so what is it gonna be?

Other urls found in this thread:
>open world
>Death Stranding is a brand new idea that's 'best for the market', says Hideo Kojima
>Kojima says he's interested in the global spectrum at the moment, and is "afraid" of "politics moving to the right"—particularly in America

It's gonna be cuckino.

>Open-World game with action like The Division
Complete Trash
But who cares? Kojimashitters don't give a shit as long as they have enough hour long cutscenes to satiate them

Cinematic 7 hour long movie

are there gameplay videos yet?

i bet this snitching guy is why del toro went off the game. If renolds is confirmed this is confirmed


Dead open world cinematic garbage made by a hack who didn't make a single good game.
Basically Western Romero. was the one who made Metal Gear gems and good games.

Fukushima only did the codec dialog. Nice try though.

Dude, he made the only good zombie ever.
Night of the living dead.

>he never made a good game
>only these games that he made are good!


This ROmero.

>Fukushima is involved into developing
>games are good
>No Fukushima
>Absolute fucking feces such as 4 and 5

Yeah fuck off retarded Kojimadrone.

>camera angles

Yeah he sure made those games great


look at dem titties


Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (2002) — Writer, Writer (Snake Tales), Director (Snake Tales), Scripter (Codec), Scripter (VR & Alternative Unit), Setting Research/Justification
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) — Writer, Writer ('The New York Mirror', 'In The Darkness of Shadow Moses'), Scripter (Codec), Setting Research/Justification
Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (2000) — Writer
Metal Gear Solid: Integral (1999) — Writer
Metal Gear Solid (1998) — Writer, Scripter (Scenario Demo), Setting Design Assistant, Camera Setting

What exactly you don't understand in "WRITER" you dumb subhuman kojimadrone?

could fight out your cockfight in another thread?

I wanted to hear about Dearh Stranding

No. Only some dude who hasn't worked in video games for 12 years can make kojima games good.

Fuck off.
The game is going to be as shit as always.

>muh open world shit

For someone who hated kojima, you sure have alot of pics of him and know alot about him.

What's the matter, feeling butthurt when your hack is getting exposed?


Is this Daryl from TWD?

Yeah he's the worst dude. So awful

what's wrong with open world?

you're parroting the latest Sup Forums trend

>what's wrong with open world?
>you're parroting the latest Sup Forums trend
How does it feel to be a tasteless retard who likes stupid grinding repeating """quests""" in open world that is completely dead?

come up with an argument of cry harder
Most of the best games of all time a open world

Who knows, but what's telling is Del Taco is too busy bitching about Trump on twitter & doesn't seem very passionate or interested about the project at all, he never even talked about it

Kojima should fire him

Like what games?

pretentious "rly mkaes me thing" movieshit

What else?

>Most of the best games of all time a open world

Name 5 or name 1 from the past 5 years.

Come on user give credit were its due if not for Romero at the very least guiding the ID team we wouldn't have DooM.

>inb4 Witcher 3

As much as I like this game, most side quests in the original game are worthless and grindy.

Tussent has better "open world" and quests.

Shit, going by mgs 5. He has like a 10th of the budget of mgs5 to make this game too. It will probably end up being some shitty cinematic garbage with repetitive gameplay.

This game was already made, back in 2014.

>Fukushima did anything
According to Sup Forumseddit's own asspulls.

he's going to pour

>fulton pain
>the queued division that died in a span of two months
>that chore with zero exploration called mad max and his own personal cum bucket
>probably far never see some many dindus around europe cry
>gta 5 for the sake of tossing in another shitty game
>some other crappy game like wash dogs 1&2
>something open but on rails like meme fantasy 15
>other goty crap material like linearborne,artificial difficulty III etc

I'm looking forward to it. I'm glad that the existence of certain video games doesn't trigger my autism like some.

I love how Sup Forums speaks 100% on things they pull out of their own asshole.

For example
>He has like a 10th of the budget of mgs5 to make this game too
What's the source of this?
There's none, you are not going to give it, because you just invented it.

combat system based on stick fights and rope connections to bring the enemy closer

MGSV was dissapointing as fuck but I'd buy it again right now. Death Stranding looks fucking stupid weird but of course I'll buy it too.

Is it even going to release in my lifetime?

A series of trailers.

I'm going to assume english is not your first language?

why does he have a bunch of kingston flash drives around his neck?

No, it's not. *slowly unsheaths nodachi*

No. Someone on either plebbit or neogay found out about some figures for mgs 5 based on some leaks about going over budget. There were also approximations based on Sony financials and other big AAA Sony exclusives.

Who cares?

I cant read shit of the comments in that pic, can you post a higher res one?

>No I didn't, someone else did and I'm repeating it

At first it looks like pokemon with dead soldiers, but who knows if the player will get to use those skeleton soldiers.

>he saved the Eve porn first but not his robes

>sources of information have been provided to Google and get further, more accurate details
>I'll just deny all of it and call it bullshit anyway

Reminder that this game uses the same garbage engine Horizon uses

This game is destined to fail.

DF adv mode

suck it up. open world is more often better than worse

>someone on plebbit or neofag
So, no one?

Then link them.

>looks stupid
what have we seen besides the trailer?

people itt must have some info I don't have.

>Horizon's engine is garbage because Guerrilla doesn't know how to animate
So basically, you know absolutely nothing about engines.
It's also the engine used in Infamous Second Son.
The second DS trailer was made with it.

If you knew even a tiny bit of how engines work, you'd know that it all depends on who uses them.

For example, Civilization 4, Fallout 3, and Bully all run in the same engine.

>someone actually posted this

What the fuck happened to Sup Forums? How tryhard can someone even fucking be?

Do it yourself since you care so much about this potential abortion of a game. Enjoy sifting through thousands of pages of financial data since you refuse to believe someone, somewhere who already has.

Don't see anything wrong with it.

Sup Forums as fuck
high five bro

So you have no sources at all.

a movie.

>Prosecutor steps before jury
>This man committed murder, please believe me
>jury doesn't have enough reason to believe

That's irrelevant, Mass Effect Andromeda and Dragon Age Inquisition had shit animations, yet the Battlefield 3, 4, Hardline and 1 campaigns had pretty decent ones.

It's all a matter of actually trying.

this is the first thing kojima productions fixed when given the source code.

Like I said, Google it. The baseline information has been provided for you to expand on.

But let me guess, whenever someone tells you they saw or heard something you automatically assume they have a PhD on said topic and that they know everything about it, but if they don't everything about it they're automatically wrong.

The west went to war in Iraq in the early 2000s but because I'm telling you this based on what I've observed and not because I'm an expert on why they went to war, what caused it, what the implications are, and because you are too stubborn to Google this observation being told to you, we never went to war right? It's all a massive lie right?

There's nothing to fix.
When you have shit animations the problem is that your animators are shit, it's not the engine's.

>But let me guess, whenever someone tells you they saw or heard something you automatically assume they have a PhD on said topic and that they know everything about it, but if they don't everything about it they're automatically wrong.

No, I belive them if they have proof.

>The west went to war in Iraq in the early 2000s but because I'm telling you this based on what I've observed and not because I'm an expert on why they went to war
I'm not saying you can't explain it because you are no genius.
I asked for a source and you keep telling me to google it.
Provide a source or just stop replying.

Thanks man, i dont plan to get a ps4 just for kojima

then you are talking about horizon's team animations, not kojima's.

and that's irrelevant.

That's what i'm saying.
There's no ''source code'' in here.
It's just the team that made Horizon's animations are shit.
Fixing that would requiere making new animations from scratch, or mocap.

are you retarded?


Christ, I'm talking to a 10 year old illiterate here.

I can't tell if legit retarded or just trolling now.

2 possible sources and one guaranteed source has been provided for you
>official Sony financials

You want me to provide all the financials down to the decimal too? Lol, stay in denial, but if you actually had a fully functioning brain you'd take this information and expand on it since you are so intrigued to find out about these specific financials.

Use the information given to you or stop replying.

>DF adv mode
Dead garbage world



I thought you'd try to bring "good" open world games and not typical fucking garbage.

the man with no taste: episode 1 (uncut)

I want a link.

>It's just the team that made Horizon's animations are shit.

How do I know the animations team are shit? I'm gonna need some evidence of that since any observation of anything is a flat out lie according to

Because the animation team is the one in charge of working on the animations.
I would link you one of the cameras of Guerrila's offices, but that would be ilegal, sending me to jail, and when I eventually got out, it would end in your death and all your family's.

No it's Geraldo from the walking bread.

So you have no sources at all.

It's going to be a 4 hour long movie which you will have seen everything of in trailers. Then it will be announced in late 2019 that it has been cancelled or moved to whatever Sony's next generation is called. We don't even have a single second of actual gameplay yet.


Then why did you claim

>It's just the team that made Horizon's animations are shit.

If you can't even give me a route to search up this info on my own since, you know, I'm actually capable of using Google and finding out information I want to know.

It was a vague supposition, no need to trust me.

I heard you're a faggot, user.

Here's an irrefutable source
>Sup Forums

You're right, you didn't provide any external names or references I can check up myself, since if you did that would make your post more trustworthy and I will be able to check this info myself based on these names and references because I'm not an incapable manchild who can't spell words like "illegal".

Why did you just describe our pointless exchange.

At this point, if somethings open world, theres a higher chance the game is going to be boring. I haven't seen any good open world games in a while because this trend of making blank but beautiful worlds is has been taking off.

>inb4 witcher 3

Witcher 3 is a good game, but it's open world is exactly the type I'm worried about. All style and "prettiness" no substance.

I'll let you read over it again to come to a conclusion.



i bet this game will have stealth in some form.

Yea most likely

>sci fi action open world with horror elements

If game play, enemy design and wolrd design are good I'm ok.