Nintendo Switch is $300

>Nintendo Switch is $300
>Gaming PC is $3000
>People still buy PCs instead of superior Nintendo

Explain this bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

i mean.. not everyone enjoys playing mario and link? Is it that hard to understand?

>Not getting a Pentium G4560 and GTX 1050 budget gaming PC

PC has good games.

yeah guys, just watch let's plays on your switch instead of actually playing those games you can't on the switch

switch doesnt even have multiplats

it is literally a shovelware machine

>getting a PC so you can watch Breath of the Wild Lets Play

no thanks cuck.

PC is obviously better but please dont hate on the Switch guys

it has its pros too

What are you, a poorfag? If your pc isn't over 5k then you don't belong in the master race.

>explain this bullshit
You are wrong.
Bullshit explained.

Define superior.

>Breath of the Wild

thanks, but I don't really like Skyrim


it has good games while PC is just shovelware these days

>People still buy PCs instead of superior Nintendo
Don't have to buy a PC or a Nintendo.
Already own both from 1993.

if you dont like skyrim you should play Breath of the Wild

i don't like whatever bethesda makes, todd.

Why would I play a Skyrim clone if I don't like Skyrim?

>There are people in this thread that don't have enough money for both

I don't care how you do it, but make some fucking money you sad excuses for "men".

other than also having open world, in what way is it a Skyrim clone exactly?

barebones combat

I like to play emulators and type in Microsoft Word.

what if i don't like any of the games?

oh yeah youre right i remember when Skyrim introduced these things to gaming

PCfag here, haven't upgraded my pc in a few years and I can still run games fine. I'm not that interested in either upgrading my PC or getting another console. It's a matter of time. I already have enough backlog and until it gets to the point that my PC just cant keep up with newer games at lower settings then I cant really justify upgrading. Also whats the point of buying so many systems? Your just hoarding and not playing, and besides Sup Forums has other hobbies than just video games right?

Sick of playing 30 year old franchises

PCs can emulate Nintendo games.
Get fucked.

False flag thread retards are biting in, Americans are waking up apparently

falseflagging sonigger detected

Bought a PC for 300$ (had to mount it myself but it was literally Legos)
back in '12 or '13 I don't remember and it plays any game yet

>t. Sonygger that needs to incite a shitpost war between PC mustard race and Nintoddlers because his console gave him buyers remorse again.

>This victim complex
Shh, shhhh... that's right, it's just Sonyggers. No one from your cancerous fanbase of man babies would ever shitpost on Sup Forums.

Shut up op, your a faggot.

Single player fun yahooooooo...

It'll emulate Wii U games is his point.

Sonyfanboy false flag thread

>Gaming PC is $3000
Where did this meme come from? You can assemble a fucking beast able to run everything on high/ultra for a few years with less than $1000.

Since when is zelda mp?

nothin personnell... kidd

>Gaming PC is $3000
>Where did this meme come from?
Prebuilts cost money.
>You can assemble a fucking beast
You mean chink electronic trash
>able to run everything on high/ultra for a few years with less than $1000.
That shit breaks down after a year already. You get what you pay for.

>That shit breaks down after a year already
electronics don't work like this unless you're overvolting the shit out of them, my brother's cheap 900$ build is still alive 3 years later.

>That shit breaks down after a year already.
sorry you're too stupid to build a decent PC, guess you better stick to consoles after all

>my brother's cheap 900$ build is still alive 3 years later.
Anecdotes prove nothing.

canĀ“t tell if you are stupid or disabled...

>pc has more than one function

>your (nintendo)game system does not

PC has more value.

Console players everyone.

Literal retards.

but you're telling me all this hardware is bound to break down within a years time?

>Feces are free
>Nintendo Switch is $300
>People still buy Nintendo products instead of superior feces


>PC will stay up to date for years, possibly even for a decade
>Switch is already out of date and not even out yet
>can do a lot more with a PC than just gaming

Sounds like Witcher 3 to me

No, CPUs in particular are meant to last 20 years, and a decade at the bare minimum, hes not a clue what hes saying. If it was true we wouldn't have any working original xboxes, or older computers at that.