This is your new Lara Croft

This is your new Lara Croft.

Say something nice about her.


at least she's not black

This white girl has no tits nor ass.

even men have more curves than that

>Tiny titties

curves of a twelve year old boy
shoulders of one too


>we live in a time where being a girl with an absolutely unnatractive body is now a good thing turning easy mode into very easy mode

i wonder if this ceiling fan would support my weight while i hang myself

cute face but that body is nasty, must be irish

>new Lara Croft
she fits the bill perfectly then

Nice fridge

She should be our new Lucina instead.

Too tan, probably a washboard German.

>biological female
Absolutely disgusting.

Get that girl some burgers.

>This is your new Lara Croft.
>Say something nice about her.
Old Lara Croft was better, and that's the nicest thing I can say.

Alicia Vikander is from Sweden.

God damn she's ugly

I love me some petite and skinny girls but thats just super lame

Eh, both under the Caliphate, close enough.



>fridge mode

In what country is that not black?

OP is being a fag as usual and can't deliver.

Fucking hell, that looks embarrassing even for this reboot shit it's based on.



She looks like the villain in The Mask when he puts on the mask.

Honestly depressing ass considering that's the only good thing nu-Lara has going for her


fuck forgot pic

Worst casting for Lara croft ever. Fuck Hollywood.

Truly, this is the darkest timeline.

>skinny fat
>fridge mode
>flat feet
>hunched back
>no tits
>no muscles whatsoever

I know this hoe can act and all, but whoever thought she's the right actress to play a battle hardened, ready to kill, fit as hell survivor bad ass bitch was well out of his/her mind.


shes literally a skinnyfat woman

like never once done exercise in her life



Perfect. They found a woman that's not too fat, not too curvy, not too skinny, not too short, not to tall, and basically has no body type at all to piss off overzealous women's groups.
Surprised she's white.

Cool! Another Tomb Raider movie for me to ignore.

I don't get it. What's wrong with her? Also, video game movies are always bad.

She is not trans or fat.

This is going to be about those prequel games isnt it?

She seems like a nice girl and I'm sure she will do a decent job in the movie.

You're a sharp one.

whoa she has a body like my current gf


Why? Jolie was good.

so they managed to get a actress with 0 tits to play a role of a character that was always only known for her rack and only got the public attention she got because 90s kids discussed nude cheats during lunch break at school

yeah its fucking disgusting how ugly she iss

where da tiddies

There are trans "women" with better body than hers.
Sad desu

Not My Lara Croft

What did Sup Forums think of pic related? The protagonist is pretty much nu-Lara, daddy issues included.

Jolie is too expensive, fag.

She's a pretty girl, but looks like tranny on that picture desu.

Women and numale cucks get offended by sexy women.

>small titties

Yeah who cares. Why can't hollywood find bigger tit girls?

And apparently stuffed her shirt in the Tomb Raider movies anyway.

>what is a reboot?

She's very rectangular

Bandages over clothes. So even if she's dieing from blood loss she can't possibly reveal a little skin

>watching movie adaptations of video games

I forgot that Ex Machina had full frontal. I don't recall seeing her pussy in that film.

what the fuck kind of body shape is that

Original tomb raider movies were kino.

She had bush in that shot IIRC.

She's also like 50 now so I don't think she'd be interested in another Tomb Raider movie

Just watched a clip, her tits look like my gfs'

Yeah, I had to go back and look it up. All the Asian girls were totally nude as well. Full bush and errything.

>biological female
>implying there's any other kind

Light as a feather.

Flat as a board.

>low-test nu-males will defend this

why do they have to ruin everything good?
i swear either we get hideously fat bitches or literal sticks.
russ meyer would hang himself if he saw what today's "beauty"-standards were.

fuck cultural marxism.

Never found the appeal on the original movies not even when I was a teenager that played the games on PS1 and faped furiously on Lara's pics on the internet.
For me the original movies were boring and so this one, no matter what a amount of SJW pandering they will try to force.

Looks like a child that got elongated from a glitch in a Bethesda game.

It's shit.



It's a shame there are no more heterosexual directors in Hollywood anymore.

Based Lynch is probably the last one.

You're within my league.
Would by chocolates for her for Valentine's Day

I mean, is it too much to ask to get actresses that look like actual women?
Not 14 year old boys and not jabba the hut.

I guess hollywood really is a bunch of gay pedophiles.

I would be ok if she actually looked like a pre-pubescent girl. This is just embarrassing.




Nah bro. I love me some delicious petiteness but she literally has NOTHING. Quite literally a board.

how does that "feminine penis" taste you fucking faggot?

That movie was fucking great. Legit scary

Thanks Crystal Dynamics. Not only have you ruined Lara in the games, you've now ruined her in the films.

This industry needs a fucking reset.

>I guess hollywood really is a bunch of gay pedophiles
They actually are though user lel

Loved it. I knew nothing going in.

I miss Angelina Jolie.

is this directed by Uwe Boll?

Old movie was shit, new movie will be shit

i miss her boobs

She can start eating now

This is just the beginning my friend.

not as much as she does, user

To be fair, I have never seen a single women that looks good in that tube top thing. It messes up the boobs and always looks awkward.