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>if i spend money it'll become a good product

jesus christ

Fucking Europeans man.
Fuck those stupid cunts.
Except Brits and surprisingly Italians, they're usually less annoying.

People don't actually believe this, do they? OP's image is just being haha ironic i trold u correct?

It's even more frightening when you realise that this whole planet is consumerist and literally every human being thinks like this.

t. italian brit

fuck off

No trolling here, pal.

I'm American.

Jesus christ...


if the game only survives because of skins and microtransactions, then give the people who play it what they want

t. Bobby Lewis Moretti

You have never met an Italian or a young brit, have you?

is trash anyway, play some TF2 instead

>chavs and tanned chavs

Italians don't even know what a PC is and are incapable of writing a coherent sentence in English.
Brits are too busy being blackout drunk to give a shit.
Try again.

>And most of us never asked for merkel
So why do you keep voting her in?


5 Deutsche Marks have been deposited to your account
Carry on, cybersoldat.

>We're normal people
You're nothing but a country full of cucks.

>please realize we are pretty much the same as you.
God no, if I was anything like a German I'd kill myself.
And let's be honest, the guy you guys are getting ready to vote in is basically Merkel 2.0.

Not my fault EU governments are literally throwing your people under the bus hans.
At least I can laugh about it.

hi schlomo

Its alright m8 he asked a dumb question

Even though trump didn't exactly win the popular vote our system of the electoral college is the only one that matters anyway

im sure your voting system doesn't stupidly rely on the popular turn out

Name a classic game that has microtransactions. Thats what i rhought.

>game is still being updated
>give developers no money
>still expect updates

I always find this funny with Japanese publishers. A game by Namco or Square Enix doesn't need additional support. Yet at the same time, I buy bikini DLC...

Me on the right


t. tyrone/carlos

stay mad germcuck


thank u

yes yes good goyim
the germans are bad guys never forget those 600 billion jews

and fuck you too
i didn't sign for this shit, my country did

>the germans were ever at one point in history good

Gut gesagt mein Deutscher Bruder. I hide my powerlevel all the time unless I'm on pol of course. There is no reason to become a tripfag on Sup Forums (for me).

The only time I get called out here is when I upload an image and too lazy to change the filename from "Unbenannt" into something else.

Not everbody hates germans though.

losers are always the bad guys

So, how's that complete societal division to the point of no return that's benefitting the jews working out for you, dear retarded American? Have your liberal friends and family abandoned yet for voting for Trump?

Italians are not annoying because they don't have PCs.

Germany is beyond salvation

Germany, the refuge plague marks the third time in 100 years that you ruin Europe, and this time you don't have a good reason, you are doing it for the sake of it.
Please, nuke yourselves before you start another World War, or you force Europe to allow pedophilia.

WE'RE ON Sup Forums, NOT Sup Forums

Every single arcade game in existence :^)

>im sure your voting system doesn't stupidly rely on the popular turn out
It's a party list system. Means Merkel is in, regardless of how many votes she gets, because she is on list position 1.
Does this answer your question?

How did they fuck Denuvo in the ass then ?

>implying Germany is any more fucked up than any other western country.
>Implying Merkels fuckstupid decision wouldn't have been defended by french or british media, if their government would have made it.

Also at least we have 80 years of mandatory Allied Good Goys demanded guilt training as a reason, what excuse for pretty much the same immigration suicide do any of the other western good goy countries have?

We're all fucked lads. Let's just unite so we can win the coming european culture war.

>what's population density

Also Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Swizz, Austria beyond saving. Weirdly enough those are the other high population density nations. WEIRD. you realize CPY is Italian right?

England isn't too far off either.
It must be the germanic genes.

>And most of us never asked for merkel
>So why do you keep voting her in?
Let's bring our burgers up to speed:
The parliament votes Merkel into office, not the people.
The exact constitution of the parliament doesn't matter, because they all there love Merkel regardless of party and vote her back into office. These bootlickers can't be voted out, because they get there by party lists.
The only way to get rid of Merkel is that her party has to get less five percent of the total votes AND she needs to lose her constituency.
Both conditions need to be met, if she either wins her electoral district (even with 25 %) OR her party gets more than 5 % of the votes, she is back in office, because she is on position one of her party list.
Now the best thing about this:
Americans designed this system in 1949.
