realize that they are nerds, but they don't dress like nerds.

Listen to the songs you like, you fucking genius. If you're looking for some sense of companionship by joining a community surrounding worshipping a band, you're better off just going to church.

I don't know, man. The snare, and kick just don't hit hard enough for me. The rest is pretty good, though. I'll have to try some of their other songs.

Your listening to shit. Listen to something worth

