DSP hater goes on the most autistic, sperg-fueled speech i have ever heard

>DSP hater goes on the most autistic, sperg-fueled speech i have ever heard

How is he still failing when people that hate him are even more easily ridiculed than him?

He's right, you know.

Because in spite of the autism of people like this, DSP is still a retard

Why does DSP trigger people so much?

Sounds like an edgy 18 year old

>let's endure

i know what "this is how blah blah" is, but what is this?
is it literally him just watching dsp play games and trying to be fanny?

>4 hour podcast complaining about dsp


genuinely curious OP
how did you find this video?

It's DSP hater's taking their autism to new levels

The Let's Play business summons that kind of triggerable sperg to your doorstep.

timestamped on twitter. I watched some TIHYDPs to see Phil make a fucking retard out of himself, but little did i know how autistic people that make a community around him are.

because people like to talk shit about other people while simultaneously trying to make them selves feel better and superior..

and since it's easier to talk shit about dsp than stephen hawking, many people just go "lol how fucking stupid retard, lol i'm smarter and let ME tell you why you shouldn't watch him and just take a closer look to how smart i fucking am".


We have transcended the known dimensions of autism.

they are high functioning autistic or why else would someone sit down with people and talk 4 hours straight about DSP

they blocked me on their channel when I called them out, as thin skinned as DSP himself, really makes you think

Have we really reached this point?

Have we really reached the point where the DSP haters have become more fucking annoying than DSP?

jesus christ

It has been like this for a long time.

TIHYDP was fun, but now they have ascended to full-blown autism

>Sons of Kojima

Autistic Kojima fags. What did DSP do to them? Say MGSV was shit?

DSP has some of the most bipolar and autistic fans/haters i've ever seen.
They make videos shitting on him but give him money on patreon. I think this may be some higher circle of autism.

As much as I dislike DSP I do think its pathetic that they've dedicated their lives to shitting on him its just fucking sad really.

>mfw the autism of these people have made me like DSP more
What the fuck

dsp was never annoying to non-autistics he was the opposite - fucking hilarious
how stupid of a person do you have to be to get mad at someone playing video games

>mfw some guy spent YEARS trying to set up his epic prank on DSP

What are you doing.
DSP's a fucking retard and deserves no sympathy. But Shitting on both is also optimal.

do they have literally no lives

I feel like this is just one guy desperately trying to push a narrative in this thread.

I think Phil actually made that one up

But then this video comes along and I have my doubts

>enjoy watching TIHYDP quite often
>decide to watch a Sons of Kojima stream
>DSP is actually playing competently for once
>they start screaming at the video

This. I have no respect for him, but I have no contempt for him either.

Unnecessary when the opposition is even more cringeworthy.

I was watching some of his Jackbox shit because I was bored out of my mind, and despite the autistic hatebase being there, Phil made some hands down, pretty funny stuff


I watched some of that

>One of the options is something about "DSP fapping on stream"
>It wins
>Turns out it was Phil's own entry
I had a mild chuckle at that


>Buying into his faked behavior
This shit hurts him, he's got skin thinner than paper. Him making jokes about himself on that stream is strict damage control.

talk about obsession.

I fucking love DSP he's the only entertaining let's player
>abloobloo he sucks not like me who uses FOTM cookie cutter builds :(

lmao DSP finished three Souls games on his own most Soulsfags need guides to even beat 3 bosses

Why is there a random guy cumming in the background as the guy talking just spergs throughout the universe?

Fucking perfect

4 hours? Christ, that's pathetic.

Well, much like every youtuber, he fakes much of his reaction. Even his frustration when he can't figure shit out

holy shit, what is wrong with these people?

Imagine being this invested in another persons life

>Oh guys I have an idea, lets make a 4 hour podcast talking about this guy we hate!

Idk, i only know he CANNOT under any circumstance take the banter.
Him bitching seems to be straight out of his shitty personality tho. But that's just me, i'm not gonna analyze his behavior like some Autismo of Kojima.

He did read guides. He went straight for the drake sword. He also summoned for many bosses.


Who the fuck cares, it's his game, he can play it however he wants to.

This is why I hate these youtube things. It's like no one is allowed to play however they want to anymore, because the viewers become the most hardcore backseat gamers


ps thankyou for this I've been waiting and checking all day since Fred posted about it on Twitter

People are standing in front of a camera chanting "He Will Not Divide Us" for 12 hours which is focused entirely on one man as well. I think they win.

Yeah yeah I know it can be argued Phil doesn't directly affect their lives like Trump

the thing is the video they are reacting to is only 37 minutes long and most of the stuff DSP says was said a million times already

>TIHYDP was fun
The MGS and GTA ones are good but yeah, the video creators go full retard inserting stupid pictures, videos and their opinions in them.

>4 hours
jesus christ