What the fuck is her problem? What can she possibly gain from attacking me in the first place?
What the fuck is her problem? What can she possibly gain from attacking me in the first place?
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you should've left her alone, cunt
>try molesting her while she's out
>get fucked up in return
ehh nothin personal kid
But I cant continue through the clock tower without touching her sweet sweet booty.
Stopping you from finding out the truth in the fishing hamlet.
Did you not fucking pay attention at all during the DLC OP?
Why does it have to be kept a secret? It's not like I can tell anyone, everyone's fucking dead already because of the shitty healing church.
>get fucked up
lol no, she was easy mode and I'm shit at these games.
she's pissed that fromsoft continues to put terrible room full of dudes "bosses" into the game
To her the Fishing Hamlet is like the average user's hard drive. You wouldn't want strangers snooping around your hard drive would you?
You came into her home, killed her patients and stumbled into her napping room to touch her while she's sleeping.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The Hunter could tell people outside of Yharnam if he/she escapes, then more assholes would come in and make a bigger mess than before.
You fucking poked her yourself, what the fuck is YOUR problem?
She was merrily dead sitting on her comfy chair and then this fucking GOOD HOONTER comes and fucks her shit up. How would you react?
To liberate you from your wild curiosity
Fucking dumbass
Goddamn I'm struggling with laurence. I feel like it's a battle of patience more than anything. Almost feels like there's no opening at all, not with his wide angle of attack / swipes
>work at a morgue
>profession involves handling dead bodies
>"a corpse should be left alone."
>start screaming IT'S MY JOB! At the TV.
I think Laurence gave me more shit than Orphan or Ludwig. Fuck that guy.
Would you watch it?
Just dodge to his right. His second phase is easy modo aside from some of his retarded aoe attacks.
>that music
The hunters were self-righteous idiots who care more about the game of the hunt and their order than reality.
Ludwig retains this mentality as he's a dying horse head, wanting his "spartans" to uphold the cause.
They surpassed all reason and were blinded by blood and the pursuit of the old ones, you can clearly see this when walking through the hospital.
Gerhman too has this transfixion.
The whole point of the Hunter's Dream is to keep the idea alive, even if it isn't real.
We find the real workshop the dream was based off and it's abandoned.
Bloodborne is about discovering truths through dreams, we discover Mergo in a dream, we see the conversation between Willem and Laurence in a vision, we meet Micolash in the nightmare post-mortem, we discover the fishing hamlet within the nightmare and how the church had sinned not just against humanity but against the great ones themselves.
If you think about it we discover the most about the story in Bloodborne through dream, they're visions within our minds.
Thus we are using our eyes on the inside.