Will you pick one up within the year?

Will you pick one up within the year?


no but id fuck that dog

There was a decent offer if you brought your wii U back at french gamestop, so day one I guess

No way fag

If it gets animal crossing and 1 other decent game (aside from the ones already announced) then I might.

Yeah probably.

The last console I bought (in terms of release date) was a PS3 or a Wii, can't remember which came out first but they were pretty close to one another.

Since the current PS4, XBone, Wii U gen started the only console that has looked even remotely appealing was the Wii U. I already have a good computer so I get most of the AAA games, and none of the exclusives from MS or Sony looked any good, but the Wii U kept releasing these games that I really wanted to play. I kept telling myself "I'll get one eventually" but I never did. I really would've loved to play stuff like The Wonderful 101, Smash 4, Hyrule Warriors and Pikmin 3 as they came out.

So yeah, I'm gonna be getting one probably this summer. I missed the boat on launch; every store in my area is sold out and I have no interest in buying for triple the price from scalpers. So I have set the money aside and will spend it when one is available.

I really don't like the hardware gimmick, but if I cared about hardware I'd stick with my PC. I want the games, and Nintendo is the only manufacturer that actually still gives a shit about releasing fun, gameplay focused games for people who enjoy video games.

Man, that's some serious shit taste

hell yeah. can't wait for my pre-order to arrive. I'm at my job for 50-60 hrs a week but I have 1.5-2hrs of downtime per day. also I'm at my girlfriends a lot. so it's perfect for me

>Nintendo is the only manufacturer that actually still gives a shit about releasing fun, gameplay focused games for people who enjoy video games.

Nintendrones actually believe that.

This desu, but it probably won't. Maybe a 2018 buy.

Probably for Mario and Spla2n once Mario releases, I'm getting Zelda on WiiU.

I would immediately buy one if it got Wonderful 102

I'll wait for the New Nintendo Switch, Pro edition.

Yes once the fucking pre-orders resume at gamestop.

No. But I may pick it up when it's on its dying year like I do with all other consoles.

Maybe at holiday, depends on what games are announced

No idc about Zelda, they killed Metroid, Mario isn't coming out until the end of the year and I already own skyrim. Also no pokemon or animal crossing.

Definitely not at launch
Maybe when Splatoon 2 has come out

I haven't bought anything from nintendo since gamecube and I won't buy it now. People made fun of ps4 for one game and now switch will have Zelda and thats it, not interested in anything else.

Same with me. I travel all the time for work, which often leads to long hotel nights. Having a powerful handheld like that is right up my alley.

canada pls


genuine question why not just bring a laptop?

Only when they release a MonHun for it

only if Resident Evil IV comes out

>awww it looks vaguely like a puppy sooooooOoO cute ^_~

I fucking hate dogs and the weird dogfuckers who worship them

Yup I have it preordered. Picking it up day 1

Reminder that the dog has more porn than any other personification of the switch.

probably not.
I can't believe more people aren't mad that we had BotW on the Wii U held hostage for this long just so Nintendo could peddle a new gimmick.

if SMO actually comes out at the end of the year I will consider it.

I'll probably pick one up some time this year, but there are other things I'm prioritizing over it. Maybe around the time Spla2n comes out.

It's not often I throw around the word autistic, but I feel like this time is very appropriate.

Waiting for Mario's Oddy See

Probably for Splatoon

Porn gives no personality to it so your argument is instantly invalid.

There's no argument, dicknose.
The point is that the weird dogfuckers have already churned out an entire circlejerk over that shitty furbait.

Will Nintendo ever restock. I already have Zelda paid for and money for the switch. If I have to wait past release I'll scream

Only if the price drops from €330 to somewhere below 300.

Will it have advance wars on virtual console? or what games are confirmed for DL?

Better save up more money to buy it from scalpers on Ebay. Enjoy paying $800 for your Switch.

They just opened more preorders on some sites a few days ago, I think they're sold out again tho, gotta pay more attention.

I've seen pics of articles about Amazon and Gamestop getting more shipments for pre orders on Sup Forums. I've got no proof but keep your eyes peeled.

incomplete list but here

>want to get it in summer for Splatoon 2 while the playerbase is thriving because I stopped playing the first early and didn't get as much out of it as I'd wanted
>don't know for sure that I'll play it a lot
>can easily wait for SP games like Zelda and Mario
>could save a bunch of money if the Switch ends up in a 3DS situation and sharply drops price by the end of the year
I just don't know man.

>completely skipped the last Nintendo systems

You're a fucking idiot.

Okay, go back to your heavily scripted third person shooters if you're a Playstation guy or your hot plate of absolutely fucking nothing if you're an Xbox guy.

I still haven't played it but it looks like Viewtiful Joe + Pikmin and I've heard it was rock hard, so that sounds like a game designed specifically for me.

Depends on what else gets announced
Ask again after E3, that's all I'm waiting for.

The first Splatoon, is still quite active, I was playing just last night, I wouldn't worry about 2's playerbase dwindling fast.

It's more like Bayonetta with a dash of those two things, but it's true what they say about the first playthrough being a tutorial. The more you put in, the more you get.

Unless you live outside of NA/JP.

>looks like Viewtiful Joe + Pikmin
It does look like those but plays nothing like them.

Yeah that sounds like my jam.

I really love a good combat system with lots of depth and games that are designed to be played through multiple times on new difficulty settings.

The thing that really appealed to me was seeing threads on Sup Forums where people on their third or fourth playthroughs were describing how they were discovering new techniques and combos that they didn't know about even after beating it multiple times.

read above

Probably not, I can see this console going the way of the Wii U.

maybe for christmas

>Will you pick one up within the year?
Probably not. I don't see a good enough launch list to convince me otherwise.

If Hyrule Warriors, Smash and Pokken Tournament had "Deluxe" releases, I might be swayed, but since those aren't on the table, I'm just not seeing it.

youre literally getting fire emblem warriors this year and its the same shit, its basically a sequel

Some people just want a legendary legend edition without getting massively jewed on all the dlc.

Did bayoneta 2 sell well?

As soon as they confirm Fire Emblem Switch will have an Avatar and waifus I'll be on board.

We got two threads for that during weekend, stop

I can't wait to play PC games with my Switch Pro Controller.

Waifus I understand. But are the avatar characters really that big of a deal for people?
I mean. Is it too hard to self insert into an established lord or whoever?

I just like creating my own character, I hope they go the route of Awakening where there's an established lord and an avatar

I kind of like both. So it doesn't really matter to me personally.
Still find it kind of interesting with all the people who either hate the idea of avatar characters or people deeming them essential. Both of which seems extreme to me, but opinions I find myself seeing on Sup Forums surprisingly often.

Is it the same furfag still posting this shit

Probably, we will see

I like the Avatar characters. I want to be able to have some control over the main unit I'll be using.

I think it's because Awakening brought in a new wave of fans who are now used to having an avatar and waifus/husbandos and don't want that to change

Can someone just post thicc dog already

will they announce MonHun or goddamn metroid within the year?

if yes then fuck yeah. if no then fuck off

unless some other really interesting thing appears, although by now I'm out of ideas besides those two. I'll play Zelda on the wiiu because fuck me, already bought the damn thing might as well use it for a change

Just go to trash, it's not that hard

I want one to play splatoon 2, don't care about anything else honestly, especially the tablet gimmick.
The only thing making me reconsider is the autistic censorship nintendo does

If the console makes Iron Man numbers within its first months of release, yes, I could also start developing for it. If not, I will wait until Xmas.
Although there's no games which look interesting to me so far, only SMO and Splatoon 2. Too early for the new No More Heroes and I've completely lost hope for Zelda since I tried it and it looks and plays awful.

It's better when posted on Sup Forums

Someone make the switch dog have the daily dose colors

Not until they look like this.

>Hyrule Warriors
Why? I'm sure you've played a musou before, this one is no different

Already preordered one with limited edition zelda botw and a pro controller.

Will grab ARMS and MK8 Deluxe, then Spla2n and SM Odyssey. Inbetween probably Disgaea 5 and SMT V.

>he doesn't want to make his avatar a waifu
>he doesn't want to avoid "Staring at a mans ass"(self insert as gril)

Zelda is good though. Fire Emblem is garbage.

only if
>paid online is shown to be both super cheap and gains less shitty benefits for having
>splatoon 2 is good
>mk8d has a lot of new content that doesn't suck

>Mario and Splatoon
>Zelda and Splatoon
>Mario and Zelda
>Splatoon and Mario Kart
>Skyim and Fire Emblem

why dont any of you faggots ever mention Xenoblade 2

that operation rainfall bullshit was a bunch of hot air

Just because it's spam? Cancer
