Is the meme dead?
Is the meme dead?
Has he really faced a backlash since speaking to Sargon of Akkad?
Does he spend more time on twitter than making youtube videos nowadays?
No offence to the guy, if he wants to put youtube behind them then that's fine by me. I just can't help but find it a bit amusing how he actually makes less videos now after leaving gamegrumps than during or let alone before gamegrumps.
Is it basically confirmed he's not on GameGrumps anymore because he's not a cuck like Egoraptor?
i just love how he pretends he doesn't care but he clearly cares and probably reads all comments and posts like a obsessed faggot
Of course he cares. It's his bread and butter.
We need an e-celeb board for you faggots to post in
Anybody that goes against the groupthink can expect to face the wrath of all the internet hate the sjw's can muster.
I'm assuming it's because he's increased his production value and standards, for better or worse.
He hasn't had any subscriber drops on his channel and is, in fact, gaining subscribers. Apparently he's in hot water with his sponsors though.
Like Pewdiepie he's still doing fine with his youtube subs
Works for both sides.
No. He was getting 1500 subs/day before talking to Sargon, now he's getting ~2000.
>for better or worse
It's worse. The music videos are cool but the other videos have been sub par.
This is true. It doesn't make it any less retarded though.
didnt he lose 300k subs? or was that a youtube website error?
Sure it does, lefty. Sure it does.
Nah he's still funny.
for sure worse
>reddit spacing
I can agree with that.
Why the neckbeard? When has that ever worked for someone?
>He hasn't had any subscriber drops
Duh, of course. Everyone who would complain about him talking to a random internet dude are people who don't watch him because "games are icky and sexist lol".
You sure showed me.
Im not sure, I'm just going by word of mouth
>pressing the enter key is reddit
what the fuck is wrong with you people
this. a mindless group can be spiteful as hell
I'm terribly sorry to break that to you, but up to 50% of Sup Forums consists of active plebbitors.
It's like our own refugee crisis
For real though why do people space the line after the post number? You do that to switch paragraphs.
I agree. Still, what can you do; if he wants to spend more time making higher quality videos then I can understand him not releasing videos as often. Saying he's spending more time on Twitter than his videos is a claim you can't really make, especially given light to the fact I stated.
He lost 82 subscribers in one day
That's it
I prefer to do it that way. Having some space between the post number and the actual post content makes more sense to me.
>50% of Sup Forums consists of active plebbitors
That's an insanely conservative estimate.
Are you a plebitor?
I just want halloween specials again, those were ultra comfy
For real though what the fuck does that have to do with reddit?
>Just realized what he was talking about
KEK. I love how autistic this place gets about minor shit.
But it's an eyesore and only makes your post occupy more space than necessary, unless you want to draw in that extra bit of attention.
Why is this seen as such a negative though? It's so fucking stupid to be upset that people who browse a website you don't like also browse a website you do like. As if people should be blindly loyal to something as arbitrary as that.
I think the opposite. It's really a matter of preference, and if it bothers you that much then just ignore my posts.
>someone disagrees with? Quick! Call them a nazi!
Twitter was a mistake.
I welcome it because I often mark the text instead of pressing the post number on my shitty mobile phone. Doesn't happen when there is a space.
>People still crying about SJW boogeymen on the internet when they constitute 5% of people outside of social media
Based jontron
I hope he starts making content worth my time again
Not everyone thinks like you, nor are they as autistic about the things you hold special attention to that occupies your brain.
>looks kinda like an arab himself
>thinks he's white enough to talk against them
>also ''jafari''
hmm okay
5% of people is a lot,especially considering all the support that they receive from liberals.
I don't care about this enough to waste a post pointing it out in another thread but since this thread was shit and flagged for deletion from the start might as well.
Get the fuck out reddit
Enough with this dumb meme. Nobody in that clique is an SJW.
>Oney is the least liberal person alive because he's Irish, same with Niall
>Psychicpebbles is basically Sup Forums taking human form
>the SuperMega guys get really annoyed at politics (although Matt apparently browses Sup Forums)
>Egoraptor is thick but he's fully aware of what the SJW scene is like, doesn't buy into their groupthink
>Danny is very liberal and Jewish but he's a Bernie liberal, way too womanizing to buy SJW narrative
>Barry is basically Dracula, hates politics and human contact
>the little pinoy boy they hired is paid to have no opinions on anything but the few times he's spoken he seems okay
>good luck ever making Stamper politically correct LOL
>even Suzy dislikes SJW shit because lolcow and FPH (SJW allies) constantly mock her weight and makeup techniques
Nobody should be shocked JonTron wouldn't fall into the SJW trap.
The only one drawing extra attention by being obnoxious is you right now. That's pretty reddit of you.
Hes a hungarian-persian mongrel. Basically your average american white.
You sure showed me.
Is that a wig? Because he has really nice hair.
It's taken me a long time to even understand what people meant by this but apparently it's over a half inch space difference that I honestly could not even see until people started calling it reddit. Jesus fucking christ. A bug sized space made a meme.
>even Suzy dislikes SJW shit because lolcow and FPH
The alien was one of the first to attack Jontron after the interview
Social media was a mistake
I thought he lost 100k subs
I was implying 95% of people outside of social media were of the right wing persuasion. I don't know why you conveniently ignore your own mass brigading of absolutely EVERY leftist individual/group. Look at TYT for instance.
But you're wasting your time acting like a child in this thread, regardless of the opinion you hold on the thread's merit for quality. Telling people what they do is wrong because you hold a different candle just makes you out to be someone that people don't want to be around. No offense, but just because it holds your attention doesn't mean it does for others. Learn to let shit go and understand that different people have different ways of expressing themselves and it's not all because of a website you so detest.
Did she not get any shit for that tweet?
Minorities that aren't black that go against the grind and talk up white people get to get elevated and thought of geniuses of their kind, and one of "the good ones"
When black people do it, it's only for the sake of aiming them at other black people, and they quickly find themselves abandoned after being used.
Does he browse Sup Forums?
>gets btfo
>"I-I don't really c-care haha..."
kys yourself fag
This is true, but so did everyone. At the end of the month Youtube prunes inactive subs from people - most recently everyone lost a fuckton of subs.
In terms of active subs(i.e. people who have to chose to sub and unsub) he's gained
Social media was a mistake, we should've stopped at Myspace, we should've listened
>implying he ever did
I hope this doesn't change his channel too much. The last thing I want to see on Jons channel is "SJW FEMINIST REKT" videos.
ah yes you mean iranian, I can never take this retards seriously ''g-guys we are totally different than ours neighbors that we have since the dawn of time, we are kinda european I swear!''
come on now even turkey is whiter than those considering how many balkan women ottomans imported
Pretty sure he means extra newline after post number.
This is obviously not a Sup Forums thing and it had to come from somewhere.
Get out.
Because you literally use a site that purges going against the groupthink and hides every opinion that's not accepted through downvotes effectively creating an echo chamber.
Here no matter how retarded or wrong your views are they'll be still visible to all.
Your formatting is ugly and annoying.
You should fucking stay on your epic xD webside and get upboats for le epic memes.
Alternatively kill yourself.
It's kinda like with Japan's hate of American tourists due to their lack of respect for the culture, entitlement and sheer stupidity.
>and if it bothers you that much then just ignore my posts.
I'd do that if you were a namefag. You know you want to, after all how can you get internet validation and approval if you're anonymous?
Turks are white, they're just kinda anglo white trash hillbilly-tier white. All inbred with monobrows and receded chins.
Source on the sponsor thing?
I know what they meant. They pressed enter twice instead of once. This is not a conspiracy. Everyone learns to type different ways, you fucking insane person.
>Apparently he's in hot water with his sponsors though.
Breitbart or otherwise?
Hey, if he wanted to vote Donald, go right ahead, but he decided to jump into the twitter fuckfire with half-baked opinions and messages from PrisonPlanet and is wondering why people are upset with him.
wew look at all those assumptions. You can't stop me from browsing Sup Forums, and I'm happy that my mere presence devastates your anus that badly.
>>thinks he's white enough to talk against them
Jon and his parents are loaded, at worst all that would happen is he loses his fancy set pieces.
what tweet
as a whole?
not a chance it depends on the region so roughly 1/8 of the turks would be considered white, but not the rest, don't forget there are regions there where people look full blown asian
>gets mad at somebody for browsing a site that encourages groupthink
>tries to enforce groupthink
This is really fucking stupid man.
>implying liberals don't abuse blacks more than republicans
The KKK was led by Democrats for fuck's sake.
Subtle start, but I'm too vigilant for this shit
wtf is going on? what did he say to upset sjws? what about sargie?
>mfw americans think having pale skin makes you "white"
What in the goddamn hell are you talking about now?
>Ben Carson
>King of the Shuck Jive himself
Let's weigh in on what David Clarke has to say about his fellow negro as well.
Why can't it just fucking be that some people prefer to press enter before typing out their post? Why does it need to be some grand conspiracy to change Sup Forums or something you paranoid fuck?
These stupid niggers love using words to the point where they lose all meaning don't they
I think one of my favorite things about Jon is that you can tell he genuinely likes doing stuff on youtube. He hasn't become jaded and annoying like pewdiepie.
>against the establishment
>Support Trump
i don't get it
>literally doing what the quote said
How does it feel to be a stereotype?
>criticizes a site for encouraging groupthink
>goes on a tirade over someone not formatting their posts like everyone else
wew lad
Or they just prefer two spaces because there's less clutter? Not everything is some kind of outside influence.
On Sup Forums, everyone is male by default.
There are no Axewound Americans on the internet.
Thankfully the thread is autosaging but you have to be as thick as a Canadian to think the establishment wasn't shilling as hard as possible against Trump. In fact a lot of them are still doing it.
ITT: paranoid losers get upset that some people simply prefer to type their posts in a different way
Seriously you guys, take a step back and look at yourself, this is fucking pathetic.