Resident Evil 4 has the same tank movement controls as previous RE games
Resident Evil 4 has the same tank movement controls as previous RE games
No shit sherlock.
Thanks captain obvious.
Don' t trigger the millenials.
except it had a better camera and used environments bigger than hallways, which eliminated all the flaws from the bad games like REmake
But it didnt have the godawful fixed camera
>never had any problems with tank controls, fix camera, and cramped environment.
>enemies telegraph their attacks and are avoidable.
>didn't waste ammo, so it stockpiles for end game.
what's there to dislike about gameplay of the classics?
Now, if only they could update the game to have RE5 controls, that'd be great.
this user gets it
>can only carry a handful of items at a time
>find an indentation of a penis or whatever the fuck
>have to backtrack all the way back to the fucking item storage just so you can get what you need to progress
>forget the way back because the map is retarded
>end up getting mauled by dogs that you can't fight back against because the shooting is awful
>have to start over again because you ran out of ink ribbons
resident evil was always bad, re4 just happens to be a diamond in a pile of rotting fecal matter
It's not immediately comfortable to someone who grew up playing gen 7 third person games that all control the same
>enemies telegraph their attacks and are avoidable.
Bullshit, if you get near them you get grabbed period and in the tiny hallways you have to take them down and each takes 10 bullets
you know you can just bait the ai?
You're a fucking retard user. Do more than one playthrough before talking about the game please.
With how slow you move?
I do manage to outmanouver zombies even groups of 4-5 but I have to position myself and hope they dont turn fast enough or that the space between wall and zombie is big enough
Even when you evade them it feels like luch and its still not fun
What is your point? There is literally nothing wrong with tank controls.
It's not luck because you can do it consistently, you can even bait out a grab, step back casually and then run.
That room in RE1 that is an intersection of narrow as fuck corridors with 5 zombies and a stairway that goes down but can only be accessed from one side for some retarded reason
Fucking bullshit that you can avoid them.
You just suck at games I beat the first resident evil when I was 8.
I beat it too thats not my point.
Can you? Im playing it right now, they have magnets in their arms; even If I step back I still bet grabbed
I'm watching an LP of RE7 because I couldn't care less about the game and it looks really, really underwhelming for a RE game let alone a capcom game. Is that just me or what?
>didn't waste ammo, so it stockpiles for end game.
I beat the first RE for the first time last weekend and what surprised me the most is that you get enough ammo to kill every single enemy (except the zombies that respawn in the laboratory, of course) in the game if you want to.
Original's more luck based admittedly but it's still doable
also feel the same way. don't really care about the franchise any more.
Well they did decide to scale everything back because of how stupid 5 and 6 were
You're watching it instead of playing it in VR, which is what it was made for. No shit you won't think much of it.
I've still never played REmake, despite having beaten almost every other game in the series, including the original version of RE1. Am I fucking up?
Exactly, but people like to shit on RE1-3 for their controls yet praise RE4 to high heaven
Everyone loves it. Personally I wasn't that crazy about the new additions and I thought they made the mansion look really muddy and repetitive feeling, which is also why I get bored of 0 once you're off the train.
If you played the original RE1 you aren't fucking up but you should play it still.
Played RE7 on PC, still loved it
Leon VS Jack Baker
All the games before 5 are amongst some of the best games ever made.
The main numbered titles in particular for basically being perfect games designed with care down to every single corridor and enemy.
I love the controls, love the fixed camera, and to be honest hate moving cameras most of the time but RE4 does it well because they put care into it.
Anyone who whines about these games just wants attention and to be contrarian most of the time.
I can fully understand not liking the game personally, taste is up to you, but calling them bad games is just stupid.
>dying to dogs
>thinking his opinion matters
Leon easy
Leon, if we're talking about RE2/RE4 Leon. RE6 Leon is a tie and CGI Movies Leon seems worse than Jack
What would their conversation be like?
>RE6 Leon is a tie
I don't recall RE2 and RE4 Leon being able to survive a plane crash that was falling through a city for like 3 minutes straight
Zombies grab every time. You run IN FRONT of them. So you run BEHIND them, and you generally do just fine. Moron.
Not to mention things later in the game will make a specific noise before they attack and can be run from if you pay attention.
Hell, in the older games you can stun lock the fucking dogs...
You have to be retarded if you think any classic RE asside from REmake is hard. And REmake is only slightly harder.
What enviromnents bigger than a hallway!?
RE4 is a fucking hallway shooter. Sure, you get an area or two that have in them, but not a lot.
If't like praising FFXIII because it has less hallways thanFFVIII. It's just moronic and wrong.
They're adventure games user. You're meant to explore and think about things. If you just run from one thing to he next with a full inventory, you'll have a bad time.
The best way to go is to purpsfully leave yourself at least 3 empty slots at all times and carry only one weapon and ammo for it. Also, don't pick up every single item you find, don't save constantly, combine herbs to take up less space...
Jesus you children are stupid as fuck.
The games are hard as fuk.
I disagree with this notion of getting good then coming online to be a big boy saying a game is not hard.
The games are very hard and that's what makes them good, you have to try over and over again to learn them, unlike todays where you can Rambo through and let your health regen take care of everything as you unload unlimited ammo and dont have to save as the game does it for you.
The guy who has problems with the grabs just doesnt want to put the effort in to learn the game. Once you learn the attacks the game gets much less difficult but they are still challenging as fuk the first time you beat them, which is why they are so good.
I don't want to make a seperate thread to ask a retarded question. What PS1 RE is recommended? Original RE, Director's Cut, or Director's Cut Dualshock?
It does, but the position of the camera means I never get confused.
just dumb one liners back and forth
>I'm watching an LP of RE7
stopped reading there. Are you faggots all poor?
RE4/God Hand are tank controls done with the correct camera, and prove that it doesn't have to be a pain in the ass that can end up punishing you
Directors Cut. It has the extra modes without the clown fart soundtrack of the Dualshock edition
>you ran out of ink ribbons
I didn't think that was possible
Directors cut doulshock for them banging tunes!
The original and Directors cut are both worth playing honestly but I'd start with the original
Thanks friend. I completely forgot that the Director's Cut Dualshock had the shitty soundtrack
I'm a faggot
>You have to be retarded if you think any classic RE aside from REmake is hard. And REmake is only slightly harder.
REMake isn't generally considered that hard.
Resident Evil 0 and CV X are.
So anybody else thinks RE7 is mediocre af?
sure at the beginning you might have some trouble with the ammo if you don't abuse the knife but towards the end I had way too much ammo.
Pretty much everything after the chainsaw fight with Jack was flat, except for maybe Lucas
That's just because you perfectly looted each area and killed every enemy that you could. Try playing it with a controller and running from enemies more often.
Resident Evil 7 is very easy with mouse and keyboard and skill. It is much more atmospheric and terrifying if you play with controller and run away from enemies. Madhouse with M+K and no extra items can get you feeling desperate.
You mean design choices.
You had to choose what enemies you had to take out to conserve as much ammo as you could. getting around them was a risk/reward with saving ammo.
Better than just throwing infinitely spawning Spaniards at you for a set time or until you do something and have them burst into ammo and health.
I even went with pewdiepie because I thought I'd give him a chance and he's both bad at games and pretty unoriginal.
>I'm watching an LP of RE7 because I couldn't care less about the game and it looks really, really underwhelming for a RE game let alone a capcom game. Is that just me or what?
It looks far better than every single RE that was released after RE 4 at least.
The way they played with game styles and the way they directed and made all those family characters is good. Not great, but good. RE was always a mediocre series, like b-movie action game but now it's actual top tier.
Couldn't care less about some whiny cunts acting like they are """true fans"""
It's mediocre as a game and not Resident Evil. We have been through this several times. How offensive it is to the series is now hinging on the DLC reveal.
It can turn into DMC tier or it can remain as just a non offensive side project.
nice ass but a bit too flat
>forget the way back because the map is retarded
>the map is retarded
>the map
The modern world protects people like you from natural selection
Alpha as fuck
Not exactly the same but it pretty much was tank controls.
In REmake i got caught in that room with two crimson heads and grenade vest forrest because i was being retarded on purpose and wanted the house filled with as many crimson heads as possible.
I forgot forrest would open the door in this area and got sandwiched in between two crimsons running after me and forrest running towards me.
I STILL managed not to get caught or hit at all and, in actual fact, learned that forrest in ODZ mode can be hurt by other crimson heads. They swung for me, missed and collided with him instead, he went down but didnt die, and i didnt fancy my chances a second time lol
Anyone else platimum REmake? Fuck platting zero though.
The shooting isn't very engaging, and melee with the combat knife is worthless.
Almost all of these points are your own fault
>Anyone else platimum REmake?
I need to buy the game first but I will