Console fags will NEVER EVER get Total War Warhammer

>console fags will NEVER EVER get Total War Warhammer

>pc fags will never stop starting the same old internet fights

They have inferiority complex. dont mind them just let them eat cake. kek

TW runs on a toaster.

Is this not a good thing
Consider the following:
Bloodborne runs on a toaster

just who the fuck would want to play this

It means, even Nintentoddlers can play it on their half a decade laptop from the attic.

more than this

literally who

>they'll never release DoW 1 + expansions for consoles
that's the real travesty

Where the fuck are my cinematics and silky smooth 15fps

>PCucks will never EVER get living fighting game communities

Nice bullshot

>console cucks will NEVER EVER get free online

>there will NEVER EVER be a fighting game with good netcode anyway

False Flags my dude

>consolecucks will NEVER EVER get League of Legends

Surely it's a good thing the game is widely available
I don't give two shits about consolewars, it's nice that games are made more easily accessible for everyone. And with more options available people will be able to experience and discover all types of games. I think it's a great thing.

Total what whathammer?

>pc fags complain at every single little thing wrong with a game and scream 'PIRATE DAY ONE!' screwing over the devs
>act butthurt when developers abandon them in favour of consoles.

>I eat shit and I like it
That's why consoles get away with shit like paid online

>thinks everyone with a ps4 doesn't own atleast a toaster aswell

Good luck running TWW on a toaster at any thing less than 15fps
Oh wait, you're already used to that experience on console

not much of a loss there

I think I'll survive...

>I'll never get to enjoy $100 worth of DLC in the first year


Rekt XDD
High-Five truegamer bro! *holds paw up*


watching an LP of it right now on my ps4

Aside from being slightly more optimized and not CTD'ing every hour, the gameplay is a step down in every respect

Reminder that gunpowder units dont even have reload animations. That's how lazy they were.

>This place has become nothing but shitposting console wars all day

Why the fuck even reddit have more real talks than Sup Forums?. Is gaming always going to be an autistic console war?, where do i find people that is not into this shit?.

>A whole faction as preorder DLC

God warfags are total fucking cancer and have always been, go /tg/ or /reddit/ where that shit belongs.

>No playable Skaven



I'm keeping my cheese.

total war's a good series that's sadly been ruined by soiling its good name with friggin warhammer

>for le emperor le le
I mean at least pretend to know what you're shitposting about